• last year
(Adnkronos) - Con ricavi per 6,7 miliardi di euro nel 2022, un tasso di crescita medio annuo composto del +9,1%, nettamente superiore alla media di settore, un contributo al Pil di €7,2 miliardi di euro, pari a circa lo 0,4% del PIL del Paese, e 22 mila dipendenti di 100 nazionalità diverse al 2024, Lidl Italia prosegue il suo percorso di crescita costante tenendo al centro le persone. L’impatto economico e sociale dell’insegna della grande distribuzione organizzata è stato al centro dell’evento organizzato all’interno della Glass House di Villa Necchi Campiglio, nel cuore di Milano, durante il quale è stato presentato il ‘Bilancio di impatto socio-economico’, la cui realizzazione è stata affidata al primo think tank privato italiano, The European House - Ambrosetti. Alla presentazione del bilancio hanno partecipato Massimiliano Silvestri, presidente di Lidl Italia e Valerio De Molli, managing partner e Ceo di The European House - Ambrosetti.


00:00 In the glasshouse of Villa Necchi Campiglio in the heart of Milan, L'Idol Italia has presented
00:08 its socio-economic impact balance, whose realization was entrusted to European House Ambrosetti,
00:15 the first Italian private think tank.
00:17 The significant growth in the GDO's teaching, with a contribution to the GDP in 2022 of
00:22 7.2 billion euros, equal to about 0.4% of the GDP of the country, is accompanied by a
00:28 primary value for L'Idol, to put the employees at the center.
00:32 "Certainly our development, from the point of view of our network, has always been accompanied
00:38 by a development and by putting the employees at the center.
00:42 From this point of view, we have now reached 22,000 employees who help us every day
00:48 in carrying out our mission.
00:50 So for us, employees at the center, always and in any case, also developing training
00:56 programs, we activated last year training projects with the ITS, which allow us to
01:01 hire young, neo-diplomats of the training courses over two years, which will allow them
01:06 at the end of these two years to enter at a certain time in this company.
01:10 Another reason for extreme pride for us is the fact that 90% of our colleagues have
01:17 a job and an indefinite contract. "
01:20 From the point of view of the economic impact, two elements that distinguish L'Idol Italia.
01:25 One is how much L'Idol is worth as a direct-indirect ecosystem, induced and catalyzed on the country system.
01:34 Well, the data exceeds 7 billion added value, which in fact means 0.4% of the country's GDP.
01:45 L'Idol's industrial policy does not provide for the distribution of any dividend, but
01:51 provides for the reinvestment of everything.
01:53 It is evident that a group like L'Idol, which grows a lot through investments and puts
02:01 everything that generates value back into the ecosystem, is a group that has a decisive impact
02:08 on the growth of the country's industrial ecosystem.
02:12 The second aspect is the effect of the train on the industrial sectors.
02:17 Think that 2.5 billion years of food products exported, if it were a single company, would
02:25 be the second largest exporter of Italy in food.
02:30 So the systemic impact is really significant.
