• last year
These deleted scenes would have made things drastically different.


00:00 Much like any other creative process, films will go through a whole heap of changes throughout their productions
00:05 as their story begins to take shape and evolve.
00:07 Hell, with entire films sometimes even being saved in the editing room.
00:12 Sometimes it only takes omitting a single scene to change a film though,
00:15 whether that's its story, a character arc, or something as simple as the tone,
00:20 and that's exactly what we're talking about today.
00:23 So with that in mind, I'm Josh from WhatCulture.com,
00:25 and these are 10 cutscenes that would have totally changed their movies.
00:30 And spoilers for the Batman Ahead in Entry 7, just to give you a heads up.
00:34 Number 10, Frozen 2 - Anna Proposes to Kristoff.
00:38 Centering around Anna and Elsa as they venture into an enchanted forest to save their kingdom
00:42 and uncover secrets about their family's past, the follow-up offers a fun-filled adventure.
00:48 It's not without its faults though, one of which being the ultimately pointless subplot
00:53 that sees Kristoff work up the courage to propose to Anna.
00:57 It adds nothing to the plot and only really gets its payoff in the film's ending
01:01 when the pair do tie the knot.
01:03 However, this could have been remedied if the film included a deleted song called "Get This Right".
01:08 A funky love song performed by Kristoff, the song, released on the soundtrack album
01:13 as one of the bonus tracks, would have given more depth and purpose to the character.
01:18 More importantly though, it ends with Anna proposing to him,
01:20 which would have been a far more fitting end for her character's arc,
01:23 as well as making for a much sweeter moment to end on.
01:26 Number 9, The Lion King 1994 - Scar Makes Advances on Nala.
01:31 At this point, we've all seen The Lion King enough times to know that Scar is one of the most ferocious
01:36 Disney villains to appear on the big screen.
01:39 But one deleted scene released as part of the Signature Collection Blu-ray
01:42 depicts the conniving usurper in a much, much darker light,
01:46 which would have made the flick a lot less family-friendly.
01:50 In the scene in question, Scar wonders why his newly acquired subjects
01:54 won't show him the same affection that they did to his murdered brother, Mufasa.
01:58 To which he's given the answer that it's because he has no loving family or devoted queen.
02:04 Now here's where things get a little bit weird.
02:07 After this, Nala enters after Scar raves about wanting cubs to carry on his lineage.
02:12 And so a new verse of "Be Prepared" plays where he tells her to, quote,
02:16 "prepare for a stunning proposal", then pins her down,
02:19 and informs her that his, quote, "cylinders are firing with fervour".
02:23 Although this doesn't alter the plot significantly,
02:26 this deleted scene would have given the film implications that just wouldn't have fit with the film's tone.
02:32 Number 8 - IT Chapter 1 - Pennywise's Flashback
02:35 Andy Muschietti's IT was a total crowd-pleaser.
02:38 A real treat that landed with audiences and critics in part,
02:42 thanks to the camaraderie and chemistry between its central cast of young losers.
02:46 Combined with the updated 80s setting, this version of Stephen King's novel
02:50 was more funhouse thrills than nightmarish chills.
02:53 That isn't to say that the film didn't have any effective horror moments though.
02:58 But there was one scene that would have taken the horror to a whole new disturbing level.
03:03 In an interview with Variety,
03:05 Skarsgard spoke of one scene in particular that was cut from the movie.
03:09 And thanks to some clever sleuthing from internet users,
03:12 we now have a scripted version of the scene.
03:14 The scene in question would have shown a flashback of the creature in the 1600s,
03:18 confronting a mother and her newborn.
03:20 Telling her of how he'd devour them,
03:22 the script details the mother having the child follow the monster
03:25 before we hear a, quote, "sharp cry from the baby" cut off as we hear a crush.
03:31 Yeah, so yeah, that's, uh, that's pretty dark.
03:35 Number 7 - The Batman Proto-Joker
03:38 The Batman's only huge sequel tease came right at the very end.
03:41 Following Paul Dano's Riddler finally being locked up for his spot of terrorism.
03:46 He's consoled by another inmate in the cell next to his.
03:50 An inmate that's since been confirmed as the Joker.
03:52 However, director Matt Reeves has since revealed
03:55 that we were originally supposed to get even more of the supervillain in this movie.
04:00 With a scene being cut from earlier that had Robert Pattinson's Batman
04:04 going into Arkham to consult the Joker
04:06 in order to get a better psychological profile of the Riddler.
04:10 Obviously, this would have transformed the dynamic of the movie massively.
04:13 Making it clear that Batman and Joker already have a history
04:17 and a relationship in the movie's universe.
04:20 Number 6 - Get Out Rose Was Hypnotized Too
04:23 Get Out follows Chris's visit to his white girlfriend Rose's parents.
04:28 However, it doesn't take long for Chris to discover that he's been hypnotized by the mother
04:31 so a rich white man can take over his body
04:34 and get a few more years in the land of the living.
04:37 However, an extended conversation in a deleted scene
04:39 reveals a telling detail that would have completely changed the film's big twist.
04:44 The fact that originally, Rose was hypnotized too.
04:47 In the scene in question, Chris confronts his girlfriend about being in the Sunken Place
04:52 before Rose tells him that she was also hypnotized by her mum
04:56 to help overcome stage fright in high school.
04:59 Of course, Rose could well be lying here in order to reassure her soon-to-be victim.
05:04 But the implication is that she is also an unwilling participant
05:07 in her family's twisted kidnapping scheme.
05:09 The premise of Get Out is much scarier though
05:12 if the Armitage family are all acting on their own accord
05:15 and director Jordan Peele has said that this scene was cut
05:18 to avoid giving Rose any kind of out.
05:20 Number 5 - Return of the Jedi Yoda Hid The Truth
05:24 When it comes to the Star Wars franchise, there is arguably no character as recognizable or adored
05:29 as little green Jedi Master Yoda.
05:32 With his philosophical teachings and guidance, Yoda is definitely one of the good guys
05:36 but a brief line in a rare deleted scene in Return of the Jedi
05:40 shows that the kindly mentor has some deviously manipulative tactics.
05:45 Rediscovered from the film's Laserdisc version,
05:47 the scene in question shows a conversation between Luke, the ghost of Obi-Wan,
05:51 and Yoda on his deathbed.
05:53 It's during these dying moments that Yoda confesses that it was actually him
05:57 who kept the truth about Luke's Sith Lord father from the Jedi in training all this time.
06:03 The line "Obi-Wan would have told you if I let him" is the incriminating one here.
06:08 Though it's delivered in a throwaway fashion, the implications of it for the original trilogy are huge.
06:13 Not only does it show Yoda being the decision maker on keeping Luke in the dark,
06:17 it also tells us that Obi-Wan was in on the secret the whole time as well.
06:21 Watching both A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back with this in mind
06:24 will present both these characters in a somewhat less flattering light.
06:28 Number 4 - King Kong 1933 - The Spiders
06:32 Chronicling the expedition of a film crew to the ominously titled Skull Island
06:36 where they stumble upon the existence of the titular ape,
06:39 pioneering special effects artist Willis O'Brien's blending of clever stop-motion and live-action effects
06:45 made King Kong a monstrously spectacular big-screen event back in 1933,
06:50 as well as standing as tall as King Kong himself as one of the best monster movies ever made.
06:55 Despite causing carnage during the film's final act though,
06:58 Kong was ultimately presented as a caring creature who was pushed past his limit
07:02 by the real monsters in the picture, those being the humans.
07:06 In one deleted scene from an early version of the film though,
07:10 Kong was shown to be a lot more malicious when he forced a group of sailors into a ravine full of giant hungry spiders.
07:17 Number 3 - Sunset Boulevard - Talking to the Dead
07:20 Directed and co-written by Billy Wilder, who won an Oscar for his efforts,
07:24 Sunset Boulevard is without a doubt one of the most influential films ever put to screen.
07:29 Beginning with the now iconic scene of screenwriter Joe narrating the aftermath of his own death
07:33 as his body floats in a pool, the cynical study of Hollywood stardom follows the writer
07:38 as he becomes entwined in the delusions of older movie star Norma Desmond.
07:43 The result is an all-time banger of a film.
07:46 Believe it or not though, the original opening presented a far different tone.
07:50 Laughed at by test audiences, the alternate scene showed a living Joe in a morgue
07:55 talking to corpses about how they all died.
07:58 Disheartened by the reactions while they reshot the opening to a cost of around $150,000,
08:04 a price Studio Paramount were happy to pay for the far more superior introduction.
08:09 Number 2 - Cars - The Car Graveyard
08:12 The creative team at Pixar are known for tackling more mature themes in their films,
08:17 but this deleted scene in Cars was a bit too ghoulish even for them.
08:21 The redemption story of hotshot race car Lightning McQueen,
08:24 who finds friendship with a convoy of colourful characters in small-town Radiator Springs
08:28 after being ordered to repair the damages he caused,
08:31 this two-time Oscar-nominated film is as charming as you'd expect a Pixar film to be.
08:36 Of course, this is all after an early scene was removed that showed McQueen stumble on a car graveyard.
08:43 Titled "Lost", the aforementioned sequence takes place when the champion racer gets lost
08:47 trying to find his way back to the interstate at night
08:50 after becoming separated from his friend at a truck stop.
08:53 Full of genuinely harrowing, existential-filled imagery of scrapped cars,
08:57 this would have been too intense even for Pixar's standards.
09:01 While it does show McQueen confronted with his own mortality,
09:04 the scene only raises questions about what happens when these adorable anthropomorphic automobiles actually expire.
09:11 Number 1 - Terminator 2 - Judgment Day - Be More Human
09:15 Hailed as one of the best sequels and action movies ever made,
09:19 James Cameron's Terminator 2 - Judgment Day builds on the action and world-building of the first film
09:24 to spectacular fashion as we see Sarah Connor join forces with Schwarzenegger's T-800
09:30 to save her son from the even more deadly T-1000.
09:34 Following an intense action scene where we see the T-800 save the Connors from being terminated,
09:38 there's a brief scene in a gas station where the pair asks the cybernetic killer some questions,
09:43 one of them asking if Terminators can learn to be more human.
09:47 In the theatrical version, the scene cuts with the T-800 explaining that he learns by spending time with humans.
09:53 However, this scene originally went on much longer, and in the full version, he gives a lot more information,
09:59 detailing that the CPU inside his head has to be switched on from read-only to write.
10:05 While this scene, which was cut to save time, doesn't affect the emotional impact of the ending,
10:10 including it with the special edition release allowed viewers to understand
10:14 the killing machine's emotional evolution from a different perspective.
10:18 He doesn't just learn how to be human, he allows himself to learn.
10:23 So, that's our list. I want to know what you guys think down in the comments below.
10:26 What do you think about these deleted scenes, and are there any cool ones I missed off here?
10:31 While you're down there as well, could you please give us a like, share, subscribe,
10:33 and head over to WhatCulture.com for more lists and news like this every single day.
10:37 Even if you don't though, I've been Josh, thanks so much for watching, and I'll see you soon.
