Will Trent Episode 10 - Do You See The Vision. - Will Trent 210
00:00 We found another body.
00:01 A serialist.
00:02 Yeah.
00:03 Maybe this will lead to a break in this unbreakable case.
00:05 Next Tuesday...
00:06 We have to be missing something.
00:07 ...on the Will Trent season finale.
00:09 Pedo, asphyxiation, toy.
00:12 This is personal.
00:13 Women serial killers, they want to be present at the moment of death.
00:17 Revenge fantasy.
00:18 Lead the way.
00:19 Gigi, I breathe!
00:20 The Will Trent season finale, next Tuesday on ABC and stream on Hulu.