带你了解EPF account 3!最低提款额是RM50!

  • 4 months ago
雇员公积金局(KWSP)在5月11日推出公积金第三户口(Akaun Fleksibel/Flexible Account/Account 3),让会员提款做为应急用途。

#知多点 #KWSP #epfacc3 #xuan #XUANPlay
00:00 The newly added EPF third account is to allow members to withdraw money unconditionally as a hard level.
00:04 The minimum withdrawal amount is 50 coins.
00:06 It takes 9 steps to transfer the deposit from the second account to the third account.
00:10 1. Log in to iacom mobile app.
00:12 2. Click "Learn more".
00:14 3. Click "Next".
00:16 Learn more about the re-planning of the public fund account.
00:19 4. Click "Transfer now".
00:21 5. Click "Continue" after reading the important reminders.
00:24 6. Click "Members can view the deposit amount of three accounts before and after transfer".
00:29 7. Click "Accept" after reading the member's terms.
00:32 8. Click "Continue".
00:34 9. After completing the application process, the amount of the third account will be approved within 3-5 working days.
00:40 During May 12 to August 31, all members of the public fund bureau have only one chance to transfer the deposit of the second account to the third account.
00:48 If the member does not use this opportunity, the original balance of the second account will be retained.
00:52 Once made a choice, it will not be canceled.
00:54 Therefore, before transferring, you must think carefully before making a decision.
00:57 (whooshing)
