Ukraine Builds Underground School To Weather Russian Attacks

  • 4 months ago
The Ukrainian city of Kharkiv has opened an underground school in a bunker amid renewed Russian attacks on the region.


00:00 It's the first day of classes at this newly opened school in the eastern Ukrainian city
00:08 of Kharkiv.
00:09 Hundreds of students fill its halls.
00:12 For some, it's the first time they've set foot in a physical school at all.
00:24 Kharkiv was one of the early targets of Russia's 2022 invasion of Ukraine, forcing the city's
00:32 schools to go online.
00:34 In recent days, Russia has launched a new offensive on the surrounding region.
00:42 But this is a school built for wartime.
00:45 It's six meters underground and designed to take direct hits from the frequent Russian
00:49 missile and drone attacks on the city.
00:53 Inside, there's everything students need to learn, grow and play.
01:03 The mayor says the city has a plan for how these kinds of schools will function.
01:07 "As I said, this school is designed for 450 students in one shift.
01:12 In two shifts, we will have the opportunity to teach 900 students.
01:17 At first, we will start with 300-350 students, then we will increase the pace, because we
01:29 need teachers to get used to it, children to get used to it, and to be able to do everything.
01:36 I think that from the first of September, it will be fully operational."
01:43 The city hopes to build at least three more bunker schools like this one.
01:47 And though it's early days yet, the headmaster is pleased with what he sees so far.
01:51 "The sky and the ground.
01:53 Unfortunately, you know that in most educational institutions there are no normal shelters.
01:59 We have just basements, basements that are not at all adapted to the educational process.
02:04 And this building is adapted to provide quality educational services and not just educational
02:10 services."
02:13 And what about the children?
02:15 Mother Marina Prikova has two kids here.
02:19 Nine-year-old Masha, who dressed up for the school's opening.
02:22 And six-year-old Oleksii, who is meeting his classmates in person for the first time.
02:28 She says even in wartime, it's important to give the kids as normal a life as possible.
02:33 "Yes, it's worrying.
02:35 Of course, it's very worrying.
02:37 But I understand that no matter what happens, life goes on.
02:41 And we have to try to live here and now and every day."
02:48 Though there's no end in sight to this now three-year-long war, this region of Ukraine
02:55 is taking a longer view and investing in what it hopes will be a happy, healthy post-war
03:00 generation.
03:01 Dolphine Chen, John Van Triest and Harrell Hughes for Taiwan Plus.
