The girl and the CEO reached an agreement for their son, and the two began to understand each other

  • 4 months ago
The girl and the CEO reached an agreement for their son and the two began to understand each other
00:00Mommy, I'm back!
00:02Hey, Tony. I'm your daddy.
00:04Daddy, I missed you so much.
00:07I missed you too, buddy.
00:08Baby, you've never met this man. Come on, go inside. The grown-ups need to talk.
00:12Come on.
00:15Okay, here's the deal.
00:18I'll give you a million dollars. You can be in Tony's life, you can be his father, you can live like a family until he's 16.
00:24But until then, I'm the one who's in charge, okay? I'm the one who makes the decisions. Got it?
00:30A million dollars, really.
00:32What, you're going to make more money driving around with pizzas?
00:35I'll see what happens here. I'm sure.
00:39Are you really my daddy?
00:41Yes, I am, bud. Hey, we're going to have a family lunch. What do you want to eat?
00:47Okay, yeah, let's go see where daddy works. Go put your bag away, honey.
00:51You didn't tell him I was a pizza delivery boy, did you?
00:54Yeah, I did. He wanted to know about you. After all these years, that's the only thing I can remember.
01:03Ma'am, yeah, we need to buy a pizza shop. Right now. Yeah, right now. I'm heading there right now, so let me know where it is.
