IHSG Menguat ke Level 7.245 di Sesi I (16/05/2024)

  • 4 months ago
IHSG sesi I ditutup menguat 0,91% di level 7.245 pada perdagangan Kamis (16/5) sejalan dengan penutupan bursa global yang positif pada penutupan semalam.

"IHSG menguat seiring dengan optimisme investor yang memandang positif dari rilis data tingkat inflasi AS yang melambat menjadi 3,6% YoY pada April 2024 (Maret 2024: 3,8% YoY) angka ini sejalan dengan perkiraan konsensus," tuls riset harian Panin Sekuritas, Jakarta, siang ini.


00:00 We will update the closing of the Indonesian Stock Exchange for the index price and the joint in the first session on Thursday.
00:07 This is the day when the IHSG continues to strengthen, just like the global stock exchange which usually records the record.
00:12 The IHSG rose to 7200, precisely at 7245, up 65 points, closed, strengthening 0.91%.
00:23 From the exchange value of Rupiah, the Pemirsa, Cenderung also strengthened to 15920, up 0.15% compared to the US dollar.
00:32 The main contributors of the IHSG are the BBRI, which released 2.5% at 4940.
00:43 The TPIA also strengthened to 1.37% at 9250. Astra International strengthened to 2% at 4620.
00:53 And AMMN rose 1.5% at 10350.
00:58 From the gainers based on the Pemirsa's value, we will now turn to the losers, among them is Telkom.
01:04 Samtelkom fell 2.58% at 3020, then there is Gotu, fell 3.03% at 64%, Sola fell 25% at 189%, and EXCL also fell 7% at 2400.
01:22 In terms of sector, the Pemirsa Property led with 1.43% strengthening, maybe because it is sensitive to the Bunga tribe, especially after the latest data from the US about inflation that meets expectations.
01:35 The Baku also strengthened to 1.36%, Transportation and Logistics strengthened to 1.25%, and Technology also strengthened to 0.03%.
01:44 Those are the four main sectors that strengthened, until the closing of the first session this afternoon.
01:51 We will be back with other information after the break, stay tuned on IDXFar Session Closing.
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