When girl attended a banquet, she was unexpectedly challenged by the scheming woman "Just wait!"

  • 4 months ago
When girl attended a banquet she was unexpectedly challenged by the scheming woman Just wait
00:02 George, were you rude to Charles Ambrose at the pizza parlor
00:10 because he called me very upset?
00:13 It was a complicated situation.
00:14 Well, do you care to explain that to me?
00:17 You know it's going to be very soon that you are presented
00:19 publicly to the city as the Daunton heir.
00:24 I told you I'll take care of the business.
00:26 But I don't want to be some kind of freakish public figure.
00:32 Hello, Catherine?
00:36 Hey, George.
00:37 I'm sorry, I have to cancel our lunch date.
00:39 Yeah, something important came up.
00:41 All right, see you at the house, thanks.
00:44 How nice that you could join me at Swinview's birthday party.
00:46 Everyone who's going to be there is either super rich
00:48 or super powerful.
00:50 Just like us.
00:55 What is he doing here?
01:00 Who are you talking about, Katie?
01:01 Never mind.
01:05 You know, I'm actually really surprised
01:07 that Swinview's invited me.
01:08 We've just closed the deal.
01:10 Well, you are Mr. Swinview's biggest partner now.
01:13 Now the woods are going to have to find a way to survive.
01:16 I can't see a way out.
01:18 Looks like a dead end.
01:19 Check my data to get this fixed.
01:20 OK.
01:21 Right there.
01:22 Sure.
01:23 Yeah, I don't know.
01:24 Ma'am, do you have an invitation?
01:25 Not a paper one, no.
01:27 I'm afraid I can't let you in.
01:29 Mr. Swinview invited me himself an hour ago.
01:32 What are you doing here?
01:34 It's Ms. Swinview's birthday party.
01:35 No place for sluts.
01:37 Yeah, Renee, you should probably go home.
01:40 Ms. Neal, welcome.
01:42 Thank you.
01:42 Please.
01:43 Lady, I'm going to have to ask you to leave.
01:45 No, no, no, that's too nice.
01:48 [GASPS]
01:50 OK, what is going on out here?
01:53 Oh, waitress, please.
01:56 Ms. Daughton, I was just trying to help.
01:58 This woman is an uninvited guest,
01:59 and she was trying to break in, and the guards
02:01 wouldn't do anything about it.
02:03 You were trying to help?
02:05 Yes, Ms. Daughton.
02:06 My name's Renee Neal.
02:07 It's an honor to meet you, ma'am.
02:10 (dramatic music)
