• last year
Immerse yourself in CBS's captivating legal drama, Elsbeth, created by the acclaimed Robert and Michelle King. In this sneak peek from Season 1 Episode 9, prepare for an unforgettable experience. Starring the exceptional Carrie Preston, Carra Patterson and a remarkable ensemble cast, watch as multifaceted characters navigate the twists and turns of this riveting legal narrative. Don't miss the excitement and drama of Elsbeth, now streaming on Paramount+!

Elsbeth Cast:

Carrie Preston, Windell Pierce and Carra Patterson

Stream Elsbeth Season 1 now on Paramount+!


00:00 Hey, you okay?
00:02 [Metal clinking]
00:04 [Metal clinking]
00:06 It's just my son was bullied.
00:10 His other boy just completely ruined seventh grade.
00:14 What did this other boy do?
00:16 What do bullies always do?
00:18 No, I will not tell you his name just in case.
00:23 But you step in and try to stop it?
00:25 I mean, if it was my kid...
00:26 We went to the principal.
00:28 But this other little bugger,
00:30 he made it like it was all Teddy's fault.
00:32 And you just accepted that?
00:33 No.
00:34 I was so angry.
00:36 I wanted to hurt.
00:39 I wanted to hurt that nasty kid.
00:41 I wanted to do something.
00:44 But what kind of lesson would I be teaching my son?
00:48 But if you had done something,
00:50 it might have made you closer to your son.
00:53 Maybe made the world a better place.
00:55 I mean, where is this kid right now?
00:57 Maybe he's a doctor getting people hooked on fentanyl
01:02 or a corrupt politician.
01:04 Or maybe he's just a petty little tyrant
01:07 crushing people in his petty little world.
01:11 There has to be some justice.
01:14 If something goes wrong, we have to make it right.
01:18 We can't wait for someone else to do it.
01:21 And did you make it right for Ivy?
01:24 [laughs]
01:27 Well, now I know you have nothing on me,
01:31 otherwise I'd be arrested, right?
01:34 Listen, I just want to make one thing clear.
01:37 Ivy had nothing to do with anything.
01:41 And you better leave her alone.
01:44 [scoffs]
01:46 You don't like it when people bother her, do you?
01:52 I don't like you bothering me.
01:55 [laughs]
01:57 [sighs]
01:59 [music fades]
02:02 [no audio]
