2015 The Sand HOT MOVIE

  • 4 months ago
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00:03:55 Hey.
00:03:59 Look Mitch. Dude I get it. Okay I get it. Vegas rules.
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00:04:09 You want to get wet? Surfing. Do you want to surf?
00:04:16 I just... I just want to go home.
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00:04:28 Hey where are you going?
00:04:31 Nowhere.
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00:04:46 Good morning. Morning.
00:04:49 We should probably... Later?
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00:04:58 Okay people let's get up and out of here. No. Five more minutes.
00:05:03 My feet. I can't.
00:05:07 Marcia just get up.
00:05:10 [scream]
00:05:15 Yo is she okay?
00:05:19 She probably just stepped on something.
00:05:23 [scream]
00:05:26 Yo something's wrong.
00:05:28 No you don't.
00:05:30 We have to help her.
00:05:32 No Vance you can't.
00:05:34 [scream]
00:05:36 Get back in the...
00:05:38 Vance. There's just something wrong with the stand up.
00:05:40 You have to help him.
00:05:42 Vance.
00:05:43 You guys why isn't he getting up?
00:05:45 Ronnie. Help. Help me.
00:05:49 [music]
00:05:51 I'm going. No.
00:05:53 Just let me go.
00:05:55 Vance.
00:05:56 God damn it do something.
00:05:58 Start the car Jonah. Start the car.
00:06:00 It's going to be okay.
00:06:01 Come on.
00:06:02 It's going to be okay Vance. Baby look at me.
00:06:04 Look at me baby.
00:06:05 Ronnie. Help.
00:06:07 Get a rope. Get something. Just see what there is.
00:06:09 Alright.
00:06:10 I'm coming Vance. I got you bro.
00:06:13 Look at me baby. Look at...
00:06:15 Shh.
00:06:17 I got him.
00:06:21 He's sinking.
00:06:22 Please. Please get up.
00:06:28 Please.
00:06:30 This isn't real.
00:06:32 Guys.
00:06:41 Vance.
00:06:43 Okay. Okay. God.
00:06:47 What the hell?
00:06:50 Somebody want to tell me what the fuck just happened?
00:06:52 You saw.
00:06:53 It was quick Sam. We need to get out there and dig.
00:06:55 No. You saw the sand.
00:06:58 The sand ate him. It devoured him.
00:07:01 It was chemicals.
00:07:02 What?
00:07:03 Chemicals. There was a spill or something.
00:07:04 Like oil or something.
00:07:06 That's bullshit.
00:07:07 Oil does not do that.
00:07:08 Well the fucking quickie loop guy would earn more than fucking minimum wage.
00:07:12 It was the government.
00:07:14 So it was the government oil chemicals that killed Vance.
00:07:18 Mystery solved.
00:07:20 Okay. What do we do?
00:07:21 I'm going to call my congressman.
00:07:22 Can't call him now in 60 minutes.
00:07:24 Get me my phone.
00:07:25 Call someone and get the fuck out of here.
00:07:28 The phones are in the trunk.
00:07:30 Oh that's just great.
00:07:32 How are we supposed to get them?
00:07:34 Vegas rules you dick.
00:07:37 What kind of stupid ass plan was that?
00:07:39 Take our phones away so we don't end up on the fucking internet.
00:07:42 See how played up that is?
00:07:46 Guys. Hey. Hey. It's okay.
00:07:50 You know we're okay.
00:07:52 The fuck we are. Did you see what just happened?
00:07:54 No he's right.
00:07:56 Look around.
00:07:58 We're okay.
00:08:00 Vance is in the fucking sand.
00:08:02 Vance is gone but we're okay.
00:08:05 And we're going to stay okay right?
00:08:06 Right.
00:08:11 Okay it can't get us in the car. We got to stay in the car.
00:08:14 Okay drive the car over here and get us and we'll get out of here.
00:08:17 And tell somebody about this and they can come deal with this shit.
00:08:20 The car won't start.
00:08:22 It's the battery.
00:08:24 Jonah stop. Lights.
00:08:26 Turn the lights off.
00:08:34 Dead battery.
00:08:37 It's okay.
00:08:39 Alright then we wait here. We're just going to wait here.
00:08:41 Someone's going to come. Someone's bound to come and come save us right?
00:08:43 Kaylee what are you doing?
00:08:45 Kaylee. Kaylee.
00:08:48 What are you doing? Are you crazy?
00:08:50 No just look. Listen to me.
00:08:51 You're saying you can't.
00:08:53 Okay just please shut up for a second and pay attention to this.
00:08:58 Kaylee.
00:08:59 Just watch.
00:09:04 [Music]
00:09:28 Asshole!
00:09:30 Get me out of here!
00:09:31 No stop.
00:09:33 Come on you assholes help me.
00:09:34 Gilbert you have to listen to me.
00:09:35 Screw you.
00:09:36 Gilbert stop.
00:09:37 Is this you Mitch?
00:09:38 Gilbert look at me.
00:09:39 You better start running. Consider this a head start.
00:09:42 Gilbert don't move.
00:09:44 This is not a joke man.
00:09:45 Gilbert stop.
00:09:46 Please stop.
00:09:47 Stop.
00:09:48 Seriously.
00:09:49 Gilbert.
00:09:50 You're jammed in a fucking trash can asshole.
00:09:51 Help me out of here.
00:09:52 Gilbert you have to listen to me.
00:09:59 What is it?
00:10:00 There's something in the sand.
00:10:02 What?
00:10:03 I don't know. We don't know.
00:10:04 Man this is dead.
00:10:06 Dead?
00:10:07 Marsha too.
00:10:08 Who?
00:10:10 You know her. The girl with the feet like.
00:10:13 That's not funny.
00:10:14 What we know is you can't touch the sand.
00:10:16 Yeah man there's something in it like little hairs.
00:10:19 Little hairs?
00:10:20 Yeah.
00:10:21 What am I supposed to do?
00:10:22 You're supposed to sit tight.
00:10:24 Sit tight?
00:10:25 I'm jammed in a fucking trash can Mitch.
00:10:27 It hurts dude.
00:10:28 It really hurts.
00:10:30 Listen you have to okay.
00:10:33 You guys are fucking with me.
00:10:35 Dude Gilbert please.
00:10:37 Gilbert listen to me.
00:10:38 I'm listening.
00:10:39 Okay the tide's coming in.
00:10:42 Yeah in about two hours dude that tide's gonna be right up next to you okay.
00:10:45 Can you wait that long?
00:10:47 It hurts Mitch.
00:10:48 Just hang in there okay. Get some rest or something.
00:11:05 Just let her go.
00:11:07 It's nice she found someone.
00:11:28 Look what do you want from me?
00:11:30 The same thing you wanted from me.
00:11:33 Doesn't sound so bad when I put it that way does it?
00:11:39 It doesn't matter anymore.
00:11:58 The tide is coming in?
00:12:00 Why'd you say that?
00:12:02 You think it makes Gilbert feel any better?
00:12:05 Being stuck in a goddamn trash can without any hope?
00:12:09 I'm sorry.
00:12:12 I'm sorry.
00:12:15 I'm sorry.
00:12:18 I'm sorry.
00:12:21 I'm sorry.
00:12:24 I'm sorry.
00:12:27 I'm sorry.
00:12:30 I'm sorry.
00:12:33 I'm sorry.
00:12:35 I'm sorry.
00:12:45 I'm sorry.
00:12:55 I'm sorry.
00:13:05 I'm sorry.
00:13:15 I'm sorry.
00:13:25 I'm sorry.
00:13:35 I'm sorry.
00:13:45 I'm sorry.
00:14:05 What happened last night?
00:14:07 Nothing.
00:14:09 We had a few drinks, we talked, then nothing happened.
00:14:14 We walked on the beach and talked.
00:14:17 Then what?
00:14:19 I don't know.
00:14:20 I mean, you weren't handling the Jonah and Shonda show, so we talked about like friends.
00:14:25 Came back in here and crashed.
00:14:28 And that's about it.
00:14:30 If we'd fucked, I'd know.
00:14:32 I'm talking about the sand.
00:14:34 What's different?
00:14:36 If we walk on it last night, what happened between then and now?
00:14:42 Just...
00:14:54 Hey, found this.
00:14:55 Oh, great.
00:14:56 We've only been out here for hours.
00:14:58 You got a good base, Shonda.
00:14:59 You'll be fine.
00:15:00 It's great.
00:15:01 Right here.
00:15:06 What happened last night?
00:15:08 The fucking sand killed my boyfriend, is what.
00:15:10 Okay, how, when, what changed?
00:15:12 What happened?
00:15:13 Who cares?
00:15:14 Get me out of here.
00:15:16 Yeah, Gilbert's right.
00:15:17 Does it matter?
00:15:18 Yeah, it does.
00:15:19 If we can figure out what happened, then maybe we can...
00:15:22 Maybe we can what?
00:15:23 Do my back.
00:15:25 Maybe we can figure out how to get out.
00:15:29 We were all here last night, camped out.
00:15:31 Everyone was fine.
00:15:34 Everyone crashed out.
00:15:35 Oh, God.
00:15:39 What?
00:15:48 Not everyone.
00:15:50 Not everyone.
00:15:53 Everyone?
00:16:03 Oh, my God.
00:16:21 No way.
00:16:23 Oh, shit.
00:16:24 This is a prank.
00:16:25 I'm gonna fuck you guys up when I get out of here.
00:16:28 I'm gonna fuck you up.
00:16:30 Get me out.
00:16:31 Get me out.
00:16:32 Gil, Gil, just chill out for a second, man.
00:16:36 It's so fucking hot.
00:16:38 I'm burning.
00:16:40 I know, I know.
00:16:41 Calm down.
00:16:42 Let me help you.
00:16:43 I gotta get out of here.
00:16:44 I gotta get out of here.
00:16:46 Careful.
00:16:47 No, no, no.
00:16:48 Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
00:16:49 We got sunblock, man.
00:16:50 Sunblock?
00:16:51 Fucking sunblock?
00:16:53 Look, sunblock's what I got, okay?
00:16:55 Do you want it?
00:16:56 It's too far.
00:16:57 You're not gonna make that.
00:16:58 Jonah, you can make it.
00:17:01 Let me try.
00:17:10 Oh, son of a...
00:17:12 Good job, Jonah.
00:17:15 Thank you.
00:17:17 Thank you so much.
00:17:32 Oh, that's so good.
00:17:43 What?
00:17:44 Do you see?
00:17:45 What is that?
00:17:56 Me and Vance found it.
00:17:58 Up the beach.
00:18:02 What is it?
00:18:04 It wasn't crack last night.
00:18:05 I actually almost tripped over it.
00:18:06 It's almost like it hatched.
00:18:10 It hatched?
00:18:11 It's an egg?
00:18:14 Like a monster?
00:18:16 Holy shit, I think she's right.
00:18:20 It's under the beach.
00:18:21 It's under the sand.
00:18:25 I don't believe in monsters.
00:18:27 Yeah, I don't know about monsters, but it is a fucking egg.
00:18:31 What, so it's alive?
00:18:34 Alive?
00:18:36 I mean, it has to be.
00:18:38 Alive?
00:18:39 Guys, get me out of here!
00:18:42 Get me out of here!
00:18:44 Listen, Gilbert, if...
00:18:45 Okay, if it just hatched last night, then how big can it be, right?
00:18:50 Right.
00:18:51 There's got to be a size to it.
00:18:52 It can't be that big.
00:18:54 There's got to be a shape.
00:18:56 I've got an idea.
00:18:57 Just wait.
00:19:06 Okay.
00:19:16 What are you doing?
00:19:37 Trying to see how big it is.
00:19:39 Who cares?
00:19:41 It's all around us.
00:19:42 No, maybe.
00:19:43 Maybe not.
00:19:44 That's good thinking.
00:19:46 Is it?
00:19:47 How long are we going to be stuck out here and you're throwing out our only food?
00:19:59 Here, let me try.
00:20:12 God, sit down.
00:20:14 Give me another one.
00:20:16 Try the other one.
00:20:17 Give me another one.
00:20:18 Who got hot dogs, bitch?
00:20:19 What the hell?
00:20:20 You going to feed a freaking pervert?
00:20:21 You going to feed Gilbert?
00:20:22 What the fuck?
00:20:23 Throw me a hot dog, a drink, or something, man.
00:20:24 I'm dying over here.
00:20:25 You having a motherfucking picnic?
00:20:26 I'm over here barbing.
00:20:27 Give me a fucking hot dog.
00:20:28 Oh, God.
00:20:49 I'm going to die.
00:21:15 Oh, God.
00:21:44 That's it.
00:21:45 That's how far it is?
00:21:46 Yes.
00:21:47 Oh, my God.
00:21:48 Yes.
00:21:49 Because that's it?
00:21:50 Yes.
00:21:51 What does it matter?
00:21:52 We can't get from here to there.
00:21:53 No, no, no.
00:21:54 It's not so far.
00:21:55 We can figure something out.
00:21:56 No, no, no.
00:21:57 We'll find a way to--
00:21:58 No, it is too far.
00:21:59 It's too dangerous.
00:22:00 We'll sit tight.
00:22:01 We'll be okay.
00:22:02 Someone will come.
00:22:03 No, they won't.
00:22:04 It's spring break.
00:22:05 Where are you supposed to be?
00:22:06 I'm supposed to be going to Cabo in like three hours.
00:22:07 I'm supposed to be going to the airport.
00:22:08 I'm supposed to be going to the airport.
00:22:09 I'm supposed to be going to the airport.
00:22:10 Where are you supposed to be?
00:22:11 I'm supposed to be going to Cabo in like three hours.
00:22:14 No one's going to come looking for me for like two weeks.
00:22:17 Okay, no, but it's a beach.
00:22:20 People come.
00:22:21 No one else is here.
00:22:23 No one's come here for hours.
00:22:26 What if they can't?
00:22:27 What if--
00:22:28 What if every beach is like this?
00:22:30 What if it's all like this?
00:22:32 Every beach, everywhere?
00:22:39 There was Matt's sleeping bag, Nate, Sandy was--
00:22:46 No one's come looking for them.
00:22:49 Not a single person.
00:22:54 Ronnie's right.
00:22:56 There's not been a boat or a car.
00:22:59 We don't know if she's right.
00:23:00 We don't know if she's wrong.
00:23:12 You know what? Screw this.
00:23:13 Jonah.
00:23:14 Jonah, are you in?
00:23:15 I'm not going to let her just sit around.
00:23:16 Jonah, you're being stupid.
00:23:18 What are you doing?
00:23:19 It's not stupid.
00:23:20 It's sitting around doing nothing.
00:23:21 Take this.
00:23:22 Just be careful.
00:23:24 Oh, shit.
00:23:26 Oh, shit.
00:23:27 Jonah.
00:23:28 Jonah.
00:23:29 Fuck.
00:23:33 Hey.
00:23:34 Oh.
00:23:40 Dude.
00:23:41 No, don't. Don't.
00:23:42 Jonah.
00:23:45 Hey.
00:23:49 It's okay.
00:23:50 It's okay.
00:24:05 No, no, wait, wait.
00:24:07 Fingers, fingers.
00:24:12 Nice job, babe.
00:24:16 Careful, Jonah.
00:24:20 Hey, Kaylee.
00:24:21 We need to talk.
00:24:24 You sure your mouth isn't too busy?
00:24:25 Get over it.
00:24:31 That's what you're bitter about?
00:24:33 Well, it seems like you had a pretty good night yourself.
00:24:36 Come on, dude.
00:24:38 What?
00:24:39 You want to say something?
00:24:42 No.
00:24:43 It's for later.
00:24:44 No, man.
00:24:45 There is no later.
00:24:47 Not today.
00:24:50 Why don't you ask Vance how later is going for him?
00:24:55 Or Duck Feet.
00:24:57 Marsha.
00:24:59 Whatever.
00:25:00 Or all the other people that left the party early.
00:25:03 Dude, you're being a dick.
00:25:04 Am I?
00:25:06 Well, I'm not alone.
00:25:08 You little shithead.
00:25:16 How can you possibly cut the fucking bullshit?
00:25:19 I'm dying here.
00:25:25 Yeah, walk away.
00:25:37 Jonah.
00:25:38 Jonah.
00:25:39 No, no, no.
00:25:40 It's okay.
00:25:41 The board just shifted.
00:25:42 Hey.
00:25:43 Hey.
00:25:44 I'm okay.
00:25:45 I'm okay.
00:25:46 Look.
00:25:47 They're moving.
00:25:48 Jonah.
00:25:49 The sand is moving.
00:25:50 The board's okay.
00:25:51 You just have to come back.
00:25:52 Baby, please.
00:25:53 Come back.
00:25:54 Hold on.
00:25:55 Jonah.
00:26:06 Jonah.
00:26:16 Jonah.
00:26:30 Jonah.
00:26:38 I'm okay.
00:26:39 I'm okay.
00:26:43 Jonah, talk to us.
00:26:52 It doesn't work.
00:26:54 Katie.
00:26:55 John.
00:26:59 Jonah.
00:27:01 Jonah.
00:27:02 Jonah, look at me.
00:27:04 Quick.
00:27:05 Can you hear me?
00:27:06 Jonah.
00:27:07 Jonah.
00:27:21 Fuck.
00:27:22 Fuck.
00:27:25 Jonah.
00:27:28 Fuck, that really hurts.
00:27:34 Hey.
00:27:36 Fuck, it really, really hurts.
00:27:38 It's like a jellyfish times a thousand.
00:27:41 Do something.
00:27:42 Help him.
00:27:43 I don't know what to do.
00:27:44 Somebody tell me what the fuck is going on.
00:27:48 It's poison.
00:27:49 What?
00:27:50 It's poison.
00:27:51 That's why it hurts so bad, because he barely touched it.
00:28:02 Look at me, Jonah.
00:28:07 You're okay.
00:28:08 You're okay, babe.
00:28:13 I'm okay.
00:28:15 I'm okay.
00:28:19 That'll wake you up in the morning.
00:28:24 Yeah.
00:28:30 Babe, what is it?
00:28:34 Good news, guy.
00:28:42 Jonah.
00:28:48 Jonah, what are you doing?
00:28:49 Hey.
00:28:50 Hey, Jonah, what are you doing?
00:29:13 Babe.
00:29:17 It's a fire.
00:29:27 It's a fire.
00:29:37 Oh, my God, Jonah, your stomach.
00:29:51 Jonah.
00:29:56 Jonah.
00:30:01 You need to get on that table.
00:30:10 We all told you not to do it, but now you're over there and you're going to make the most
00:30:17 of it, okay?
00:30:18 So get on that table.
00:30:19 I've got to sit down.
00:30:20 No.
00:30:21 I'm tired.
00:30:32 You've done a good job so far, but your job is not done.
00:30:36 You need to look through that bag and tell me what you've got.
00:30:49 What's the party in here, guys?
00:30:59 We've got mixers.
00:31:01 That's good.
00:31:08 This one's for my main man, Gilbert.
00:31:31 Thank God, man, you couldn't have did this any sooner.
00:31:53 Still good?
00:31:56 You first, okay?
00:31:59 I'm not so thirsty.
00:32:06 I'm not so thirsty.
00:32:26 Look at me.
00:32:45 You need to get on that table.
00:33:14 Look.
00:33:15 They're moving.
00:33:16 They're still moving.
00:33:17 God, this is what it does.
00:33:18 It just sits and it waits for food to wander onto it.
00:33:19 Why would it leave anything for us to stand on?
00:33:20 Look.
00:33:21 That's the edge of it.
00:33:48 I'm not going to let it go.
00:34:16 I'm not going to let it go.
00:34:17 I'm not going to let it go.
00:34:18 I'm not going to let it go.
00:34:19 I'm not going to let it go.
00:34:20 I'm not going to let it go.
00:34:21 I'm not going to let it go.
00:34:22 I'm not going to let it go.
00:34:23 I'm not going to let it go.
00:34:24 I'm not going to let it go.
00:34:25 I'm not going to let it go.
00:34:26 I'm not going to let it go.
00:34:27 I'm not going to let it go.
00:34:28 I'm not going to let it go.
00:34:29 I'm not going to let it go.
00:34:30 I'm not going to let it go.
00:34:31 I'm not going to let it go.
00:34:32 I'm not going to let it go.
00:34:33 I'm not going to let it go.
00:34:34 I'm not going to let it go.
00:34:35 I'm not going to let it go.
00:34:37 Shonda.
00:34:38 What?
00:34:39 There isn't a release.
00:34:40 You have to use the keys.
00:34:41 What are you doing?
00:34:42 In my mom's car, you can pull the back seats down and get to the trunk.
00:34:43 Does the back seat come down?
00:34:44 I never did that with Joan.
00:34:45 I think I can stand on the bumper.
00:34:46 I'm not going to let it go.
00:34:47 I'm not going to let it go.
00:34:48 I'm not going to let it go.
00:34:49 I'm not going to let it go.
00:34:50 I'm not going to let it go.
00:34:51 I'm not going to let it go.
00:34:52 I'm not going to let it go.
00:34:53 I'm not going to let it go.
00:34:54 I'm not going to let it go.
00:34:55 I'm not going to let it go.
00:34:56 I'm not going to let it go.
00:34:57 I'm not going to let it go.
00:34:58 I'm not going to let it go.
00:34:59 I'm not going to let it go.
00:35:00 I'm not going to let it go.
00:35:01 I'm not going to let it go.
00:35:02 I'm not going to let it go.
00:35:03 I'm not going to let it go.
00:35:04 I'm not going to let it go.
00:35:05 I'm not going to let it go.
00:35:06 I'm not going to let it go.
00:35:07 I'm not going to let it go.
00:35:08 I'm not going to let it go.
00:35:09 I'm not going to let it go.
00:35:10 I'm not going to let it go.
00:35:11 I'm not going to let it go.
00:35:12 I'm not going to let it go.
00:35:13 I'm not going to let it go.
00:35:14 I'm not going to let it go.
00:35:15 I'm not going to let it go.
00:35:16 I'm not going to let it go.
00:35:17 I'm not going to let it go.
00:35:18 I'm not going to let it go.
00:35:19 I'm not going to let it go.
00:35:20 I'm not going to let it go.
00:35:21 I'm not going to let it go.
00:35:22 I'm not going to let it go.
00:35:23 I'm not going to let it go.
00:35:24 I'm not going to let it go.
00:35:25 I'm not going to let it go.
00:35:26 I'm not going to let it go.
00:35:27 I'm not going to let it go.
00:35:28 I'm not going to let it go.
00:35:29 I'm not going to let it go.
00:35:30 I'm not going to let it go.
00:35:31 I'm not going to let it go.
00:35:32 I'm not going to let it go.
00:35:33 I'm not going to let it go.
00:35:34 I'm not going to let it go.
00:35:35 I'm not going to let it go.
00:35:36 I'm not going to let it go.
00:35:37 I'm not going to let it go.
00:35:39 What?
00:35:40 In my notebook, I wrote a letter.
00:35:43 It's for my mom.
00:35:45 It's just some stuff that I needed to say.
00:35:47 If I don't make it, then I need to--
00:35:48 Stop it!
00:35:49 Ronnie!
00:35:50 It's bad luck.
00:35:51 Please just give it to her.
00:35:54 I promise.
00:35:57 Stop.
00:35:59 Can you turn around?
00:36:03 Hold on, hold on.
00:36:05 Hold on.
00:36:07 Okay, I got you.
00:36:08 Guys, I think I can do this.
00:36:27 Ronnie, don't do it.
00:36:28 Gilbert?
00:36:33 Gilbert!
00:36:36 How are you doing?
00:36:37 Fuck you, I'm dying!
00:36:39 Jonah?
00:36:42 Jonah?
00:36:45 Jonah!
00:36:47 I'm alright.
00:36:53 Okay.
00:36:55 I got it.
00:37:01 Be careful!
00:37:02 Careful!
00:37:03 Jonah!
00:37:15 Ah!
00:37:16 Shit.
00:37:17 Sorry.
00:37:19 Sorry.
00:37:20 Sorry.
00:37:22 Okay, come on.
00:37:24 Don't move.
00:37:28 Okay.
00:37:29 I got it.
00:37:39 It's hitting my shin!
00:37:43 Whoa.
00:37:49 I don't know about that.
00:37:50 Okay.
00:37:53 She can't do it!
00:37:55 What?
00:37:56 She's not going to be able to do it.
00:37:57 No, I don't understand.
00:37:58 She keeps doing open.
00:37:59 No, it's because the trunk, it swings really wide.
00:38:01 When you open it, she's not going to have anywhere to put her feet.
00:38:03 Can't you lean back?
00:38:04 Lean back?
00:38:05 There's nothing to hold on to.
00:38:06 I'm going to fucking fall.
00:38:07 Okay, no, no, no.
00:38:08 Here, here.
00:38:09 Here.
00:38:12 Hold it.
00:38:13 Hold tight.
00:38:17 I promise.
00:38:18 Come on, Ronnie.
00:38:27 You got this one.
00:38:28 I have an idea.
00:38:44 The rescue hook.
00:38:45 Right.
00:38:46 Hold on, okay?
00:38:48 Okay.
00:38:49 Take this.
00:39:06 Got it.
00:39:14 Okay.
00:39:15 Okay.
00:39:18 Okay, got you.
00:39:19 Give me a little more.
00:39:32 Okay.
00:39:33 Okay.
00:39:35 Hey, just lean back.
00:39:37 Which I will.
00:39:38 Are you okay?
00:39:46 Got it?
00:39:47 Okay.
00:39:48 Okay.
00:39:53 I have to let go to get the key.
00:39:56 Okay.
00:39:58 Come on, Ronnie.
00:40:13 You got it.
00:40:14 Oh my God, I'm glad you got it.
00:40:16 I did it.
00:40:18 I did it.
00:40:19 I can see them.
00:40:20 Ronnie.
00:40:27 Save me.
00:40:30 Help us.
00:40:34 Save me.
00:40:43 Come on, man.
00:40:44 Help us.
00:40:45 Stop the car.
00:40:46 Stop, stop, stop.
00:40:47 Come on, man.
00:40:48 You got to help us.
00:40:50 Help.
00:40:53 Over here.
00:40:56 Hey, don't.
00:40:57 What are you doing?
00:40:58 Come on, man.
00:40:59 That person got her own car.
00:41:01 Put that down.
00:41:02 Help me.
00:41:03 What the hell are you still doing here?
00:41:08 The beach is closed.
00:41:09 You need to listen to me.
00:41:10 You need to call for help.
00:41:12 There's something in the sand.
00:41:13 Something in the sand?
00:41:14 That's right.
00:41:15 There's something that will tear you apart.
00:41:17 You need to stay in your car and you need to call for help.
00:41:20 You need to call the National fucking Guard, man.
00:41:23 Dude, you have to listen.
00:41:24 Why is Fat Albert in the trash can?
00:41:27 Stay in your car, man.
00:41:28 Don't get out.
00:41:29 There's something alive in the sand and it kills.
00:41:33 She's right.
00:41:34 Who's holding?
00:41:35 Look, I know what it sounds like, okay, but I wouldn't even believe it myself, but you,
00:41:40 you have to.
00:41:42 Don't bullshit me.
00:41:43 I know when people are on drugs.
00:41:45 Somebody's tweaking.
00:41:46 Just stay in your car and get on your radio.
00:41:49 Call for backup.
00:41:50 Call for lots of backup.
00:41:52 Is he on drugs?
00:41:53 No.
00:41:54 Is he on molly?
00:41:55 Who has molly?
00:41:56 Just stay in your car.
00:41:58 Stay in and call for help.
00:42:00 Oh my God.
00:42:04 Fuck it.
00:42:05 No, no, no, no.
00:42:06 Don't touch the sand.
00:42:09 If I find one goddamn marijuana cigarette, you're all going downtown.
00:42:14 Oh my God, look at that.
00:42:22 You gotta just listen to them, please.
00:42:25 My God.
00:42:26 Is that pus?
00:42:28 There's nothing more disgusting than pus.
00:42:31 Why isn't anything happening?
00:42:34 [Police sirens]
00:42:36 Jesus Christ.
00:42:45 Man in a can.
00:42:47 What's on your face, pal?
00:42:50 What?
00:42:51 You got a dick on your face.
00:42:53 Oh my God, what, your friends drew a dick on your face?
00:42:57 Ew.
00:42:59 Whoever did that's a pretty good artist.
00:43:02 This is some weird ass shit.
00:43:04 This has gotta be GHB.
00:43:06 You want GHB?
00:43:07 Please, man, help me.
00:43:11 I'm trying to get you out of this.
00:43:13 Jesus God, I'm gonna call a forklift.
00:43:19 Fuck you.
00:43:20 Why do you jam the neck?
00:43:22 You look like a half body.
00:43:23 You got legs?
00:43:24 Yeah, I got fucking legs, man.
00:43:26 You look like a fucking art exhibit.
00:43:30 This is embarrassing.
00:43:32 I don't even, I'm telling you, I've been on the beach patrol 23 years of my life.
00:43:36 This is fucking way worse than the lady with the horseshoe crab up her ass.
00:43:40 You're okay.
00:43:42 Someone's coming, someone's coming.
00:43:44 You're okay.
00:43:45 You're okay.
00:43:46 What's her problem?
00:43:49 Look, her finger's got stuck.
00:43:50 Why aren't you helping?
00:43:52 What, what is wrong with you?
00:43:54 Please help us.
00:43:55 Help.
00:43:56 Oh my God.
00:43:57 Help!
00:43:58 Alright, alright, okay, they're jamming, they're good.
00:44:00 This is the weirdest day on the beach in 20 years.
00:44:04 This guy's got a terrible case of syphilis on his stomach.
00:44:07 He's got a can man over there.
00:44:08 And I got two.
00:44:09 Are you guys lesbians?
00:44:11 Are you kidding me?
00:44:12 Help us.
00:44:13 I'll help you to some law.
00:44:15 That's fine.
00:44:16 Do that, you fucking idiot.
00:44:18 Okay, call your supervisor, just whatever.
00:44:21 My supervisor?
00:44:22 I'm the supervisor.
00:44:26 I'm the one in charge.
00:44:28 Oh my God.
00:44:30 He needs his shoes.
00:44:31 Look at his feet.
00:44:32 You got something to say?
00:44:34 No, sir.
00:44:35 I wasn't talking to you, blondie.
00:44:36 I was talking to your little boyfriend.
00:44:38 He's not my boyfriend.
00:44:39 He's not my boyfriend.
00:44:40 What are you, 12?
00:44:41 Oh, I'm sorry.
00:44:43 I'm talking to the guy that you're shacking up with in a lifeguard stand.
00:44:46 What do you call it now?
00:44:47 Tinder connections?
00:44:48 What, he poke you on Facebook?
00:44:50 Sir.
00:44:51 I'm sorry to insult your sensitive female nature.
00:44:54 What do you have to say for yourself, sir?
00:44:56 Dude, listen.
00:44:57 We just, we think it's because of your shoes that the sand's not eating you.
00:45:01 I think.
00:45:02 Really?
00:45:03 Two of our friends died already.
00:45:05 Two of your friends died?
00:45:06 Where are their bodies?
00:45:07 The sand ate them.
00:45:09 The sand ate them.
00:45:10 And you know what I did earlier today?
00:45:12 I rode in here on my unicorn.
00:45:15 You need to listen to us, okay?
00:45:17 I don't want to hear from you, lady.
00:45:18 Enough.
00:45:19 I can't even look at you with your shorts.
00:45:20 I can't.
00:45:21 It's like I'm committing a crime.
00:45:22 Please.
00:45:24 I need you to come down here right now.
00:45:26 Fuck no.
00:45:28 Come down here now.
00:45:30 Dude, we're not coming down there.
00:45:31 You're not coming down?
00:45:33 You want to get sprayed?
00:45:34 Please.
00:45:35 We're hurt.
00:45:36 Some of us are sick.
00:45:38 Dying, maybe, and we really need your help.
00:45:40 But we cannot come anywhere near that sand.
00:45:42 The hell you can't.
00:45:45 I'm going to come up.
00:45:46 Please, just call somebody.
00:45:47 Do not make me use force, ma'am.
00:45:49 Do not make me use force.
00:45:51 Do not make me use force.
00:45:52 You're coming down now.
00:45:53 No.
00:45:54 Get the spray.
00:45:56 God damn it.
00:45:57 No, don't touch the sand.
00:45:59 Ow.
00:46:00 [♪♪♪]
00:46:08 What the hell?
00:46:10 Use the spray.
00:46:13 Use the pepper spray.
00:46:14 [♪♪♪]
00:46:17 [screams]
00:46:20 Use the pepper spray.
00:46:22 [♪♪♪]
00:46:25 [screams]
00:46:27 What the?
00:46:29 It's working.
00:46:30 It's working.
00:46:31 [♪♪♪]
00:46:32 Help me.
00:46:34 It's swallowing me.
00:46:35 It's swallowing me.
00:46:37 [♪♪♪]
00:46:41 What are we going to do now, y'all?
00:46:43 This is our only chance.
00:46:46 We're fucked.
00:46:47 We are fucked, man.
00:46:51 So what are we going to do?
00:46:53 We're getting out of here.
00:46:54 Mitch, you're telling me how?
00:46:56 Yeah.
00:46:57 Your shoes.
00:46:59 What shoes?
00:47:01 These.
00:47:02 Are you kidding?
00:47:03 Those are not going to protect you.
00:47:05 You still got those beach towels?
00:47:06 What are you going to do?
00:47:07 Wrap my feet up, and I'm going to run my ass off this thing.
00:47:10 Okay, towels?
00:47:11 Seriously?
00:47:12 This thing's eating through tires.
00:47:14 Yeah, and it's also eating through wood.
00:47:16 All right, sooner or later, this thing's coming down.
00:47:19 We got to be gone.
00:47:21 Guys, I'm fast.
00:47:23 I'm fast as shit.
00:47:25 I just need the towels to work for a second, and I got this.
00:47:28 I'm going to wrap my feet up,
00:47:29 I'm going to spray my feet down with the pepper spray,
00:47:31 and I'm going to make my move.
00:47:32 Go to the cars, come back, we're getting the fuck out of here.
00:47:35 I think that's a fucking great idea, man.
00:47:37 Sounds awesome, Mitch.
00:47:39 Throw me a towel.
00:47:40 This is too dangerous.
00:47:41 Throw me a towel.
00:47:45 Here.
00:47:47 Kaylie, I got this.
00:47:53 I'm going to get us out of here.
00:47:55 Let's go.
00:48:01 Round two.
00:48:04 No!
00:48:07 Fuck!
00:48:08 Oh shit!
00:48:09 What happened to Mitch?
00:48:10 No, no, no!
00:48:12 Oh, God, oh please!
00:48:14 Oh, God!
00:48:15 Kaylie, I can't feel anything!
00:48:19 Help me!
00:48:20 You guys!
00:48:24 I can't feel my body, Kaylie!
00:48:26 Oh shit!
00:48:27 Help!
00:48:29 Help!
00:48:30 Help!
00:48:33 Help!
00:48:34 Help!
00:48:35 Help, you guys!
00:48:39 Oh, shit!
00:48:44 I don't want to die with a dick on my face!
00:48:47 You're not going to.
00:48:48 We're all going to die!
00:48:49 No, we're not.
00:48:51 Shonda, snap out of it, okay?
00:48:56 I need you right now to get on the hood of the car.
00:48:58 Come on, let's go!
00:49:00 This railing is coming for you, and it's coming fast.
00:49:02 I need you to grab it, okay?
00:49:06 I'm going to send this one to you too, okay?
00:49:10 Careful.
00:49:12 Okay, put it on the hood.
00:49:24 The next one is coming your way.
00:49:25 You have to grab it.
00:49:26 You have to grab it.
00:49:27 Are you ready?
00:49:28 Get it.
00:49:29 Go, careful!
00:49:31 Get it!
00:49:33 Okay, let's go!
00:49:44 Come on.
00:49:45 We're getting the fuck out of here.
00:49:47 How?
00:49:49 Even when you have that spray, what are you going to do?
00:49:52 Not me.
00:49:53 Us.
00:49:54 We are getting out of here together.
00:49:56 Move.
00:49:57 What are you doing, Kaylie?
00:49:59 I'm going to get you.
00:50:01 I'm going to get you.
00:50:04 [Screams]
00:50:09 Fuck!
00:50:10 That's for screwing my boyfriend, bitch!
00:50:17 You good?
00:50:19 For now.
00:50:20 Shonda, did you just get pushed in your face?
00:50:23 Jonah.
00:50:26 I need you to look at me.
00:50:30 Kaylie.
00:50:31 Right here.
00:50:36 I'm sorry.
00:50:42 I didn't mean to hurt you.
00:50:43 I just...
00:50:47 I love you.
00:50:49 I love you too.
00:50:57 How you doing, Gilbert?
00:50:58 Fuck you!
00:50:59 Listen, we're coming for you, but you're going to need to be able to move fast, okay?
00:51:03 Can you turn around in there and face us so you can see what's up, alright?
00:51:07 I can't.
00:51:09 My legs, my back.
00:51:13 Just do it!
00:51:19 Good speech.
00:51:20 Do you actually have a plan?
00:51:21 How the fuck are we going to get all the way over there?
00:51:22 One step at a time.
00:51:23 But first things first.
00:51:29 You okay?
00:51:31 One minute.
00:51:34 No minutes.
00:51:37 We should have been better friends.
00:51:40 Three, two...
00:51:43 Oh, fuck!
00:51:45 I can't do this!
00:51:47 Shut up!
00:51:51 Let's get this done.
00:51:54 You're not going out like a little bitch.
00:51:56 Okay.
00:51:58 You can do this.
00:52:01 Ready?
00:52:02 Pull it together.
00:52:03 Pull it together.
00:52:05 On the count of...
00:52:10 Three, two...
00:52:15 [screaming]
00:52:19 Hey, hey, hey!
00:52:20 You're okay.
00:52:21 You're okay.
00:52:22 Come here.
00:52:23 Come here.
00:52:24 Look at me.
00:52:25 Look at me.
00:52:26 Look at me.
00:52:27 You're okay.
00:52:28 You're okay.
00:52:29 You're okay.
00:52:30 Breathe.
00:52:31 Just breathe.
00:52:32 Look at me.
00:52:33 Look at me.
00:52:34 [screaming]
00:52:41 Gilbert.
00:52:42 [panting]
00:52:45 You're okay.
00:52:46 You're okay.
00:52:47 You're okay.
00:52:48 [panting]
00:52:53 You're okay.
00:52:54 [panting]
00:52:58 [water running]
00:53:02 [music]
00:53:11 You guys are the perfect couple.
00:53:15 Beautiful, smart, totally in love.
00:53:19 I think we all figured you'd get married and start squirting about a bunch of perfect kids.
00:53:24 Yeah.
00:53:26 Me too.
00:53:29 You get scared?
00:53:31 I have never stopped loving him.
00:53:35 Life's a long time.
00:53:39 Not always.
00:53:49 Okay.
00:53:52 We're gonna get to the fire pit.
00:53:54 We're gonna get Jonah.
00:53:55 We're gonna build a bridge from there to the truck, all right?
00:53:58 Cool.
00:53:59 I rocked the balance beam in eighth grade.
00:54:06 Think it's long enough?
00:54:08 Yeah.
00:54:09 Hey, Gilbert, how you doing?
00:54:11 Don't worry about me.
00:54:13 [music]
00:54:33 Smart thing would be to tell you that nothing happened last night.
00:54:39 My mom didn't tell you, I'm sorry.
00:54:42 It's like you said.
00:54:44 Life's a long time.
00:54:46 I wanted a fairytale if it was just for a minute.
00:54:49 Besides, you guys would have made up and got back together in a couple of days and I'm back to square one.
00:54:56 Man-stealing bitch Shonda.
00:55:01 Guys, seriously, do we really need to talk about this now?
00:55:11 Kaylee.
00:55:12 Shonda, what's going on?
00:55:13 Is Jonah okay?
00:55:15 Kaylee, you better come here fast.
00:55:28 You first, all right?
00:55:30 No.
00:55:31 Me dripping blood anywhere near this thing is a problem.
00:55:35 No.
00:55:37 Okay.
00:55:38 [groaning]
00:55:40 Oh, no.
00:55:41 What happened?
00:55:42 I scraped my belly.
00:55:43 I'm fucking bleeding.
00:55:46 It's cool.
00:55:47 Finally an upside to no feeling in my body.
00:55:52 Don't worry about me.
00:55:54 It's nothing a good dose of get me the fuck out of here won't cure!
00:56:21 Please don't leave me.
00:56:23 I'm not going anywhere.
00:56:32 Come on, Ronnie, you can do this.
00:56:39 There you go.
00:56:40 Okay.
00:56:41 Slow.
00:56:42 Slow and steady, Ronnie.
00:56:46 Come on.
00:56:48 You're almost there.
00:56:53 Come on.
00:56:56 Give me your hand.
00:57:02 Okay.
00:57:03 Ronnie, what's wrong?
00:57:06 Don't stop.
00:57:08 Ronnie.
00:57:09 Shit.
00:57:10 Ree!
00:57:11 Ronnie!
00:57:12 Shonda, is Ronnie okay?
00:57:19 I'm okay.
00:57:22 I'm okay.
00:57:25 Ronnie, come on.
00:57:29 Come here.
00:57:32 We got you.
00:57:37 Ronnie!
00:57:42 Ronnie!
00:57:45 God, come on!
00:57:52 Fuck.
00:58:02 What are you doing?
00:58:04 It was right this whole time.
00:58:06 No way.
00:58:07 I can do this.
00:58:09 Okay.
00:58:10 Well, hurry.
00:58:12 Come on.
00:58:14 You can do it, Shonda.
00:58:18 You got it, Shonda.
00:58:38 You can make it.
00:58:39 Go!
00:58:40 Go, go, go, go, go!
00:58:41 Yes!
00:58:42 Come on!
00:58:44 Yes!
00:58:46 Come on!
00:58:49 Yeah!
00:58:51 I'm okay.
00:58:52 You made it!
00:58:53 I'm okay!
00:58:54 Yeah!
00:59:03 Hey, hey, guys.
00:59:05 Guys!
00:59:07 What?
00:59:10 Something's moving the can!
00:59:14 Shit!
00:59:16 Shit!
00:59:19 No!
00:59:27 Okay.
00:59:28 Okay.
00:59:29 Okay.
00:59:39 Kaylee!
00:59:41 Ronnie!
00:59:44 Shonda!
00:59:46 Shonda!
00:59:48 Shonda!
00:59:59 Shonda!
01:00:08 Shonda!
01:00:28 Shonda!
01:00:48 Shonda, wake up!
01:00:57 Here!
01:01:03 Are you okay?
01:01:18 Are you okay?
01:01:20 Can you see me?
01:01:22 I'm okay.
01:01:24 We gotta do something.
01:01:29 Look in the car or something.
01:01:33 Holy shit, you guys!
01:01:35 What is it?
01:01:36 I think it's a raft.
01:01:37 Can we use it?
01:01:38 Hold on, let me just...
01:01:42 What's it say?
01:01:43 I think I got this.
01:01:44 Okay.
01:01:45 Okay.
01:01:47 She's getting us out.
01:01:49 She's getting us out, okay?
01:01:54 Okay, hold on.
01:02:04 Yes!
01:02:22 Ha, chug that shit!
01:02:24 What?
01:02:27 We gotta get him into the car!
01:02:37 Come on, come on.
01:02:42 Get up, get up.
01:02:47 Okay.
01:02:48 Come get his foot.
01:02:51 Okay.
01:02:52 Got it, got it.
01:02:55 Okay, okay, okay.
01:02:58 Okay, okay, okay.
01:03:01 All right.
01:03:03 Okay.
01:03:04 Hold on, hold on, hold on.
01:03:08 Okay, okay, okay.
01:03:10 Okay, okay, okay.
01:03:12 You got it.
01:03:14 You can do this.
01:03:16 You got it.
01:03:18 You got it.
01:03:20 Okay, I'm here.
01:03:22 I'm here.
01:03:24 Okay.
01:03:25 Okay.
01:03:26 Okay.
01:03:27 Okay, guys, I gotta open the front door.
01:03:28 Okay.
01:03:29 Okay.
01:03:30 Okay.
01:03:31 Okay.
01:03:32 Okay.
01:03:33 Okay.
01:03:34 Okay, okay.
01:03:35 Okay.
01:03:36 Okay.
01:03:37 Okay.
01:03:38 All right, all right, there we go.
01:03:39 One more.
01:03:40 One more big step.
01:03:41 We're here.
01:03:42 We're here.
01:03:43 Come on, come on, come on, come on.
01:03:44 Okay, okay, okay.
01:04:05 Okay, okay, okay.
01:04:29 Okay.
01:04:40 Okay.
01:04:49 Okay.
01:04:59 Okay.
01:05:09 Okay.
01:05:19 Okay.
01:05:29 Okay.
01:05:49 Okay.
01:05:59 Okay.
01:06:09 Okay.
01:06:19 Okay.
01:06:30 Okay.
01:06:39 Okay.
01:06:49 Okay.
01:06:59 Okay.
01:07:09 Okay.
01:07:19 Okay.
01:07:29 Okay.
01:07:31 Okay.
01:07:33 Okay.
01:07:37 Okay.
01:07:41 Okay.
01:07:45 Okay.
01:07:49 Okay.
01:07:53 Okay.
01:07:57 Okay.
01:08:03 Okay.
01:08:13 Okay.
01:08:23 Okay.
01:08:33 Okay.
01:08:43 Okay.
01:08:53 Okay.
01:09:03 Okay.
01:09:13 Okay.
01:09:23 You guys okay in there?
01:09:41 Are you okay?
01:09:53 It's gone.
01:09:54 You know.
01:10:18 I'm not.
01:10:31 Hey, bud.
01:10:47 Hey, bud.
01:10:57 It's time.
01:10:59 I'm leaving.
01:11:00 I'm.
01:11:06 I'm.
01:11:11 I'm changing in my.
01:11:14 ♪ Storming out I'll get strong ♪
