• hace 5 meses
Louise Le Baron sings "Whisper And I Shall Hear" on Edison Gold Moulded Record 8223.

Words are by G. Hubi Newcombe.

Music is by M. Piccolomini.

If in the summer morn, dear, you wander amid the
flowers, if you feel sad and lone, dear, thinking of
past glad hours, just breathe my name to the
woodlands, sigh what your heart would say.

I know I shall hear your message, dear,
borne on the breeze away!

O winds that blow from the south,
Sighing so soft and low,
Whisper your secret sweet,
Whisper, and I shall know!

O winds that blow from the south,
Breathe in my listening ear,
Come from the heart of my love.
Whisper, and I shall hear!

You'll see a reference to this song in the opening pages of Vera Brittain's Testament of Youth book.

ABOUT THE SINGER: Louise Le Baron was an American contralto singer who performed in opera and musical theatre.

She was born in October 1874 in Winchester, Massachusetts.

She died in Lincoln, Nebraska, on February 11, 1918, at the age of 43.

Here is information FROM AN ISSUE OF THE BURR McINTOSH MONTHLY, SEPTEMBER 1908 (Burr McIntosh Monthly ran a series of articles about theater people, text by Paul Thompson):

"Following a successful stay in Boston in light opera, Miss LeBaron repeated her success this past summer at the Coliseum in Cleveland as a prima donna of the Imperial Opera Company. For two years Miss LeBaron was a member of Fritzi Scheff's company singing one of the important roles in support of that former 'little devil of Grand Opera' in Mlle. Modiste."

Louise Le Baron "Whisper And I Shall Hear" (1907) Edison cylinder 8223 RARE FEMALE RECORDING PIONEER.


