• il y a 5 mois


00:00Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
00:30Crazy Driver
00:32Oh non
00:36Are you ok Loli?
00:40Look at me, I'm a butterfly
00:42What you got there Huckle?
00:44Looks to me like
00:46A mystery
00:48Looks to me like a wheel
00:50But what kind of wheel?
00:52And where did it come from?
00:54That's the mystery Sally
00:56Busytown Action Bug News
00:58Goldbug here reporting for Busytown News
01:00What's the buzz in Busytown Huckle?
01:02Well Goldbug
01:04This mystery wheel belongs somewhere
01:06And I know just who can find out where
01:08You! Huckle!
01:10Yup, with your help that is
01:12We'll figure this mystery out together
01:14Ready for it?
01:16Here goes!
01:18Who, what, why, how?
01:20Who, what, where, where, why, how?
01:22Who, what, why, how?
01:24Who, what, where, where, why, how?
01:28Who, what, where, where, why, how?
01:30Solve a mystery
01:32Who, what, where, where, why, how?
01:34All together
01:36Who, what, where, where, why, how?
01:38Huckle, Cat, you and me
01:40Who, what, where, where, why, how?
01:42Who, what, why, how?
01:44Who, what, where, where, why, how?
01:46Well there you have it folks
01:48Huckle and his clever crew
01:50Are determined to find where the wheel belongs
01:52And solve the mystery wheel
01:54Mystery wheel?
01:56Stay tuned, I'm Goldbug
01:58And that's the buzz in Fizzy Town
02:02We just heard the news
02:04Never fear, I will help solve this mystery
02:06No you won't, Pigwheel, I will
02:08No you won't, Pigwound, I will
02:10I will
02:12You can both help
02:14First thing we need is a plan
02:16Where do we start?
02:18We should figure out what kind of wheel it is
02:20Sounds good, Louie
02:22Here it is, it's a round wheel
02:24Yeah, yeah, it's a round wheel
02:26All wheels are round, sillies
02:30Well then, that will make it harder
02:32No it won't
02:38Maybe this wheel could be from some kind of big machine
02:42Like the ones Farmer Pig uses to farm his fields
02:44To Farmer Pig's farm
02:52I'm driving
02:54I'm driving
02:56No, I'm driving
03:00Looks like I'm not driving
03:02Wait for me
03:08Now stand a safe distance back, kids
03:10Farm equipment can be dangerous
03:12Do you think the mystery wheel
03:14Could be from one of your farm vehicles, Farmer Pig?
03:16Well, could be, Huckle
03:18As you can see, there's all kinds of wheels
03:20On my farm vehicle
03:26Sorry, Huckle
03:28Your mystery wheel's not from any of my farm machines
03:32You should drive, Pigwolf
03:34No, you should be driving, Pigwolf
03:36Faster, faster
03:44Maybe our mystery wheel is a wheelbarrow wheel
03:48It's not a wheelbarrow wheel
03:50Next time, I'll drive
03:52I will agree to that
03:56Hi, Hilda
04:00Looks like Hilda's getting ready for another bicycle race
04:04That could be it
04:06Our mystery wheel could be a bicycle wheel
04:08But how can we find out?
04:10I know just the place
04:12Bike shop Bob's
04:14Busy Town Bicycle Shop
04:16Let's go
04:24That was close
04:26If Mr. Gronkle isn't careful
04:28He's gonna get into an accident
04:30What are you doing, Bike Shop Bob?
04:32Tightening these handlebars, Sally
04:34It's awful hard to drive something you can't steer, you know
04:36Bob, have you ever seen one of these before?
04:38We think it might be a bicycle wheel
04:40Can't say I have
04:42But I've got all kinds of bikes with all kinds of wheels here
04:44You're welcome to take a look
04:46Thanks, Bike Shop Bob
04:56Not this one
05:04Watch this
05:06A worm Ferris wheel
05:12Hold on
05:18We'll get you
05:22Well, that's one way to check out every wheel in the shop
05:26Sorry, but nothing matches the mystery wheel
05:28Well, if it isn't a bicycle wheel
05:30Then what kind of wheel is it?
05:32I'm driving
05:34No, I'm driving
05:36Uh, fellas, that's not a good idea
05:38Why not?
05:46Can't drive something you can't steer
05:48Thanks, Bike Shop Bob
05:50Anytime, kids
05:52Wait a second
05:54Do you think our mystery wheel could belong on a shopping cart?
05:56I don't think so, Loli
05:58Shopping cart wheels are too small
06:00But not go-kart wheels
06:04You're right, Hucko
06:08Busy town go-kart track!
06:10Let's go
06:24Hucko, Sally, over here
06:26Let's try to find a go-kart that's missing a wheel
06:28Good idea, Loli
06:30Let's look
06:34All four wheels are here
06:36Same with this one
06:38This must be it
06:40Look, it's missing a wheel
06:44Yeah, but it seems to be missing a square wheel
06:46Not a round one
06:48Well, I thought all wheels were round
06:50Yes, I was wrong
06:52Nice try anyway, Sally
06:54Wait, huh?
06:56Here's another one with a missing wheel
06:58Oh, and the wheels are round
07:00Let's try it
07:04This time
07:06I'm driving
07:08Thanks, Hucko
07:10Not again
07:18I don't think our mystery wheel fits right
07:20Big wheel, stop the cart
07:22I should drive
07:24No, I should drive
07:28No, me
10:36Busytown is down by a point
10:38With three seconds left on the clock
10:40Poots Hucko goes up for a jump shot
10:44And it's good
10:46Busytown wins
10:48Yay for Busytown
10:50Oh boy, new swings
10:58They're too small
11:00Just like the old ones
11:02They aren't new, Hilda
11:04They just look new
11:06Because they've been painted
11:08The whole playground has been painted
11:10More like the whole town
11:12It must have taken a gazillion cans of paint
11:14Let's try out the teeter-totter
11:22You have blue stripes on the back of your pants, Hilda
11:26It's wet paint
11:28Oh no
11:30How did that get there?
11:32I know how
11:34The paint on the swings must still be wet
11:38The paint on the swings is dry
11:42I was sure I had this one all figured out
11:44Busytown Action 5 News
11:46Gulp Bug here
11:48Reporting live from the playground
11:50Where it has just been discovered that Hilda
11:52Has some mysterious stripes on her pants
11:54Huckle, you were the first one to notice the stripes
11:56What can you tell us about them?
11:58Well, they're blue
12:00And I think Hilda must have got them
12:02From sitting in some wet paint
12:04And how are you going to find out where this wet paint is?
12:06Well, that'll be the tricky part
12:08It could be almost anywhere
12:10But don't worry
12:12This is a mystery
12:14And we're gonna solve it
12:18Ready for it?
12:20Here goes!
12:22Who, what, why, how?
12:24Who, what, where, where, why, how?
12:26Who, what, why, how?
12:28Who, what, where, where, why, how?
12:32Who, what, where, where, why, how?
12:34Solve a mystery
12:36Who, what, where, where, why, how?
12:38All together
12:40Who, what, where, where, why, how?
12:42Huckle, Cat, you and me
12:44Who, what, where, where, why, how?
12:46Who, what, why, how?
12:48Who, what, where, where, why, how?
12:50Well, there you have it
12:52Huckle and his team
12:54Are going to solve the wet paint mystery
12:56Stay tuned for more exciting developments
12:58On this light breaking story
13:00I'm Goldbug
13:02And that's the buzz in Busytown
13:06Hey Huckle
13:08Where do we start looking?
13:10Yeah, the whole town's been painted
13:14Where else have you been besides the playground, Hilda?
13:16Well, um
13:18I was at the school
13:20Then I went to the library
13:22Boris and Borgs
13:24And then I went to the post office
13:26The school, the library and the post office
13:28The wet paint must be in one of those three places
13:30Let's get Busytown
14:55Where were you sitting, Hilda?
15:01I think it was that chair over there
15:03Or maybe it was that one
15:05No wait, I think it was
15:07Oh, I don't remember
15:09Then we'd better check them all, right Huck?
15:11Hmm, actually
15:13We don't need to check any of them
15:15What do you mean?
15:17The paint on Hilda's pants didn't come from any of these chairs
15:21These chair seats don't have any spaces
15:24The chair Hilda sat on had three slats with spaces between them
15:26That's why it's a stripe pattern
15:30I get it
15:32Well, that rules out the library
15:34Where else did you say you went, Hilda?
15:36To the school
15:38And the post office
15:40Right, look
15:42Excuse me, Mr. Frumble
15:44Can you please tell us all the places you've been today?
15:48All the places I've been
15:50Why do you ask that?
15:53We're trying to solve the wet paint mystery
15:55So no one else gets paint on their clothes
15:57Like you did
15:59Oh, goodness gracious
16:01First my car breaks down
16:03And now this
16:05What else can go wrong?
16:07Where were you before you came to the library?
16:09Well, I dropped my car off at the garage to get it fixed
16:11Then I took the trolley to the bank to get some money
16:13Then I went to the post office to mail a letter
16:15Then I...
16:17The post office
16:19Hey, I was at the post office too
16:22So that's where the wet paint must be
16:24Thanks, Mr. Frumble
16:26Shhh, libraries are quiet places
16:28Oops, sorry
16:30Come on, let's solve this mystery once and for all
16:42I remember I mailed a letter
16:44Then I sat down right here
16:47The paint's dry
16:49Maybe it dried since I sat there
16:51At least we won't have to worry about it
16:53Ruining anyone else's clothes
16:55It looks like we've solved another mystery
16:57Right, Huckle?
16:59We haven't solved a thing
17:01We need to keep looking
17:03How come?
17:05Yeah, the bench is the right color
17:07And it has a striped pattern
17:09Just like the paint on Hilda's pants
17:11Look at the direction of the slats
17:13The slats go up and down
17:15But the stripes on Hilda's pants go from side to side
17:18She must have sat in some blue paint somewhere else
17:21Now what do we do?
17:23Well, the only other place Hilda went was...
17:25The school!
17:26Right, the school
17:28Come on, team
17:33Whoops, sorry
17:35I didn't see you
17:37Me neither
17:38I guess I should have watched where I was going
17:42You should have watched where you were sitting too
17:46That was my last pair of clean pants
17:48You must have sat in some wet paint at the school
17:51The school? Nope, I haven't been to the school today
17:53I don't get it
17:55The school was the only place left
17:57Are you sure you weren't there?
17:59I'm sure, I haven't been anywhere yet
18:01I got on the trolley and came straight to the post office
18:04Wait a minute
18:05How did you get to the park, Hilda?
18:07On the trolley, why?
18:40Oh no!
18:45He's gonna sit in wet paint
18:47The pillow will sit him down
18:49Let the blue seeds
18:51Hey, what's going on?
18:53Sorry, we were just trying to warn you
18:55Warn me? About what?
18:57You were about to sit in the wet paint
19:00Did you folks ever save my bacon?
19:03I would have looked pretty silly going to work with paint all over my pants
19:06You can just imagine all the giggles I would have heard
19:12Goldbug here reporting live from the trolley station with a news update
19:16So, Huckle, have you solved the mystery?
19:18Well, Goldbug, here's what happened
19:22We compared the stripes on Hilda's pants to different chairs around Busytown
19:27When we got to the trolley, we found the slats on the seats match the stripes on Hilda's pants
19:32Huckle and his team have solved the wet paint mystery
19:37I'm Goldbug, and that's the buzz in Busytown
19:41Hooray for Huckle!
19:44Everybody all together solved a mystery
19:48Huckle, you can solve one too
19:53And hooray for the best team in Busytown
19:57I get the back seat
20:00I get the back seat
20:02Don't sit
20:03No, you don't
20:04I get the back seat
20:05No, I get it
20:06No, I get it
20:08In the wet paint
20:10Wet paint?
20:12You have blue stripes on your pants
20:14No, you have blue stripes on your pants
20:17No, you do
20:18No, you do
20:19No, you do
20:20No, you do
