"I'm a real life wizard - I can reverse ageing and now look 10 years younger"

  • 3 months ago
Meet the real life wizard who claims she can "reverse ageing" and looks 10 years younger.

Antonia Harman, 43, used to work as a TV presenter before completing a healing course - during which she says "opened her eyes" to the world of healing.

She said that people "don't understand" when she says she is a wizard but she stands by it and explains her role.

Antonia says she's spent the last 20 years in a "trance like state" - which enables her to tune into her "healing powers".

She claims she can "heal depression" by tuning into emotions and "reverse ageing" by increasing her cell voltage.

She also claims she is able to dissolve trauma and even help with physical ailments like cysts, tumours and arthritis.

The NHS website recommends these conditions are treated with conventional treatments and medicines.

Over the years, Antonia says she's helped singer Diana Vickers with tonsillitis and assisted Lizzie Cundy with "emotional trauma".

Antonia, from Newquay, Cornwall, said: "Dissolving trauma is one of the first things that I could do - but I can do physical healing too.

"In myself I have reversed menopause and age - I look 10 years younger than I did a year ago.

"With ageing I hacked into my body to raise the voltage of my cells.

"The higher the voltage of your cells the younger your body feels.

"I haven't been to the doctors in 15 years - I don't need to go.

"I will notice things before it comes a health problem."

Antonia's life changed in 2007 when her friend, Lucie, was suffering from a burst eardrum and asked for help.

Antonia said: "Lucie was quoted over £4k for surgery for her burst eardrum as it had burst five times.

"We were walking through London and she started screaming and asking me to help her.

"I put my hands to her ears and something that looked like a snake came out.

"I could see it wiggling around and I threw some energy at it and then did the other side and she has not had pain ever since."

Antonia says she treats people by telling them to get 'in tune' with the emotions causing their illness.

She said: "I tell them what emotions are behind their illness and I get them to tune into those emotions.

"I asked them to think about it and delete the emotional resonance and then the illness disappears.

"I have been working in this industry for such a long time and it is really rewarding when someone is suffering for a long time and then they've stopped.

"This is a message of hope and to show that people don't need to suffer."

Antonia says people often think she is making up her job but is always happy to prove them wrong.

She said: "I am happy to dissolve trauma for people and show how it works.

"With trauma is works first time and works every time.

"If they can feel it they can heal it.

"If people work with me and answer my questions then it works."

In a review on Antonia's website, Diana Vickers said: "I’m a professional singer and have struggled with reoccurring tonsillitis for years.
