Commodity of the Day (17/05/2024)

  • 4 months ago
Harga emas mencoba bangkit setelah koreksi di atas 1%, terdampak aksi profit taking. Harga batu bara melanjutkan penguatan, ditopang ekspektasi peningkatan permintaan. Sementara harga minyak mentah menguat, di tengah harapan penurunan suku bunga The Fed, seiring turunnya angka klaim pengangguran di pekan lalu.


00:00 We move on to the development of commodity prices, where the price of gold is trying to rise after a correction of more than 1% due to the action of profit-taking.
00:08 The price of coal continues to grow, supported by expectations of increasing demand.
00:12 Meanwhile, crude oil prices are strengthening, with the expectation of a decline in the FED's share of the Bunga tribe as unemployment claims declined last week.
00:20 The price of gold is moving very volatile, but in the long term, the opportunity for growth is still very open.
00:29 This optimism is supported by the market's confidence in the closure of the Bunga-Deved tribe, and the geopolitical potential in the Middle East.
00:36 The price of gold in the spot market was closed at $2,376.44 per try-on in May, down 0.4%.
00:45 The weakness occurred due to profit-taking after gold rose 1.19% the day before.
00:51 Meanwhile, on Friday morning, the price of gold slightly improved, strengthening 0.07% at $2,378.13 per try-on.
01:00 The price of coal continues to strengthen for two days of profitable trading.
01:05 Quoted from Montel News, the director of the senior global S&P Xi Jinping said that global demand is predicted to increase due to the hot waves in Asia.
01:17 On the other hand, the expected temperature will rise above average 10 degrees in the next two weeks in Japan, South Korea, and China.
01:24 According to definitive data, in the trade on Thursday at the same time, the price of Newcastle's new coal for June's contract was closed at $141 per ton, or strengthening 0.71%.
01:39 The price of crude oil rose on Friday after the US labor market data was stable with the number of new claims of unemployment down last week.
01:48 This is even more exciting as the Fed hopes to start decreasing the flow rate in September and is expected to boost economic growth and increase oil demand.
01:57 The price of crude oil rose 0.19% to $83.27 per barrel.
02:05 While crude oil, WTI, rose 0.21% to $79.4 per barrel from various sources, IDX Channel.
02:14 And how did this update move the price of a number of commodities that were successfully collected by our team?
02:19 You can also watch the graphics on your television screen and watch.
02:22 Until this afternoon, West Indonesia's oil price rose 0.43% to $79.57 per barrel.
02:31 Nickel rose significantly to 3.63% at the level of US$20,778.50 per ton.
02:40 While the CPO rose 0.19% to US$2,390.05 per ton.
02:46 While the CPO rose 2.02% to Rp3,811 per ton.
02:52 Thank you for your attention.
02:53 [Music]