• last year
Couldn't count coins

Erdal Özyağcılar
Aslı Bekiroğlu
Yılmaz Kunt
Seray Kaya
Pamir Pekin
Sermet Yeşil
Erkan Sever
Aslı Altaylar
Evrim Doğan
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Elif Andaç Çam
Barış Aytaç



00:00 I have 20 pounds extra. It's coming. Emre, give people their money. Dad, don't shout. I'm already confused. Wait a minute. Emre, are you stupid? Didn't you study business management in America? Can't you give me extra money? Dad, my job is with big money, with valuable money. These small money, these broken money are confusing me.
00:23 Dear passengers, please don't mind. Please take your money when you get off. Because the driver can't do it.
00:31 Can I get off at a proper place?
00:35 Of course, sir. Of course. What do you mean?
00:37 Here you are, sir.
00:43 Here you are, sir.
00:46 Good luck, Ahmet.
00:50 Wow, look at the car. There is a driver in it. Did he call me?
00:56 Let's see.
01:04 Sir, you have to go to America.
01:06 Sorry, I'm sorry.
