• 5 months ago
00:00 the season. One more topic
00:11 here. The New York sports
00:12 betting apps kicked off the
00:12 new fiscal year with a 1.96
00:17 billion. Handle in the month
00:20 of April. Obviously up Nixon
00:22 Rangers at play, but you can't
00:24 going to the final four. Maybe
00:26 had an impact on that. So the
00:28 fourth most since the online
00:28 betting app. I'm sure you can
00:30 see that the New York sports
00:32 betting app is a big handle for
00:35 the state of New York. Yeah,
00:37 Absolutely. You know, some
00:38 might look at this and say, Oh,
00:39 well, they fell short of that
00:41 $2 billion mark, which they've
00:43 hit multiple times in the last
00:45 56 months, But yes, still a
00:47 pretty large number, especially
00:49 for April, where you know in
00:52 the absence of, uh of the NFL
00:55 season, and you know, we had
00:57 a lot of the NFL season.
00:59 Obviously, but still a pretty
01:01 large number. Last April,
01:05 April 2023 $1.55 billion in
01:07 handle so an increase year over
01:11 year in April for handle in New
01:15 York FanDuel $780.5 million in
01:19 handle. They took 40% of the
01:21 online market and generated
01:23 $91 million in revenue. So
01:26 that's a pretty big number.
01:28 And then the state of New York
01:30 $183.8 million in total online
01:34 revenue and the state
01:36 collected $46.4 million in tax
01:39 revenue, which you know they
01:42 certainly rely on quite heavily
01:45 some large fiscal projections
01:48 for New York as it pertains to
01:51 sports betting on you know,
01:53 certainly the fiscal year kicks
01:55 off in the state as well.
01:56 Mhm.
01:57 (upbeat music)
