Guardiola refusing to look at next season as focus is on making history

  • 4 months ago
Guardiola refusing to look at next season as focus is on making history

CGA, Manchester, UK
00:00The hunger of your players and how important it's been this season in particular, but what about your hunger?
00:08Regardless of what happens on Sunday and in the FA Cup final next week, will you be back again for more next season?
00:13Yeah, I have a contract. I want to be here next season. Yes. Yes
00:18Because there's a kind of narrative built up that while you're in England
00:23Nobody else has a chance
00:26Is that something you would agree with?
00:30In the margins every season I win for 20 points, I would say yes, I'm a genius. I'm so good, but it's not
00:37The Premier League's we won against Liverpool. They could have win
00:42They can win Arsenal we can win like that
00:45That my judgment about the team about how we behave nothing change
00:50Nothing change my opinion against Liverpool these years. Nothing change. In fact, the win or no win nothing change
00:55I know here just prize the winners and the winners have the
00:59Smell good and everyone want a copy and everything, but it's not
01:04it's not the case because
01:06behind of
01:08Arriving here in the last press conference of the season before the last game of the Premier League
01:13there are a lot of work behind a lot like Liverpool was and
01:17And Arsenal have been this season
01:20So there are a lot of work is nothing because we are done in the past give you already
01:24It's completely opposite is there are a lot of work for all departments
01:28How many my backroom staff the medical department the Fisher's department?
01:34How take care all the seasons every single few few injuries?
01:39Injuries always there, but the balance is ridiculous. How good is and there's because there are a lot of work. Take care of the players and
01:47The people you know every single day hours and hours being
01:52Both to play that to do this you have to do this you have to do this to to be in fit
01:57So otherwise
02:01You cannot be a warrior
02:05Pepper as you said the city have been very consistent over a number of years
02:08How important is if you as a coach to have players like?
02:12Bernardo Foden Edison Karl Walker Kevin who've been here for a lot of the journey
02:17So they they know the the expectations does that help you is that reassuring for you as a manager to have players like that
02:24Yeah, of course so many times with this huge personality that you name and another ones. It's no chance
02:32And this behind the the success that
02:36Having arriving in these stages every every single seasons. There are a lot of factors a lot
02:42it's not just
02:45Only just one person there are a lot of factors being involved a lot
02:50a lot that people don't know is behind the scenes and
02:54the people know the hierarchy the
02:57Consistency with the same idea with the same manager the top what quality players a lot of quality human beings
03:04The group of the season is difficult to find replace the quality of the human beings how they respect how I?
03:11saw I saw when Erling Haaland scored the first goal of sports against the Spurs the celebration from Julian and
03:18And Jack Really's how they hack each other in the touchline or warm-up how they hack
03:26To build that in every single days between them have incredible captains incredible relations, so
03:32When they have a bad moment they solve it they talk each other they solve it the conflicts we had the conflict
03:37This is between them between me then it's normal how they solve it
03:42This is the key
03:44Because make our routine every day better and better
03:49They know it. I know today my meeting. They will be so focused
03:52I know they were in training so focused because they know everybody knows what we are playing for something like
04:01We are not to leave it again. None of us impossible at the chance to win four in a row
04:07Any of us?
04:08In our life is going to happen again
04:11And you have to leave it enjoy think what you have to do during 95 96
04:1797 minutes the gaming has to be now. Do you know who changed the game sinchanka?
04:23Alek changed that game first half was not good
04:26The halftime arrived there that he changed the game
04:29In the first goal how you can Raheem Sterling the action for the first goal for him for two players from the
04:36from the from the bench
04:39So everybody everybody is going to do his part
04:43But could you just give us an estimation of where you think
04:49Phil Foden is in his trajectory. I mean he won a big award this year
04:54The season it looks to me and to a lot of people like he's really transitioned from boy to man
05:00And now he's moving towards maturity where where can that journey take him?
05:06Everybody is obviously can make a step forward as a football player
05:10Tens of minutes or tend to be decisive in winning games
05:13maybe before it was a glimpse of action, but now is
05:21That is the truth, but they still have a margin sometimes this game is over excited is over
05:28And you have to be more calm
05:30Because his excitement have for himself, but we'll have question of time
05:35But this is a have been so really really important really really
05:40Football intellect he's developing now is is growing isn't it you know it's like he's on a master's course
05:46He's been to school university now. He's moving forward
05:49Yeah, it's moving forward, but I had the feeling he can can be better
05:53And I think he can do it because it's a many times. He loved football is
05:59He enjoyed to be on the pitch
06:01I think I had the feeling doesn't like when you have day off he likes to be in the training session doing mine
06:06less or more so
06:07And I had the feeling I still can be but still can be better
06:11Will a mic please guys
06:14Obviously Stefan's gonna start at the weekend in goal
06:17He's come on in some big games died some big games now
06:20But and turn himself into a household name after the Spurs save especially but before maybe he was
06:26Offered to you as a idea of a signing by the recruitment team was he someone you were aware of as a goalkeeper in in
06:32Germany, but you kept up to name. Did you did you know who he was no no?
06:38It was my
06:41Keeper apartment, but is what I said so people talk about the incredible safe from from it because it is how many times but
06:48Eddie has done it before with a song. I think the same action and save it and
06:53The Champions League do you know the reason why we won the Champion League season was Edison in Madrid safe and incredible with one
06:58two one zero down
07:00He make an equal one one
07:01I don't remember perfectly he make an incredible safe for the header from Benzema and the final Champions League
07:06It was the key player, but the key to win to win so
07:11We cannot define the period without Eddie. It's impossible
07:15But of course we have today because it happened so do was a strange season for the Eddie
07:20So it's four times setbacks four times injured keeper four times with incredible knocks
07:25I never seen that and today in a month who we have to be a 2-2 proper proper
07:31Keeper so before it was clear the first keeper and the second one the distance was so big
07:36And of course everybody knows
07:39the team knows and both knows it that Edison is the first keeper, but the
07:43Distances it's not because you need it. It's a lot of games happen injures
07:47You have to be the second good good keeper like you have it for central defenders top class you have to have a
07:55two or three very very good keepers otherwise
08:00The distance is too big
08:02The team cannot compete does that mean you've got someone to thank for identifying Stefan as
08:07China visitor
08:09So what happened?
08:12In the parcel we need that I said yeah introduced like always two or three keepers and I said I think this is the man
08:18Okay, let's go. I'm not an expert about the keeper. So
08:23That's why you have a
08:25Trainer for that and he said okay and as always shall we have a good day and he did it really well
08:34Can can this squad after going through so much can it stay together and and do it again or do you think some
08:41players might look for another challenge after
08:46After going through so much
08:48next season
08:54I have to say how we finish so sometimes decisions. It depends how we are going to finish the season so
09:03The player has done a good season already done
09:06So nothing is going to change how was the season it depends on the last two games of the season nothing is going to change
09:11but we have to wait so now I'm not thinking one second going to happen next season because
09:19What I said this was common
09:22All the four plays up front foot for themself can create something inspected
09:28Kudos is an exceptional player Bowen for many years. It's a remember Salah Bowen many many actions. He does and
09:35Antonio, you know Antonio
09:37When his feet is is unbelievable and does the top cosplay in terms of can do many many things so
09:45That's why so all for for nothing. They can do something unique a special and
09:51This is only I am I am concerned right now next season will be next season
09:56Could I ask just quickly would the players if they if they win the title there's obviously
10:01Wembley as well would they get days off at all to celebrate?
10:05Or straight back into work
10:07What what what a question absolutely I'm going to answer it so after the game ask me whatever you want
10:16It's not the time to answer this thank you guys
