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MEDI1TV Afrique : Cinéma, littérature et art - 18/05/2024


00:00 [Music]
00:10 It is with great pleasure that I meet you again on Mediantv for this new Escalculture at the heart of Africa.
00:18 And as usual, we will go through what is happening on our continent, cinema and literature, without forgetting our guest of the day.
00:27 [Music]
00:34 And today, we have the immense pleasure of welcoming Magid Sofi, main voice, singer of the band Zebda Veritable Ikone.
00:43 He is currently in Morocco for the presentation of his latest book, "La vie de ma mère". Hello Magid.
00:51 [Music]
00:56 Thank you for being with us today. And as I said, you are currently in Morocco for your book "La vie de ma mère".
01:06 And it is true that when we look more closely at your career as an author, there has always been this theme of filiation, identity,
01:16 this question of the link with family, these identity questions. How did the idea, the genesis of your latest book come to you?
01:26 Well, in fact, it is the story of an Algerian immigrant woman who lived her whole life in France
01:40 and finally never became French. She remained Algerian in her head.
01:49 And suddenly, her children, who are only five years old, realize that they do not know their mother.
01:58 And so they go to meet this woman, saying to themselves, "But who is this woman who is our mother?
02:06 We only knew the mother, but what does she really think? What did she dream of in her life and what did she never say?"
02:16 And so these are children who go to meet their mother.
02:20 It is a portrait of the mother, but also of a woman, quite simply.
02:25 How long did it take you to decide to write this novel, since it is your double novel in a way?
02:38 Yes, absolutely. I can say that I devoted nearly four years to writing it, but in reality it is a whole life.
02:49 A whole life that is needed to ask yourself the question of who is the woman behind your mother?
02:55 Did she have desires that she did not formulate? What is she dreaming of today?
03:05 And so it is almost a whole life.
03:08 And through this magical novel, are you looking for answers in a way?
03:14 Is there really something introspective? Are you totally detached from this double novel?
03:21 No, we are never totally detached because I only know how to write what I have lived.
03:30 So I am inspired by my experience.
03:33 But then you always have to romance. There is always a romantic part to make the story more interesting.
03:43 So there is always a link like that. And finally, the characters we write are actually doubles.
03:51 What is the main difference for you between writing a book and writing a poem?
04:01 You are a singer, a poet, but you are also an author.
04:05 Does it complement each other or are these two things totally different for you?
04:10 Yes, these are two completely different disciplines.
04:14 In any case, literature requires us to look in detail.
04:18 Because the reader must be able to build images.
04:23 So songs, it's three minutes, short texts, well, they are short texts.
04:31 The novel in particular requires us to dig into the space, the setting, the soul of each character.
04:42 So it's a story of detail, in the end.
04:44 A story of detail. There is also this very beautiful news next door, which is related to cinema.
04:50 It's the adaptation of another book, from me, from Gaul.
04:57 How did this story of literature in cinema happen?
05:01 It's a director, Malik Shiban, who wrote to me one day asking me if I agreed to an adaptation.
05:13 And of course, I was interested in having images produced on my text.
05:19 And I had the impression that it was more than an adaptation, it was like an adoption.
05:25 Malik Shiban, having seen his own mother in the character of my mother,
05:29 and having seen my own person in the character of my hero,
05:35 he said to himself, "Hey, Magide's life is a bit like mine, we have a similar journey."
05:41 And so he adapted it himself.
05:43 So it's a free adaptation of my novel, from me, from Gaul.
05:48 And seeing the film, what did it do to you?
05:53 Because when you transform words into images, there is a whole world.
05:59 How did you feel?
06:01 I was expecting it to be another look.
06:06 In particular, in my book, I had insisted a lot on the young man,
06:13 who is the hero of my part of Gaul.
06:17 I think he wanted to insist more on the parents.
06:22 So it's a film focused a lot on his immigrant parents,
06:27 who dream of giving the most beautiful chances in life.
06:33 And it's true that there is also a small news, a big news,
06:39 since in a while, music catches up with you,
06:43 and "Premiers Amour" comes back on the front of the scene.
06:48 And apparently, a new opus will be released.
06:52 Can you tell us about it or not yet?
06:54 Yes, I can tell you about it because it's coming out.
06:58 It's the last album, my last musical album,
07:05 my last CD, since you know that we hardly make CDs anymore.
07:10 It's a last album coming out on May 31st,
07:17 and it will allow me to go on tour in January, February, March 2025.
07:25 And it will allow me to make the scene,
07:28 because in the end, we make albums to make the scene.
07:32 In any case, thank you very much Magid Shelfie for being with us.
07:36 You are in Morocco at the moment to present your last book,
07:41 your novel "La vie de ma mère".
07:43 Thank you again for being with us.
07:45 Thank you.
07:47 Thank you, have a good day.
07:49 And after "Tête à tête" with Magid Shelfie,
07:57 where we talked about literature or cinema and music,
08:01 we talk about art right away with Béa Gilgacha,
08:04 a French-Cambodian multidisciplinary artist.
08:08 She entered the Louvre in 2011,
08:10 but it must be said that Béa Gilgacha is above all an autodidact artist
08:15 who sees and paints her art as a commitment in a perspective,
08:19 above all intersectional.
08:21 She will create two collections, including "Gosses" in 2016,
08:25 with the artists Rakajo and Nils Nietz,
08:28 who question the lack of representation of young Afro-French artists
08:32 in the singular world.
08:34 Gacha plays with artistic mediums.
08:36 She is particularly concerned with plastic arts,
08:39 including drawing or writing.
08:41 And over time, her trademark will become
08:44 the perling of figurative sculpture surfaces.
08:47 Let's take a look right now.
08:49 It's a very long work,
08:51 which inspired me from the work of artisanal perling
08:55 of the OASC of Cameroon.
08:58 It was a process of revaluing what is human.
09:05 When you look at the sculptures,
09:08 you get the impression of seeing jewels.
09:11 I always found that, unfortunately,
09:15 we evolve in a society where we give more value to objects
09:21 than to human beings.
09:23 That's why I started this work.
09:25 During this residence in Saint-Laurent-du-Maronnet,
09:28 I developed an artistic project,
09:30 which was more a visual plastic and poetic research
09:34 on how to integrate and use natural materials.
09:39 In general, I develop a work corpus,
09:42 where I can touch on many different mediums,
09:46 which tell a story.
09:48 As is the case in the exhibition
09:50 currently being held at the Transportation Centre.
09:53 Gacha has made African culture an inspiration in its own right.
09:59 It is based on the ancestral practice
10:01 of the West Cameroonian prairies.
10:04 This practice involves developing sculpted figures
10:07 and domestic objects of glass pearls.
10:09 These pearls, sometimes from the Czech Republic,
10:11 evoke both its Bamilican heritage
10:14 and the long-standing trade of pearls
10:17 that unites Africa with Europe and Asia.
10:20 For the artist, the pearl is above all a metaphor
10:23 that highlights human ties,
10:25 in order to draw attention to the individual value
10:29 of each human being and their personal experience.
10:33 A large part of my artistic project
10:36 is about the search for elements in nature, in the forest.
10:44 I was interested in the cultural and natural richness
10:49 of the Guiana and of Saint Lawrence.
10:54 This residence was very interesting for me.
10:58 When I start a project,
11:01 I come up with a global idea,
11:04 new ideas for the Guiana.
11:06 I can be sure that now there are a bit too many ideas in my head.
11:10 It's so rich, with so many different areas of research
11:15 and creative paths.
11:17 Since her first exhibition in Stockholm in 2009,
11:21 Beya Gilgasha has been touring the world,
11:24 real figures from the African artistic scene,
11:27 the Museum of Washington, the Grand Palais de Paris,
11:30 and the Asian space,
11:32 the center of the Obuzuka in Benin,
11:34 and the National Gallery in Rome.
11:37 Her unique creations are always in the spotlight.
11:40 If Beya Gilgasha's artistic footprint
11:42 is based on pearls,
11:44 the impact of the artist in the art world
11:46 is not only about this material.
11:48 Indeed, each of her works
11:50 always aims to deliver a message,
11:53 to create an awareness,
11:54 and to awaken the spirits,
11:56 always and above all, with poetry.
11:59 I just thought, I'm going to talk about human beings.
12:02 Because for me, they are human beings
12:03 that we should see as a value before the object.
12:07 I chose an olive tree for its symbolism,
12:11 a tree of peace, wisdom,
12:13 but also because it's a Mediterranean tree
12:15 that reflects on what brings us together
12:17 and not what divides us.
12:19 This little boy has a defiant look.
12:21 He challenges the adult and faces his responsibilities.
12:30 After talking about art, we'll talk about cinema in Africa,
12:34 with culture and place behind the mountains.
12:37 A film by Mohamed Ben Atia,
12:40 which tells the story of Rafiq.
12:42 After four years in prison
12:45 for looting his workplace,
12:47 Rafiq has only one idea in mind,
12:49 to find his wife and son,
12:51 and take them far away to show them
12:53 what he discovered, his gift, his gift.
12:55 Faced with the incredulity of his wife
12:57 and the resistance of his beautiful family,
12:59 Rafiq kidnaps his son during their fight.
13:02 He meets a shepherd and takes refuge in a house in the countryside,
13:06 where everything will start.
13:08 Let's watch a clip from the trailer.
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