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Welcome to Tues Your Own Adventure! Join Jules and James as they take a look at video games made harder with co-op! With friends like these...


00:00 Right, so James in order to solve this puzzle we both need to press the button at the exact same time
00:05 All right, you with me? Let's do it. Hell. Yeah. Okay, right. It's already three two one. Oh
00:11 James you didn't actually press the button then. Yes, I did. No, no, no
00:17 We both need to press it at the same time together at the same time. All right. Okay. No worries, man
00:21 Let's try again. Okay, right three two one
00:28 You didn't press it again did he
00:30 James he's still there mate
00:33 You see sometimes in video games girls can you hear me?
00:37 Yeah, so sometimes video game co-op modes can make things considerably more difficult and I'm here to explain why
00:44 Hello all of you little demons jewels here for what culture calm back again with another episode of the awesomely named and awfully hosted
00:52 Choose your own adventure the weekly medieval theme format where I the crown jewels of what culture calm take a list chosen by you
00:59 Yes, you the person who actually submitted the name for this list, but it was in the actual live chat
01:03 So unfortunately, I didn't grab your actual name, but this is dedicated to you. Whoever you may be
01:07 Enjoy this today. Yes, you get to decide what list I dole out to you each and every week and today we're talking about
01:14 video games that sometimes made co-op
01:20 Jules because today we're talking about video games that were actually made harder with co-op
01:25 But now this is the thing when it comes to video games cooperative play is usually something that is a God sent to players
01:31 I mean when the big evil of the land has got you backed into a corner is about to introduce your mouth to its feet
01:37 You'd probably wish that you'd have somebody riding into your rescue and in this medium that can literally take place where people charging in
01:44 Going headfirst foot first fist first axe first to your rescue and with another player or team of seasoned veterans by your side
01:51 It can make even the most daunting games far far easier as now
01:55 You've got real allies that will actually stop to pick you up pass your ammo and don't just run off aimlessly
02:00 But yet sometimes adding another player into the mix only makes a recipe for disaster. So let's take a look at them today as I'm Jules
02:08 This is what culture comm and these are seven video games made way harder with co-op
02:14 Number seven any Halo game on legendary now when donning the mantle of the big green tin of man's
02:21 Spam that is master chief
02:22 It can be very easy to buy into the power fantasy that he presents that you quite literally are the best that humanity has to offer
02:29 Yet the experience changes somewhat as soon as you bump up the difficulty as now instead of charging forwards
02:35 You're learning the meaning of tactical retreat in all of its forms and here on
02:40 Legendary the only ones laughing are the grunts as they toe punch your corpse over and over
02:44 So how could this experience get any more?
02:47 humbling well by adding in some friends and the knowledge that all enemies double in health on this mode known as
02:53 Legendary and will mow you down in seconds and then multiply that by the fact that in some Halo games
02:59 You aren't gonna be respawning next to your buddy after you die
03:01 But back at the bloody last checkpoint and you can see how that makes for a painful
03:06 experience and things got somehow even worse if you and your pals attempted the vid master challenge annual on Halo 3 as
03:12 Here you need to complete the halo level as a group of four with iron skull on which resets the entire level if even one of
03:19 You dies and with everyone riding a ghost at the end
03:22 There are so so many elements of this that can go wrong
03:26 So by the end of things you're probably gonna be - three friends
03:29 Even if you do get plus one achievement for doing so number six
03:33 Portal - now everyone knows by now that despite their often hilarious tone the portal games are no joke when it comes to
03:40 brain-bending puzzles
03:42 venturing through the testing labs and beyond was never a dull experience as the player is
03:46 Challenged at every turn to think on their feet and be about 20 steps ahead in order to manipulate different portals and surfaces at a moment's
03:53 Notice therefore with such demanding gameplay one can only feel their soul die
03:58 Just a little trying to do all of this with another person in tow
04:01 Attempting to convey to another player that they need to fire their portal gun at just the right time and then move to another location
04:07 And perform another action is basically trying to give directions in a foreign country where you don't speak the language
04:12 Plus you've also got this scenario which James and I will now act out for you today James
04:16 Are you ready to take the center stage once more? Yes here
04:19 I am walking across a bridge that my friend James Dowse has made for me with his amazing portal gun isn't life grand
04:26 Oh, I sure hope he doesn't delete the bridge at some random inopportune moment just because it's funny. Oh dear
04:33 This is your life now
04:36 Continually trying to explain plans only to have them disintegrate
04:40 Thanks to either poor communication timing or just because your partner thinks it's bloody funny to drop you into that boiling lake of metal-eating
04:47 Acids I mean it totally is but it's not helping number five dark souls to what scholar of the first sin
04:54 So in case you hadn't heard dark souls both as a game and a way of life big up to my fat rollers in the buffet
05:01 Of pain that is life itself is a pretty hard ride
05:04 Yeah, you die a lot and even when you're not chomping on a sweet backstab, bro
05:10 You're beset with such depressing environments that it starts to feel quite bloody lonely at times as such
05:15 You might be very tempted to call in a helping hand or two to make the brutal gauntlet between bonfires that little bit easier
05:22 However before you light up that big fat humanity and pass it around the bonfire
05:26 Maybe you should consider something
05:28 This is a from software title and as such help is something rarely given without a price being paid
05:34 That's because even though the boss battles can be made significantly easier being human also invokes the possibility of being invaded by other players
05:42 And let me tell you something having to battle both PvP and PvD at once is no joke
05:48 Oh PvD for those not in the know is player versus dickheads who constantly glitch out because a poor net code
05:54 Plus when it comes to dark souls 2 scholar of the first sin where you could summon up to three other spirits to help
06:00 Players soon realized that certain enemies like Heidi nights aggroed immediately making the challenge even more extreme
06:07 Plus with a full party your damage is actually going to be reduced by 67% of their normal state
06:12 Making chewing through even the most basic enemies in utter slog and remember the longer you spend in Dark Souls combat the more likely
06:19 It's going to be that you're gonna make a mistake and die number four double dragon neon now in fairness
06:25 You could actually put any example of a brawler video game that has friendly fire in at this slot
06:30 But there is a reason a real reason why I've chosen to put double dragon neon on here
06:35 Explicitly and I will tell you
06:39 Now because today we're not talking about battle toes and the fact that your friend could kill you at a moment's notice by accident
06:45 We're talking about the much less infamous and if we're being honest much more inferior title double dragon neon
06:51 Which for fans of the series was kind of a low point
06:53 I say this because everything about this title feels kind of off
06:56 From the weird low definition 3d sprites to the tone of the game that feels at odds with itself in that it constantly promises a blast
07:03 Of 80s fun, but delivers something utterly straight-laced and often boring in fact
07:08 Boring will be the order of the day should you look to 100% this title as trying to get the mister's perfect
07:13 Trophy will make you bore a hole through your goddamn skull out of frustration as this one
07:18 Achievement requires you to make it through a level in co-op without either person taking a single hit and friendly fire being on now
07:25 It's that last section of the achievement which proves to be your utter downfall because no matter what level you choose to do this on
07:31 The screen often gets completely cluttered with enemies and thanks to a rogue punch or throwing an enemy into your actual teammate
07:38 You're going to lose your chance at this trophy again and again and again
07:42 And it'll make you question what the bloody point of it all was
07:45 number three
07:46 Cadence of Hyrule now for those of you not in the know when it comes to dancing
07:50 the best way to describe my moves are that I have the rhythm of a person who is
07:54 Flatlining and I kind of look like if spaghetti could feel pain
07:58 So when it came to playing through the crypt of the necrodancer video game and the subsequent Zelda centric title cadence of Hyrule you best bloody
08:06 Believe that I absolutely sucked at both as soon as the situation becomes even remotely stressful in either game
08:11 My rhythm-keeping skills go out the bloody window. However through perseverance and intense concentration
08:17 I have been able to make some progress level three, baby. I
08:21 Got down to floor three. Yay
08:24 however
08:25 If you think you've started to master what cadence of Hyrule has to offer
08:28 Prepare to have that dream shattered the moment you fire up the game in two-player mode as here with players taking up the mantle
08:34 Of both link and cadence you have to explore dungeons to save the land all while staying on beat and trust me if you thought
08:41 That it was challenging enough on solo runs that is
08:43 Multiplied to the extremes as soon as you've got another player bungling up their movements and attacks plus this mode throws up some rather devious
08:50 moments in which you'll need to coordinate to hit enemies together or solve mild puzzles and doing all of that to an ever-threatening
08:56 Metronome is like a death knell to your friendship number two
08:59 Overcooked one and two. Now the phrase cooking up a storm is usually often to describe somebody who approaches the act of cooking with passion
09:07 intensity and sometimes a little bit of
09:09 ferocity but when it comes to
09:12 Overcooked one and two the phrase kind of changes a little bit and comes to mean if you don't get that onion chopped in the
09:18 Next two seconds
09:19 I'm gonna shove a lightning bolt up your bloody ass and do not even think that a hurricane has got the same intensity as my
09:25 Controller throwing accuracy I say this because there's no such thing as a chill moment in the overcooked series as you'll constantly be
09:33 Chopping boiling cleaning and desperately sprinting to the past to serve food. It is
09:38 Relentless and so too are the cuss words that will likely spout from your mouth the moment that you start to play this online with
09:45 Friends because here somebody has to take charge and barking orders at your friends when combined with time limits
09:51 It's never going to make you captain popular
09:53 In fact, it's going to make the entire experience an utter chore as if your communication skills aren't up to par
09:58 Or if your friends go into business for themselves or just can't simply keep up with the hectic pace
10:03 You're gonna miss out on those high scores and chew them out for it
10:06 Therefore it's actually something of a simple pleasure to play this game on single player now
10:11 I know that's not the way the game is meant to be played
10:14 But it is far far less stressful than having your supposed best friends yell at you for burning a stew or ten
10:19 I'm sorry that I get easily distracted and number one keep talking and nobody explodes now
10:25 I know what you're thinking James Jules you handsome idiot. What are you talking about?
10:30 What words are falling out of your mumbly bumbly mouth today? Keep talking and nobody explodes. It's solely a co-op game
10:38 So, how can you say that it's made harder in co-op when that's the only way to play it? Well, guess what my friends?
10:43 It's back the evil finger temple of doom
10:48 Of earth of earth
10:49 Yes
10:50 That's right
10:50 The finger temple of doom has made its way into these lists once more because while it is
10:54 Technically true that keep talking and nobody explodes is a multiplayer game
10:58 That's not to say that it is the only way to play it
11:01 Thanks to the ingenious mind of developer Devin Hurst there now exists a bot that allows players to tackle the game
11:07 Utterly solo with the bot reading audio cues and responding in its own voice back to the desperate bomb defuser
11:13 Arguably this makes for a much much easier play session than with friends as the bot immediately responds and does so with impeccable
11:20 Clarity this means that you can rattle through questions and get hold of the situation far quicker than the panicked
11:26 Scrabbling and stumbling that real-life players fall prey to now
11:29 I know that it's not as much fun per se to play with a bot that has been exclusively designed to help you through this
11:35 Game, but still it is so much less stressful as a result to do so and you know what the regular?
11:42 Experience of this game kind of makes it feel like anger management courses sponsored and made this game
11:48 So yeah, I'll save some money and play with the bot from time to time and there we go my friends
11:52 Those were seven video games made harder through co-op
11:55 I hope that you enjoyed that and please let me know what you thought about it down in the comments section below as always
12:00 I've been Jules
12:00 You can go follow me over on Twitter at retro J with a zero or you can swing by live and let's dice where I do
12:06 All of my streaming outside of work, and it'd be great to see you over there, but before I go
12:10 I just want to say one thing we detailed a lot today about times that things were made more difficult by adding well too many
12:16 Cooks to the broth that's not the saying but you know where I'm going with that one
12:20 And I do want to stress though in real life sharing a problem with your friends your families professionals in the support industry
12:26 That is something that I truly
12:28 Encourage you doing because sharing a problem usually means that you can solve it far far quicker
12:33 You shouldn't go through life trying to bottle up your emotions and make sure you're not speaking to people about your problems
12:38 share those problems get them out in the open start a discourse as painful as it might be sometimes and
12:43 Start to get the help that you deserve because you are a massive ledge and you deserve all the best things in life
12:48 And I don't want anyone stumbling across the way all right big love from me to you now go out there and absolutely
12:53 Smash it today as always I've been Jules you have been awesome. Never forget that and I'll speak to you soon. Bye
