God, Spirituality, Holy Spirit, Jesus, Faith, Christian, Religion, Love, Word, Mercy,
00:00During, like, a five, six-year period, I couldn't explain all the crises that visited me, crises
00:08with my loved ones.
00:10In that period, we were building my health decline.
00:13Leaders left our church.
00:14Long-term, I mean, friendships that lasted a decade went left.
00:20We never had a late payment on our old building, but the bank tried to repossess our church.
00:26A wealthy, and to me, powerful businessman tried to destroy us.
00:31We were facing a frivolous lawsuit that dragged on year, after year, after year, had expensive
00:38legal fees.
00:39And here's the deal, none of this was really about me.
00:43This battle was raging over the souls you see at this altar every single week.
00:49And what I need you to know, that battle you're fighting may not be about you.
00:55It may be about that child you need to raise, or that family member you need to reach.
01:08And the NIV reads, now faith is confidence.
01:16Now last Sunday, I explained that faith is not always 100% intellectual certainty.
01:24Faith is often a calculated risk.
01:28If you think about it, we engage in almost all our daily life without 100% certainty.
01:37We drive through intersections anyway, trusting that all the other cars are going to stop.
01:44We marry anyway, not knowing what the person's going to be like five years.
01:52And when you walk down the aisle, some of y'all don't sound happy with your first five
02:04We bank anyway, not knowing whether or not the bank's going to shut down, and lots of
02:10banks are shut.
02:11The point is, we don't really have 100% certainty about many things, but we still operate, and
02:20we still function.
02:24God is the only one in the universe who is 100% sure about everything.
02:32But the rest of us have to live based on calculated risk.
02:38So we're going to take a look at this in a couple scriptures, and I'm going to talk a
02:43little bit about some things in my life, and then we're going to wrap it up.
02:48But all we're going to do today is really just cover one verse, but we're going to do
02:52it through looking at some other scriptures.
02:54Second Kings, chapter seven and verse three.
02:58Now there were four leprous men.
03:01We all know that lepers at this period in history were outcasts, they were the lowest
03:06of the low, and they were forced to live outside the city.
03:10But these lepers happened to be at the entrance of the gate, and if you read the earlier part
03:16of the chapter, you see that the Syrians had surrounded Samaria, and they seized the city.
03:22They blocked supplies from coming in, and such a severe famine hit Israel that earlier
03:30in this chapter we actually read about people eating their own children.
03:37So this is how bad it was, and how bad it got.
03:40And you know, when we think about our troubles, we think we really got them until we look
03:43at someone else's.
03:45You know, my mother used to say to me when I was a teenager, you know, the boy complained
03:49he had no shoes until he saw the boy that had no feet.
03:55And the four lepers had lots of problems.
03:58They were sick, they were outcasts, there wasn't a lot of hope for a long life, but
04:05they still possessed presence of mind.
04:09And we can focus on all the things we don't have and miss celebrating some of the things
04:15we have left.
04:17Yeah, and these four lepers said to one another, and by the way they still had each other,
04:24why are we sitting here until we die?
04:28If we say we will enter the city, that's Samaria, Israel, the famine's in the city, and we're
04:35going to die there.
04:37If we sit here, we're going to die here also.
04:41So these four lepers were in a catch-22, a no-win situation.
04:48But how many of you have lived long enough to know that when you're down to nothing,
04:52God is up to something?
04:54Yes, yes.
04:56So God is actually orchestrating events that these men are not even aware of.
05:04And actually it didn't say they were men, okay good.
05:07Now therefore, come let us surrender to the army of the Syrians.
05:14Well they wanted to go someplace where there was food.
05:17And 1 Corinthians chapter 10 verse 13 says, every temptation that we can experience comes
05:25with a way of escape.
05:28So I've learned that whenever I'm at the end of myself, to start looking for a trap door
05:37Sometimes it could be a telephone call, it could be asking someone to pray.
05:42It could be a lot of things, but God has planned our lives in such a way that there is no situation
05:51or no temptation that we have to give in, and we have to yield.
05:56There is always some way out.
06:01The lepers said if they keep us alive, we shall live.
06:04If they kill us, we shall only die.
06:08And the point I wanted to make is that these lepers were not 100% certain about what would
06:16happen either way.
06:18All they could do is take a step and trust God.
06:25Now MLK said, he said, faith is taking the first step even though you don't see the entire
06:32And they arose at twilight to go to the camp of the Syrians, and when they had come to
06:38the outskirts of the Syrian camp, to their surprise, no one was there.
06:45Now notice they were what?
06:48Meaning, they didn't have everything figured out.
06:52When you step out in faith, you're not always going to have everything figured out.
06:58Secondly, everything's not always going to go exactly how you planned.
07:05But you know what?
07:06God never asks us to figure it out.
07:09He only asks us to trust Him.
07:12He just wants us to trust Him.
07:16But watch verse six, because up to this point we see the Samaritans besieging the city.
07:21We see this woman, you know, arguing with this other lady because she said, listen,
07:25let's eat my baby first, and then afterwards we'll eat your baby.
07:29Then it came time to eat the other woman's baby.
07:31She's like, nope.
07:32She hid her baby, and it was a whole thing.
07:35And then we see these four lepers, and it seems like God is nowhere.
07:40But behind the scenes, behind the circumstances, God was still at work.
07:47And you may not see God.
07:49God may not be obvious in your circumstances, but that does not mean God is not still at
07:57Am I making sense?
07:58All right.
08:03For the Lord had caused the army of the Syrians to hear the noise of chariots and the noise
08:13of horses.
08:15You see, when the lepers leaned in the direction of God's leading, God's armies became their
08:28When God puts in your heart what to do next, your enemies are not fighting you.
08:36They are ultimately fighting God.
08:40And God didn't lie to the Syrian army.
08:44All he did was supernaturally let the army hear the armies of God that were behind the
08:51And you don't know what the enemy hears as you take a step of faith in the direction
08:57that God wants you to go.
09:02You're looking in the mirror, but you need to look in the spirit.
09:08It said that the Syrians heard the noise of a great army.
09:14So that they said to one another, look, the king of Israel has hired against us the king
09:18of the Hittites and the king of the Egyptians to attack us.
09:23And the result was this incredible army that had besieged the city and starved out the
09:28people ran in fear.
09:31And what I've learned, if the Lord tells you to jump, don't try to figure it out.
09:37Just ask, how high?
09:40How can four lepers defeat an army, but when God is for you, who can be against you?
09:50Let's look at it in another place, Matthew 14 and 24, and we're going to see someone
09:55else taking a calculated risk.
09:59But the boat was in the middle of the sea, tossed by the waves, taken on water, for the
10:03wind was contrary.
10:05But the disciples looked up, saw Jesus walking on the water, and they thought that they had
10:10saw initially a ghost.
10:14And then some conversation goes on, and Peter says, Lord, if it's you.
10:21This is a very important question, particularly when you're talking about the subject of faith.
10:28Faith is not just arbitrarily coming up with something, and then trying to hold God to
10:32your particular plan.
10:35How many of you have tried to make God do something that God had never promised in the
10:39first place?
10:42Or maybe God promised something generally, but you got real specific.
10:48And God said, well I'm going to do what I said, but not that, I'm going to do this.
10:56So Peter says, a good question, Lord, if it's you.
11:06Peter needed confirmation.
11:10Faith is saying, Lord, if this is how you're moving, I'm willing to move too.
11:17So Jesus was walking on the water, that's what God was doing, so Peter's like, can you
11:21let me in on it?
11:23So faith is not necessarily telling God what to do, it's getting in on what God is doing.
11:28Does that make sense?
11:32So Peter said, Lord, if it's you.
11:37So Peter was willing to take a risk, because the rest of it says, tell me to come down
11:43on the water.
11:44But Peter was no dummy.
11:47He wanted Christ to first confirm that it was him.
11:52And you need to understand that everything that goes bump in the night is not necessarily
12:00Always wait for confirmation.
12:03Jesus is Jesus.
12:07And the Bible says he was out in the wilderness, and as fierce as Jesus is, the devil started
12:12talking to him.
12:14Which means just like God has a voice, the devil has a voice.
12:19And the way Jesus defeated the voice of the adversary was with Scripture.
12:23But if you watch a little bit further, then he's like, okay, you're going to use Scripture.
12:28So then what the devil did was try to twist the Scriptures.
12:32So you need to understand the devil is a devil, and he's a very good devil.
12:37And his job is to get us out of God's will.
12:45So Peter asked the million-dollar, Lord, is it you?
12:48So your attitude needs to be, Lord, not is it convenient, not is it easy, not is everyone
12:55going to like it.
12:56But your fundamental question is, Lord, is it you?
13:01And Lord, if it's you, I want in.
13:06He said, Lord, if it's you, tell me to come to you on the water.
13:11Now we're going to talk a little bit about confirmation, but then we're going to take
13:14a quick journey elsewhere.
13:17Job 9-8 says, he alone, speaking of God, God alone spreads out the heavens and literally
13:24treads, but literally walks on the waves of the sea.
13:28So now these are good Jewish boys.
13:30They know their Bible.
13:31They know what Job has written.
13:33Many of them have memorized the Bible.
13:35They didn't have TV.
13:36They didn't have anything else to do but learn about the Bible.
13:41So Job said, God alone spreads out the heavens, treads on, or walks on the waves of the sea,
13:47which he saw Jesus was doing.
13:48And Jesus started saying before Abraham was, I am, and I am the bread of life.
13:51I am the way, the truth, and the life.
13:53And Jesus started claiming himself to be God, started forgiving people of their sins, something
13:57that only God could do.
13:59So okay, Jesus is doing stuff.
14:03God's written word is the first place we need to go to establish any truth or discern God's
14:10will for our particular lives.
14:13So I'm sure in their minds it's like, okay, God alone spreads out the heavens and treads
14:16on the water of the sea, and that was one confirmation.
14:20But then the second confirmation was when Jesus told him to come, and let me back up
14:27for one second.
14:28This is important.
14:29God will not always confirm your opinion, but he will always confirm his word.
14:38Everybody got an opinion, but everybody doesn't have God's word.
14:45So Jesus said, come.
14:50So the first confirmation is that God walks on water.
14:53Jesus is walking on water.
14:56Second Jesus, Peter said, if it's you, tell me to what?
15:002 Corinthians 3, 13 and 1 says, out of the mouth of two or three witnesses, every word
15:06shall be established.
15:09So the second confirmation, again, was Jesus speaking, but how many of you know that we
15:12are the body of Christ?
15:15So when God confirms things, first go to the word.
15:19But also listen to your brothers and sisters—not everybody, because I'm—but folks that are
15:26walking with God that have a track record with God.
15:30Pay attention to what the body is saying.
15:33So it was confirmed in general by Job, here.
15:38Then Jesus specifically tells him to come.
15:44The big point I want you to see, despite the three witnesses—and the third witness was,
15:48by the way, that it worked, but we'll get there in a second.
15:51Despite the fact that Peter had a confirmed word, confirmed in Job, confirmed by Jesus,
15:58in a moment we're going to see confirmed by the fact he was actually able to do it.
16:03In nature, it's a trip, because we're about to find out that even though he had some level
16:09of confidence, he was not 100% certain, because we're going to watch how it ends.
16:14Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water, and came toward Jesus.
16:19So again, it's confirmed.
16:21Confirmed in Scripture, confirmed by Jesus, for us the body of Christ, also that inner
16:27witness that God speaks to us individually as the body of Christ.
16:32The third, we see that it worked, but when he saw the wind, he was afraid.
16:38And beginning to sink, he cried out, Lord, save me.
16:43Which lets us know that when he stepped out of the boat, he was confident, but in time
16:50we found out he was not 100% sure or certain.
16:57This is important.
16:59If you wait until you are 100% certain, you will not do anything.
17:07You know, we can criticize Peter all we want, but Peter got out of the boat.
17:16The other 11 sat on the sidelines and watched.
17:20It's like, Peter, you shouldn't have sunk.
17:22Well you should have got out of the boat too.
17:26But Ecclesiastes 11 says, he who observes the wind will not sow, and he who guards the
17:33clouds will not reap.
17:34In other words, if you're looking for excuses, you will always find one.
17:40Immediately, and this is the comfort to me, Jesus reached out his hand and caught him.
17:48You see, you need to understand, when Jesus- when Peter got out of the boat, he was walking
17:53toward Jesus.
17:56And when you make mistakes, moving in the direction of God, even if you fail, God can
18:04catch you, and he will catch you.
18:09So when I fail, I want to at least be falling in the right direction, failing forward.
18:15Okay, let's go back to our original verse, Hebrews 11.
18:22Now faith is confidence.
18:27Scholars say that 99.5% of our Bible is unchanged from the first century, from the original
18:36The remaining .5% of our Bible can only be determined with a fair amount of certainty,
18:43but the wonderful thing about that is all of those- that .5%, those places are inconsequential.
18:50No major doctrine rests on it.
18:52It might be, you know, is it a plural?
18:54Were there many people in the room?
18:55One person in the room?
18:57How was the town spelled?
18:59You know, small stuff.
19:02But here's the deal.
19:04What reasonable person would abandon confidence in 99.5% because of the .5%?
19:16A writer wrote, to doubt God, I would have to believe that nothing produces everything.
19:27To doubt God, even though we're not certain how he did it all, I don't even understand
19:34I- how is- how is the past and the present all at the same?
19:39How is God the end of the- what?
19:41You know, I live in time.
19:43I understand time and space.
19:45I understand the past, the present, and future.
19:49But God, he sees it all simultaneously.
19:54I have to think God just knows.
19:58I mean, God- imagine, I- I- you know, even if you get a little bit older, it's like where
20:04do they live?
20:05God just knows all the time.
20:07He's the ancient of days, but he's the youngest person in the universe.
20:12I'm- I've- I've- I've left my- my quote here.
20:16But to doubt God, you'd have to believe that non-life produces life.
20:20Does that happen?
20:22Randomness produces fine-tuning.
20:26If you leave your house, does it get cleaner in your absence?
20:34If you leave your lawn, does it get caught- cut by itself?
20:40Chaos, we have to believe, produces information.
20:45So we could just throw up the alphabet, and it's going to come down with a book, or as
20:49a book.
20:51I'd have to believe that unconsciousness produces consciousness.
20:57Non-reason produce reason.
21:01What reasonable person has this much faith?
21:07Now faith is not always 100% certainty.
21:14I don't know all the details.
21:16I believe that the Lord is going to have folks respond at the end of this message today,
21:24but I'm not certain of the number.
21:26And God doesn't require me to be certain of the number.
21:30All He requires me to do is do my job, preach His word, and watch Him do the rest.
21:40Now faith is confidence.
21:44Now I mentioned this a few weeks ago, but you know, we were building this facility.
21:50I wasn't 100% certain all the time about how millions of dollars would come in despite
21:58the construction delays, despite the fact I'm not the guy that tells you, you know,
22:03listen, give $100 and then God's going to drop a million dollars in your mailbox.
22:07I'm not that guy.
22:16Sometimes God does stuff like that, but I'm not going to tell you that.
22:22Despite our inability to physically meet in COVID, despite the fact membership was
22:29declining due to the delay, despite the fact that construction costs were escalating, some
22:37nights I wake up in a sweat.
22:42But in that season I learned that God really wasn't looking for certainty out of me.
22:52All He wanted was confidence.
22:56So what I would do when I'd wake up at night, I'd use my lightning-fast mind and I was like,
23:00you know what, devil?
23:01You're going to wake me up every night.
23:02I'm going to make you regret it.
23:06So I'd wake up, and instead of whining and crying about it and worrying, I'd put my nose
23:11in the book and I'd get in God's word.
23:16Sometimes it took me 15 minutes, sometimes it'd take me a couple hours.
23:20But I'd get in the word and I'd read the 27th Psalm.
23:23I'd read the different places in the Bible until I had enough peace to go back to sleep.
23:30What I wanted to say here is I did not always wake up to face the day because I was certain.
23:38I faced it because I was persuaded.
23:47Now faith is confident.
23:50May I tell you a little bit more?
23:53You know, to be frank with you, honest with you, full disclosure, when I talk about construction
23:59and all the rest of that, I'm not even telling you a tenth of the story.
24:07During like a five, six year period, I couldn't explain all the crises that visited me.
24:20Crises with my loved ones.
24:23In that period where we're building my health decline, leaders left our church.
24:32Long term, I mean friendships that lasted a decade went left.
24:39We never had a late payment on our own old building, but the bank tried to repossess
24:44our church.
24:47A wealthy, and to me, powerful businessman tried to destroy us.
24:53We were facing a frivolous lawsuit that dragged on year after year after year.
25:00I had expensive legal fees, and here's the deal, none of this was really about me.
25:08This battle was raging over the souls you see at this altar every single week.
25:18And what I need you to know, that battle you're fighting may not be about you.
25:25It may be about that child you need to raise, or that family member you need to reach.
25:31Everything's not always about you.
25:37He's fighting you for a reason.
25:44During that time, my tongue turned black from acid.
25:49I didn't want to tell you this, but a tooth kind of just fell out on top of that.
25:57I slept with braces each night to keep my hands from turning into, or locking into claws.
26:05I would wake up on Monday morning.
26:06No one would know, because I do my job.
26:08I preach that word, and you don't come here to hear about my problems.
26:13I come here to try to serve and help you with yours.
26:22But after the three services on the weekend, and then the meetings we had afterwards, we
26:29go home and kind of eventually fall into bed, but then wake up Monday morning.
26:35How many of you have ever been in a car accident?
26:39Every Monday morning I would wake up feeling like a truck hit me, because all of the stress
26:44in my body, the tenseness of the muscles, and pushing through.
26:49I could go on and on, but you know, it just would become too much.
26:53It's a little silly at some point.
26:56But all I'm trying to tell you is Superman is a myth.
27:07I was not always 100% certain how things would turn out, but each day, each night, God gave
27:17me the confidence to get up and go at it again.
27:28Now some of you want God to give you complete certainty, but God is not going to put you
27:34under hypnosis.
27:37We are living, breathing souls.
27:39We have minds.
27:40We have wills.
27:41We have emotions, and our emotions fluctuate.
27:46Our minds, doubts can arise.
27:50And what's wonderful about God, He could set the bar really high, because if any being
27:55we should have complete certainty about, it should be Him.
27:58But He is so merciful, He said, listen, I'm not even going to require certainty.
28:04All I want is you to have confidence, confidence.
28:09I know you're processing what I'm saying, but 27 years ago when not just a friend, not
28:19just a nurse, but a doctor recommended that we terminate the pregnancy where Pastor was
28:29bearing DJ.
28:31We heard the report, then we went to another doctor, and there were several doctors.
28:36The doctor was worried that Jesus- I'm sorry, that DJ is not Jesus, I'll tell you that.
28:48Because DJ was supposed to be born with half his brain hanging outside his head.
28:55And, you know, we went, we got the reports, and took different tests, and I told my wife,
29:04I said, honey, it's going to be all right, because deep down inside I believed that.
29:11I did, but here's the deal.
29:15You hear the story, but what many times we leave out is the fact I wake up at night,
29:30and to keep myself from imagining the worst, I have to roll out of bed- we were in a townhouse
29:38at the time- go into the closet, and just worship God.
29:44And sometimes I say things, though you slay me, yet will I trust you.
29:53You are my God, my shield, my buckler, and my strength.
29:58Though an army encamp against me, my heart shall not fear.
30:04The world rise up against me, in this I will be confident.
30:08God, I look to the hills from which cometh my help, God.
30:13Help me in this hour.
30:14God, I look to you.
30:15Some of y'all been there too, you've been there too, haven't you?
30:16God, I look to you.
30:17God, I look to you.
30:18God, I look to you.
30:19God, I look to you.
30:20God, I look to you.
30:21God, I look to you.
30:22God, I look to you.
30:23God, I look to you.
30:24God, I look to you.
30:25God, I look to you.
30:26God, I look to you.
30:27God, I look to you.
30:28God, I look to you.
30:29God, I look to you.
30:30God, I look to you.
30:31God, I look to you.
30:32And God would give me peace, he'd give me confidence, and I'd encourage my wife.
30:47But as confident as the Lord tried to make me.
30:52As soon as that little boy popped out they had a special table set up with the special
31:00doctors there to take care of the child in case things, you know, didn't turn out the
31:06way we wanted.
31:09As a man of faith, I was supposed to just, you know, God's God, you know, and just like,
31:13you know, no, no.
31:16I rushed over to that table, pulled back, I was supposed to pull back that curtain,
31:24and I wanted to look at him to be certain.
31:28I don't know if you understand what I'm saying.
31:31I had confidence, not mental or intellectual certainty.
31:41And in life, you will not always have 100% intellectual certainty, you just kind of know
31:48that you know.
31:53You can't quite explain it, so you can't explain it.
31:59And all you can do is take the step God told you to take, even though sometimes you look
32:05a little bit stupid, a little bit foolish.
32:09But God didn't say, Derek, when you can explain it, you can do it.
32:13But see, that's the reason why many of us don't do the thing God wants us to do, because
32:18we want 100% certainty.
32:22And God said, I'm just going to give you enough confidence to take the next step.
32:31And what I find with each step I take, the more confidence often I get, but it's usually
32:37not the first step where I'm just instantly certain.
32:42And many of us, we want a relationship with God where we can be absolutely certain about
32:50Only God is 100% certain about everything at all times.
32:56Are you still with me, or did I lose you?
33:05Now faith is what?
33:07I'm going to quit in a second.
33:14You know, David said I was young, but now I'm old and I've not seen the righteous forsaken.
33:23You know, I've had young man faith, and now I have old man faith.
33:30Man I like old man faith.
33:37So young people, I sympathize, I understand.
33:41I was there too, but when I look back over my life, and all the things He brought me
33:50through, my soul looks back and wonders how I got old.
34:00Young people just live long enough.
34:03You will see the goodness of God in the land of the living.
34:06Just hang in there, hold on to His unchanging hand.
34:17Sometimes I just got to look back and consider God's track record.
34:25Not only in Scripture, but in my life.
34:29And then I learned to ask myself, self?
34:34Did God bring you this far to only bring you this far?
34:40Did He fulfill His first promises not to fulfill His latter promises?
34:47If God could pull me out of the hole I was in when He found me, can He also put me on
34:54a mountain so high no one can harm me?
34:58He's the same God.
34:59He's a faithful God, and He will keep you if you trust Him, if you trust Him, if you
35:06trust Him.
35:07I'm preaching good, self.
35:08I'm preaching good.
35:09All right, I'm going to finish this scripture and we're going to be done.
35:26It's one verse.
35:29Now faith is confidence.
35:35Self-confidence in this world can take you a long way.
35:37You can fool a lot of people.
35:41But only God-confidence will take you all the way.
35:49Now faith is confidence, watch this, and assurance about what we do not see.
35:56We just finished a series, you've got to see it before you see it.
36:01And faith is seeing it before you see it.
36:04But sometimes the picture is fuzzy, and you don't see it as clearly.
36:12But you know the thing that God promised you is there.
36:21Some of us say, I won't see it until I get 100% certainty.
36:24But I remember a man that Jesus laid hands on, he saw men like treats.
36:28Jesus popped him again in the head, oh I can see clearly.
36:32Sometimes it starts out a little fuzzy, but you've got to work with what you've got until
36:40you get what you want.
36:46I'm really going to finish the verse.
36:48Now faith is confidence, and assurance about what we do not see.
36:53You see, our minds will doubt at times, but deep down inside God will give us the assurance
37:03the world can't give, and the world can't take away.
37:09And I talked a little bit about, you know, stories in the Bible, and I talked a little
37:12bit about some of my experiences.
37:17Some of those times were a little difficult, but I want you to think about it.
37:24You know, in my situation, I went through a few things, but I had God in my life.
37:30Imagine the people who don't.
37:33This is why we are here, to reach people who don't.
37:39Listen, if God wasn't with me, I would have lost my mind.
37:47Take everything, but don't take, God, God, never leave me, never, forsake me.
37:54A writer said this, when you come out of the storm, you will not be the same person who
38:01went into the storm, and that is what the storm is all about.
38:08I don't know if you heard me.
38:16I'm not saying God sent the storm, I'm talking about what God does in the storm.
38:22When you come out of the storm, you will not be the same person that went into the storm,
38:30and that is what the storm is all about.
38:36What God wants you to know is He's with you, and all He requires is confidence, and He
38:45will keep you as the apple of your eye, His eye.
38:51Listen, man, I could tell you story after story of things I've faced and went through
38:57in my life.
38:59I should look like a 90-year-old man, but God has kept me.
39:06God is faithful.
39:13He's given me a confidence.
39:18So young Derrick going into that storm would be a little bit different than the knocking
39:24on 60 Derrick, because faith is confidence.
39:33And we older folk need to tell the young folk, baby, it's going to be all right.
39:36God's going to work it out.
39:37God, I tried them, same for you.
39:42God got you.
39:45That's why we need multi-generational churches, so the old folk can talk to the young folk.
39:51Who was I talking about?
39:59I'm talking about being old and all the symptoms hitting me.
40:03I ain't old, I'm healthy, not on one pill, thank God, He's good, He healed me of it all.
40:09He's a faithful, faithful God.
40:21Thank you so much for visiting our YouTube channel.
40:23My hope is that you found something in today's message that has blessed you.
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40:47I hope to see you back here again.
40:49God bless you.