Presse monde - 20/05/2024

  • il y a 4 mois
MEDI1TV Afrique : Presse monde - 20/05/2024


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00:29 "The world is learning from the authorities this morning. The aircraft in which the Iranian leader was found had to make a brutal landing on Sunday in a mountainous and rural area near the border between Iran and Azerbaijan."
00:46 "Several Iranian media outlets announced on Monday morning the death of President Ebrahim Raisi and Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdullahine in the crash the day before their helicopter in northwest Iran.
01:02 The information was given by the Iranian government's head office and the Iranian government newspaper Al-Irandehli. After the discovery of the helicopter wreck at dawn, the Iranian authorities have not yet responded, according to the French daily."
01:19 "The worrying situation in New Caledonia is still the talk of the French press. French President Emmanuel Macron is convening a new defense council this Monday, the Parisian tells us.
01:36 The tension does not weaken in New Caledonia, the daily comments. The archipelago and the theater of violent riots have been on for a week. The head of state is convening a new defense council to monitor the situation.
01:50 Emmanuel Macron had already presided over a defense council last Wednesday, the Parisian recalls, to decide to establish the state of emergency in New Caledonia.
02:00 And then a second Thursday for the sending of police and gendarmerie reinforcements. The violence has already killed six. The last one was on Saturday afternoon.
02:11 The state of emergency is maintained, with the curfew between 6 and 6 p.m., the ban on gatherings or the banning of the TikTok application.
02:22 On Monday, the Spanish government recalled its ambassador to Argentina, the Spanish diplomacy chief José Manuel Alvarez, announced yesterday that he was recalling him until a new order from the Spanish ambassador to Argentina.
02:45 He accuses the Argentinean president, Javier Milei, of insulting Spain, according to El Mundo, quoted by Courier International.
02:54 In a speech made yesterday in Madrid, at the podium of the Vox extreme right party, Javier Milei made a direct reference to the wife of the president of the government, Pedro Sánchez,
03:06 calling her corrupt. José Manuel Alvarez denounced extremely serious words, an unprecedented attack in the history of relations between Spain and Argentina, and demanded public apologies from the Argentinean president.
03:24 What about the attempt to launch a coup d'état in Kinshasa? This is the question that Young Africa is trying to answer.
03:35 The Congolese army announced that it had prevented a coup d'état attempt, which, according to it, involved foreigners and Congolese.
03:44 It is an attempt to launch a coup d'état that the Congolese army announced had failed at the first hour yesterday, Sunday.
03:52 The calm has indeed returned to Kinshasa. At noon, the monthly report, while automatic gunfire resounded around 4.30 in the morning,
04:03 on the outskirts of the residence of Vital Kamer, an ally of Félix Tshisekedi and likely future president of the National Assembly, the gunfire killed three people, according to the authorities.
04:22 And we end with this discovery of a missing piece of the colossal statue of Ramses II in Egypt.
04:28 A team of archaeologists has recently unveiled the missing fragment of an impressive statue at the foot of Ramses II, dating back 3,200 years,
04:38 during a major site in ancient Egypt. This is what we are learning today at the Geo.
04:44 The lower part was discovered in 1930 by a German archaeologist during a search of Khemenu, an ancient Egyptian city in the center of the country.
04:54 And almost a century later, the upper part of the colossal statue of Ramses II, more than 3,000 years old,
05:02 has finally been unveiled by an Egyptian-American archaeological mission, an announcement made by the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities.
05:15 And so we come to the end of this world press review. Thank you for your attention and good luck with the programs on Mediain TV.
05:23 [Music]