Aussie teens to contest Junior World Rodeo finals

  • 5 months ago
Barrel racing is a rodeo sport that one outback teenager is hoping to make her life's work. 14 year old Tyler Morton is training for her international debut next month, from a remote cattle station in western Queensland.


00:00 Speed, horsemanship and a whole lot of guts.
00:05 That's what it takes to compete in barrel racing.
00:10 And 14-year-old Tyler Morton has all three in spades.
00:14 A lot of adrenaline, you can't really think during the run.
00:17 She's one of 25 Aussie teens heading to the Junior World Rodeo Finals
00:22 in Iowa in the United States next month.
00:25 She'll compete in a field of more than 1,000
00:28 to be the fastest around the barrels.
00:31 There's three barrels set up and you run in a cloverleaf formation
00:34 around the barrels and sort of fastest time wins.
00:39 The 14-year-old lives on a station in Outback, Queensland
00:42 between Longreach and Winton.
00:44 What started as an after-school hobby has quickly become her life goal.
00:49 You've got to follow your dreams and it's been a dream of hers
00:52 for some time now.
00:54 Tyler's mum is one of her biggest supporters.
00:56 Normally my job on the day is to put their bands on.
01:01 She trains hard, yeah, she's very dedicated.
01:04 She loves her horses too and I think that's the biggest thing,
01:07 I think you've got to love your horse.
01:09 The Mortons are used to travelling for hours to rodeos.
01:12 This will be their first international trip.
01:15 Tyler dreams of becoming a professional barrel racer in America.
01:19 If you're good enough you'll be winning and the money they have up there,
01:22 you can live off it.
01:24 She can't take her own horse Storm,
01:26 so will have to borrow one and hope for the best.
01:29 Just sort of know your job so you don't have to get a bit of grit about you
01:32 and just sort of muscle up and do it.
01:35 Barrelling her way to the world championships.
01:38 (wind blowing)
