• last year
Market Drayton town Council have a working relationship with Stoke Heath prison who supply birdhouses to help with their biodiversity policy.


00:00 Hi, I'm Councillor Ian Nellings from Market Drayton Town Council. This is also the Mayor
00:10 Roy Allcroft and the Deputy Mayor Tim Manton. We've got Matt here from Stoke Heath Prison,
00:14 he's one of the instructors up there. Not every week but most weeks we have Town Council
00:21 at a stall at Market Drayton Town Market and we are advertising what we are doing well
00:26 and what we are not doing so well, or taking criticism from our local residents. What we
00:30 are also doing now in collaboration with Stoke Heath Prison is providing some of these bat
00:35 boxes, bee boxes, bird boxes so that we can have a bit of a biodiversity project running
00:42 throughout the town. The Stoke Heath prisoners are making these out of reclaimed wood, we're
00:46 going to issue them to schools and hopefully donate them to some of our residents as well,
00:51 they can maybe make a small donation to charity if they wish, with the whole idea of encouraging
00:56 some of our insects, bats etc to work well. You can hear the birds in the background,
01:01 they're looking for the insects, it's all part of the food chain, it's all part of the
01:05 pollination, all the sort of stuff we need to encourage our biodiversity here in Market
01:09 Drayton.
