• last year
The new Mayor of Wigan Borough Coun Debbie Parkinson at the Mayor Making ceremony 2024, held at the Council Chambers, Wigan Town Hall.
00:00 I declare that I take that office upon myself and will duly and faithfully fulfil the duties of it according to the best of my judgement and ability.
00:09 I undertake to observe the council's code of conduct in the performance of my functions in that office as that code stands from time to time.
00:26 I take the opportunity to thank the members of the council for their commitment, dedication and support. I have enjoyed getting to know Cameron and his family, having him accompany me and I would like to wish him well in everything he does in the future.
00:37 It's been a fantastic year, we'll be well, thanks for the vote.
00:39 Thank you.
00:41 Thank you.
00:43 Thank you.
00:45 Thank you.
00:47 Thank you.
00:49 Thank you.
00:51 Thank you.
00:53 Thank you.
00:55 Thank you.
00:57 Thank you.
00:59 Thank you.
01:01 Thank you.
01:03 Thank you.
01:05 Thank you.
01:07 Thank you.
01:09 Thank you.
01:11 Thank you.
01:13 Thank you.