• last year
A skilled Special Forces commando (Jessica Alba) takes ownership of her father's bar after he suddenly dies, and soon fi | dG1fTW5IVExoNnJ1VzA
00:00 [MUSIC]
00:02 I'm sorry about your dad.
00:04 But I'm glad you're home, kid.
00:06 Senator.
00:10 Parker, welcome back.
00:12 People like you around here.
00:14 They like Harry.
00:15 Or liked him.
00:17 I'd like to keep it that way.
00:18 I don't think his death was an accident.
00:21 Parker, stay out of it.
00:22 [MUSIC]
00:26 See if there's a safe.
00:28 [MUSIC]
00:43 So what do you do for the government?
00:45 [MUSIC]
00:49 How's home?
00:50 What do you know about Senator Swan?
00:52 [MUSIC]
00:55 What the hell you got into?
00:57 [MUSIC]
00:58 How much does Parker know about this?
01:00 [MUSIC]
01:02 Too much.
01:03 [MUSIC]
01:07 This is about more than just my dad.
01:09 [MUSIC]
01:10 I need to know the truth.
01:11 [MUSIC]
01:14 If you pivot on that back foot,
01:16 you won't punch like such a little bitch.
01:19 You wanna know what really happened to Harry?
01:21 [MUSIC]
01:33 [MUSIC]
