• last year
West Sussex man has £100,000 Barbie collection


00:00 So my name is Giovanni Madonial. I'm from Italy, so from Palermo.
00:04 I collect Barbie more than 14 years. I was a teenager.
00:10 So I always was like Barbie when I was a little boy.
00:15 And I go to the toy shop, look at the Barbie, so difficult to buy because very
00:20 expensive, no? And I remember a few times, so look at the
00:24 little girl play the Barbies when I was a teenager, no?
00:26 And I wish to play with the Barbies as well.
00:30 I played Barbie when I was a little boy as well,
00:33 but not much. It was, you know, boy play with the dolls, no, the kind of way
00:37 why you play with the dolls, you know? Then after I
00:41 started my collection, I was a teenager. I met my one, my best friend, my
00:46 cousins. He had some money to spend, so he buy me
00:51 a gift. And then after we start to buy some
00:54 Barbies, and the Barbies start to become the, oh, I would like to buy more Barbies.
01:00 More Barbie, and more Barbie become like Barbie house,
01:04 become Barbie my swimming pool, and then after start
01:10 Barbie sister and the can, and become grow the collection.
