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A Sacrifice Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Inspired by Nicholas Hogg's 2015 novel TOKYO, A SACRIFICE is an emotionally turbulent story that follows American social psychologist Ben Monroe (Eric Bana) as he investigates a local Berlin cult connected to disturbing events. Meanwhile, his rebellious teenage daughter, Mazzy (Sadie Sink), becomes entangled with a mysterious local boy who introduces her to the city's underground party scene. As their two worlds converge towards a dangerous intersection, Ben must race against the clock to save his daughter.

directed by Jordan Scott

starring Eric Bana, Sadie Sink, Sylvia Hoeks, Jonas Dassler, Sophie Rois, Stephan Kampwirth, Lara Feith

release date June 28, 2024 (in theaters and on VOD)
00:02 What happened here?
00:10 It wasn't accidental.
00:11 They killed themselves in shifts.
00:13 And then there's this.
00:15 Sacrifice is redemption.
00:16 The minute someone mentions sacrifice or redemption,
00:20 I smell cult.
00:23 Nasty.
00:28 I've missed you so much.
00:30 What chapter are you on?
00:31 Doesn't really work like that.
00:33 It's interesting.
00:34 Even you'd find it interesting.
00:36 I'm trying to break out of the theoretical side of life.
00:39 We are desperate for your insight.
00:41 Everyone wants reassurance that this is not a mispatter.
00:44 Kids are totally isolated.
00:45 They're all predators just waiting for them.
00:48 Don't talk to strangers.
00:51 What's the initial draw?
00:52 She can't leave my group.
00:54 We need people like you.
00:59 Simple answers to the big questions.
01:03 I want you to meet him.
01:05 Martin's told me so many great things about you.
01:07 Oh.
01:07 You're messy.
01:08 I'm so happy to welcome you here.
01:11 This is a nice surprise.
01:12 I can't prevent to see him.
01:14 It's always only ever about him.
01:16 I see you.
01:17 I can feel your pain.
01:19 Why didn't you wake me up when you went out last night?
01:21 You're 16.
01:22 You're responsible.
01:22 You keep telling me to be careful,
01:23 and then you just go out.
01:25 You ruined our lives by coming here.
01:26 Your mom asked me to leave.
01:28 Where do you think you're going?
01:30 Something wrong?
01:31 My dad lied to me.
01:33 Untangle yourself from your parents.
01:37 The sooner you stop relying on them,
01:39 the more powerful you will be.
01:41 Purify and start again.
01:46 I see you.
01:48 I can feel your pain.
01:50 Ben, it's Maggie.
01:54 She didn't come home last night.
01:57 I can feel your pain.
01:59 You're very special.
02:02 I can feel your pain.
02:03 Take a look at this.
02:04 Who's that?
02:05 I've got a lead.
02:06 Purify and start again.
02:09 Matthew's been kidnapped.
02:10 You have no idea how to reconnect with your daughter.
02:13 Purify and start again.
02:17 Where is she?
02:19 (dramatic music)