• last year
After a lion kills the village leader, the expected rains fail to arrive, so a group of warriors are sent to hunt the li | dHNfTzdvUEZnYjZWTkU


00:00 From Dick Wolf, executive producer of Law & Order, comes the new drama, FBI. CBS Tuesdays this fall.
00:10 [police sirens]
00:13 The job doesn't stop, so I don't.
00:16 [sirens]
00:19 Eventually you outrun it.
00:21 [tires screeching]
00:22 I'm Agent Bell and this is my partner, Agent Zidane. What happened?
00:25 Single explosion right in the corner of the building.
00:27 Nails, BBs, any kind of shrapnel?
00:29 You guys been catching chatter about terrorists in the South Bronx?
00:31 We've got lone wolves everywhere now. We have to consider it.
00:33 What time was the explosion?
00:35 Exactly.
00:36 Report's pegging at 4.03.
00:37 [sirens]
00:38 It's nine minutes ago.
00:40 We need every emergency vehicle headed here stopped outside the perimeter.
00:43 Evacuate this building.
00:44 Ma'am, ma'am, ma'am.
00:45 No, no, no. My boys are in there.
00:47 He's right inside and he knows not to open the door for anyone.
00:50 Listen, I know every instinct is telling you to go in there, but you just...
00:53 [explosion]
00:55 [water splashing]
00:57 [explosion]
01:04 [music]
01:22 Two bombs. They both went boom,
01:24 which means whoever we're looking for knows what they're doing.
01:27 I just shut down half the city and I can't open it up until we know it's safe.
01:32 You two own this case.
01:34 [music]
01:36 You should have let me die in there.
01:39 [music]
01:45 You know who lived there?
01:46 Scumbag drug dealer.
01:48 Street gangs usually play with guns, not bombs.
01:50 This would be a pretty serious escalation.
01:52 [music]
01:53 What do we got?
01:54 Six grenades on a chain. Cell phone trigger.
01:57 How much information can you pull out of that?
01:59 Maybe everything, but the Bureau likes to lab at Quantico to do it.
02:04 How good are you?
02:05 I taught the guys at Quantico.
02:06 Then go for it.
02:07 If we unwind this before anything else explodes, who's going to complain?
02:10 I will.
02:11 You're no longer working undercover making your own rules.
02:15 You're working for the FBI now and for me.
02:18 Now do it.
02:20 [music]
02:25 A seven-year-old boy died today.
02:27 His mother blames me.
02:28 How are you dealing with this?
02:30 Swallowing hard isn't a plan.
02:33 I'm just saying if I can help--
02:34 I'll let you know.
02:35 Okay.
02:38 Thank you.
02:40 The phone our bomb maker used as a trigger, I knew we'd seen once before.
02:44 We got close to tying that attack to Robert Lawrence.
02:47 The guy's a Nazi.
02:48 What's Lawrence got out of this?
02:50 He starts a race war.
02:51 I'm not a Nazi.
02:52 You prefer a white nationalist?
02:54 I prefer Americanist.
02:55 Let's go back to talking about bombings on synagogues and minority communities.
02:59 Is our conversation too difficult for you to follow, Agent Zidane?
03:04 Or maybe you and your partner can't handle uncomfortable truths.
03:10 Do you have enough to arrest him?
03:11 Legally, we still need to get there, but I know it's him.
03:14 This is security footage from the rec center.
03:16 That kid put a bomb in that building.
03:18 Tell us everything we want to know about Lawrence's involvement.
03:21 Tell me exactly who gave you that bomb.
03:27 Never had a chance, did he?
03:28 Nope.
03:32 Lawrence has one more bomb.
03:39 A lot of people made it out of that building because of you.
03:41 That matters.
03:45 He's gonna hit the summit.
03:47 Kristen is there.
03:53 The bomb is there.
03:54 Clear the hall.
03:56 It's a cell phone trigger.
03:57 I think I'd like to call my lawyer.
04:01 Hello?
04:03 Hello?
04:05 Turns out you're the one that can't handle uncomfortable truths.
