गर्मी के मौसम में स्वस्थ रहने के लिए ज्यादा से ज्यादा पानी पीना चाहिए। शरीर को ठंडा बनाए रखने के लिए भी आपको नियमित रूप से पर्याप्त मात्रा में पानी पीने की सलाह दी जाती है। लेकिन चिलचिलाती गर्मी में बहुत ज्यादा ठंडा पानी पीने से बचना चाहिए।
To stay healthy during the summer season, one should drink as much water as possible. To keep the body cool, you are also advised to drink adequate amount of water regularly. But one should avoid drinking too cold water in scorching heat.
#DhoopSeaateHiPaaniKabPinaChahiye,#DhoopSeAteHiKabPaniPinaChahiye,#HeatstrokeSeKeseBAche#DhoopSeAaneKeBaadKyaKarnaChahiye #DhoopSeKeseBache, #GarmiSeKeseBache,#HeatstrokePrevention
To stay healthy during the summer season, one should drink as much water as possible. To keep the body cool, you are also advised to drink adequate amount of water regularly. But one should avoid drinking too cold water in scorching heat.
#DhoopSeaateHiPaaniKabPinaChahiye,#DhoopSeAteHiKabPaniPinaChahiye,#HeatstrokeSeKeseBAche#DhoopSeAaneKeBaadKyaKarnaChahiye #DhoopSeKeseBache, #GarmiSeKeseBache,#HeatstrokePrevention