UNHCR’s War on My Captivity Protest

  • 5 months ago
A month subsequent to the razing of my seventh #shelter outside the #UNHCR premises, there remains the absence of aid or a viable resolution to my plight, underscoring a persistent battle against my ten-year #captivity protest and ongoing #oppression, including shelter demolition and enforced daily #hunger.

Despite #Greece not being #war-torn, my current situation resembles #famine due to malign #political actions that intentionally deprive me of sustenance, threatening my survival if conditions remain unimproved.

Acquiring a new shelter and necessities requires a minimum of 500 Euros, highlighting the critical nature of your aid in this difficult period. Your prompt contributions to my #Fundraising Campaign are vital for my sustenance. Additionally, endorsing my online #Petition and sharing both Campaigns and this video with your network would be immensely beneficial.

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Thank you for your support.

#Immigration #Refugees #Politics #Humanity #HumanRights #Justice #Freedom #Europe #Food #Water #Starvation #Abuse #Scandal #AnwarNillufary #Hostage #HostageOfEurope
