Des Petits Secrets Quotidiens Qui Vous Rendront La Vie Plus Facile

  • 3 months ago
Savoir ces petits secrets du quotidien, c'est comme avoir des codes de triche pour la vie, sérieusement. Que ce soit une astuce pour dénouer vos écouteurs en quelques secondes ou la manière parfaite de plier une housse de couette (alerte spoiler : c'est de la magie), ces astuces peuvent vous faire gagner du temps, réduire votre stress, et peut-être même éviter un ou deux maux de tête. Le truc, c'est que la plupart d'entre nous ne réalisent même pas les super-pouvoirs cachés des objets de tous les jours jusqu'à ce que quelqu'un révèle le pot aux roses. Je veux dire, qui savait que cette petite encoche au bas de votre bouteille de vin était en fait un endroit pour reposer votre pouce pendant que vous versez ? Esprit soufflé, n'est-ce pas? Alors, faites attention, les gens ! Ces secrets pourraient bien être les clés pour déverrouiller une vie plus douce et plus facile. Animation créée par Sympa.
Musique par Epidemic Sound

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00:00 Do you intend to renovate your kitchen but you don't have the money to change the fridge?
00:05 You could still use it, even if you have to move it.
00:09 Did you know that you can reverse the direction of the door opening of most fridges?
00:14 Yes, most fridge models allow you to change the direction of the door.
00:19 You just need to unscrew a few screws and a few hinges.
00:23 It's better to take note of the order in which you disassemble the elements.
00:27 As for the necessary tools, you just need a screwdriver, a adjustable wrench, pliers and pliers.
00:34 Here's a simple technique to press citrus fruits to the last drop.
00:40 You need a very simple utensil.
00:43 No need to press citrus fruits super expensive and no need for too much elbow grease either.
00:49 The next time you want to prepare a good fresh lemon juice, simply use kitchen pliers.
00:56 Place the lemon or any other citrus fruit between the pliers and use the force of the utensil to press it for a few seconds.
01:03 Speaking of fruits, there is a great technique to keep them fresh for a longer time.
01:11 No need to buy green bananas.
01:13 Put the fruits in a box with a lid and place it in the fridge.
01:16 The less the fruits will be exposed to air, the longer they will last.
01:23 What about a little more delicate fruits like strawberries?
01:26 They are a little more difficult to wash because of their texture.
01:30 Here's a technique to wash them perfectly.
01:33 Put 3 glasses of water and 1 glass of vinegar in a container.
01:37 Put the strawberries in this mixture and stir it all together.
01:41 After rinsing the strawberries thoroughly under water,
01:45 drain them and dry them with a towel or a clean towel.
01:50 Then put them in a box with a lid in the fridge.
01:53 They are ready to be squeezed at any time.
01:56 I'm almost sure you've used this object badly all your life.
02:00 I've also used it badly.
02:02 Do you see these cushions that are often used during trips?
02:06 It turns out that most people place them around the neck and the buttons on the front.
02:11 Well, it's probably more comfortable when they are placed in the other direction.
02:18 Why? Because despite the back empty space,
02:21 your head is still supported.
02:23 And you will lighten the tensions of your neck
02:25 if your head starts to fall to the side once you fall asleep.
02:29 In addition, your chin stays in place.
02:32 You have probably already noticed these slabs
02:36 composed of relief plow lines on sidewalks,
02:39 especially in very busy areas or with a lot of traffic.
02:42 They are called "podotactile surfaces".
02:44 They were first used in Japan in 1960.
02:48 They have spread throughout the world thanks to their effectiveness.
02:52 Nowadays, there are several kinds depending on the situations to be indicated.
02:58 The podotactile slabs are used to indicate pedestrian crossings.
03:04 These indicators are essential to warn blind or non-blind people
03:08 that they are near a pedestrian crossing.
03:11 They are mostly small relief plows placed in a rectangle.
03:15 Then there are the podotactile slabs,
03:19 namely relief slabs indicating pedestrian crossings.
03:23 They warn blind people about dangers near them,
03:27 such as stairs or ramps.
03:29 Sometimes, after a long day,
03:33 there is nothing better than heating up leftovers for dinner.
03:36 Unfortunately, because of fatigue,
03:39 you may forget to cover your plate when you put it in the microwave.
03:42 And this is an infallible technique to dirty your microwave.
03:46 Fortunately, there is a technique to clean it easily
03:49 without using special products.
03:51 Mix equal amounts of water and lemon juice.
03:55 Pour the liquid into a bowl and microwave it for about a minute.
03:59 The acidity of this mixture should help degrease the walls
04:04 and you just need to wipe it off to remove all residues.
04:08 Are you one of those people who like to do pastry experiments
04:11 but don't like measuring utensils?
04:13 Use your whip the next time you want to add flour to your preparation.
04:18 Dip the whip in the bag of flour.
04:20 It will get stuck between the threads.
04:22 There is nothing cooler than quick tips
04:27 to simplify household chores,
04:29 like this one for garbage bags.
04:32 I bet you have never seen a garbage bag
04:35 as dirty as I have.
04:37 Open the garbage bag.
04:40 No need to open it completely.
04:42 The end is enough.
04:44 Place the end of the bag on the garbage bag.
04:46 Then simply push the rest of the bag
04:48 into the garbage bag
04:50 and it should turn over perfectly.
04:53 Have you ever wondered what these extra holes
04:56 on top of your sports shoes are for?
04:58 They are designed so that you can attach
05:00 the shoes to the bag.
05:02 It is useful when you want to compensate for things
05:04 like a bad stripe
05:06 or even a damaged toe.
05:08 In addition, you can modify the look of your shoes
05:11 as you wish.
05:13 Many people use the jacket of their books
05:17 as a page marker.
05:19 This is not a problem.
05:21 Thanks to it, you will not have to frame your pages.
05:23 But the first objective of a jacket
05:25 is to protect the book from external damage.
05:27 The jacket is a great way to protect the book
05:29 from external damage.
05:31 For example, if you spill fruit juice
05:33 or if you drop food on your book
05:35 while you read it.
05:37 The Tic Tac box has this little groove on top
05:40 so that you can distribute
05:42 a single Tic Tac at a time.
05:44 Even if, let's be honest,
05:46 no one does that.
05:48 Most of us spill a lot of it at once.
05:50 Then we put all these Tic Tacs back in the bin.
05:52 These little rubber tips that you see
05:57 between the tire treads are there for your safety.
05:59 They tell you what is the minimum height
06:01 of your tread.
06:03 If the tips and edges are equal,
06:05 it is time for you to go as fast as you can
06:07 in a tire shop.
06:09 But if the wear witnesses still have margin
06:11 compared to the edges, you can ride quietly.
06:13 What about this black grid on the microwave glass?
06:17 This is what is called a Faraday cage.
06:19 And it is there to prevent microwaves
06:23 from escaping and turning the whole room
06:25 into an oven.
06:27 If microwaves escape,
06:29 your meal will not be able to cook properly either.
06:31 Indeed, this cage is not there
06:33 to prevent you from seeing your meal
06:35 while it is cooking,
06:37 but so that the electromagnetic energy
06:39 stays inside.
06:41 And why not a screwdriver
06:43 compatible with a wrench?
06:45 Grab your screwdriver with the end
06:47 of your wrench to increase
06:49 its torsion force.
06:51 This is why the head of your screwdriver
06:53 is designed as it is.
06:55 You have probably already heard
06:57 this myth. The blue side of the eraser
06:59 can erase the pen.
07:01 It is false. Its purpose is also
07:03 to erase the pencil. But in case you
07:05 write something on a more robust paper.
07:07 The blue side can also remove
07:09 these traces that may remain after
07:11 using the pink eraser.
07:13 Have you ever wondered why
07:15 oranges in supermarkets were found
07:17 most often in red-stripe bags?
07:19 It is a tip for the fruits to have
07:21 a brighter color, which encourages you
07:23 to eat. A bonus tip,
07:25 do not throw this bag away.
07:27 Tie it to have enough to cook your
07:29 pans and clean your sink,
07:31 your kitchen appliances, as well as your dishes.
07:33 You can see that golf balls
07:37 do not have a perfectly round shape.
07:39 Their surface is covered with many
07:41 small pockets, which golf balls
07:43 have not always had. At one point,
07:45 experienced golfers began to notice
07:47 that over time, the old balls
07:49 presenting imperfections, such as
07:51 cracks and bumps, could fly
07:53 further. These roughness
07:55 creates turbulence in the air around
07:57 the golf ball, which ends up
07:59 reducing its drag. Manufacturers
08:01 have therefore started to produce balls
08:03 with pockets, so that they can go
08:05 further and faster.
08:07 You may have noticed
08:09 that there were sometimes small cracks
08:11 on the top of the toothpicks. It is more hygienic
08:13 because when you break it, you can
08:15 press the toothpick on it and it will not
08:17 touch anything else.
08:19 Another safety device
08:21 that you will find in your car
08:23 is a strap on your rear-view mirror.
08:25 With it, you can change the position
08:27 of the mirror so that you are not blinded
08:29 if there is a car behind you
08:31 driving in the headlights.
08:33 This small strap helps you
08:35 to control the dimming of the lights
08:37 coming from the rear. This function
08:39 appeared in the 1930s, but it was not
08:41 until the early 1970s that it became
08:43 a standard equipment for most
08:45 cars and other trucks.
08:47 You see this little hole
08:49 on your iPhone, right next to the
08:51 rear-facing camera? It is a
08:53 microphone. And it is there so that your
08:55 phone can record the sound when you
08:57 rotate your camera.
08:59 Some cables
09:01 have a thick cylinder towards the end
09:03 of the cord. This is what is called
09:05 a ferrite core.
09:07 It is a magnetic iron oxide
09:09 that stops electromagnetic interferences
09:11 at high frequencies.
09:13 You see, for example, this annoying static noise
09:15 that you get if you bring your phone
09:17 too close to a speaker.
09:19 It interferes with your call.
09:21 That's why cable cords with big cylinders
09:23 are rather useful because they prevent
09:25 this kind of thing.
09:27 Do you know why almost
09:29 all luggage bags and backpacks
09:31 have two zippers? It is much more
09:33 practical and easier to open it this way.
09:35 But that's not all.
09:37 You can also lock these two sliding zippers
09:39 together so that the things inside
09:41 your bags are safe.
09:43 You know, like public places' toilets,
09:45 like shopping malls, have these large spaces
09:47 at the bottom of the door.
09:49 It is mainly for better air circulation.
09:51 This type of door also
09:53 allows you to clean the toilets more easily
09:55 or to check if they are occupied
09:57 when you wait.
09:59 Apart from that, if you are stuck inside
10:01 and the lock is broken,
10:03 you still have a way to escape.
10:05 You can just crawl out.
10:07 You have already noticed
10:09 these plastic tips on the cutters.
10:11 The blade is also curved,
10:13 which means that you can
10:15 renew it several times,
10:17 always with sharp edges.
10:19 You can separate these pieces of blade
10:21 with these plastic tips.
10:23 Then you just have to move the sliding part
10:25 to push this new blade forward.
10:27 If you have already taken a moment
10:29 to examine a supermarket's lambda caddy,
10:31 especially its foldable section,
10:33 you have probably noticed
10:35 these metal loops that protrude.
10:37 They are designed to protect the items
10:39 you carry in your caddy.
10:41 You can use them to hang bags
10:43 containing soft items,
10:45 such as bread, which you do not want to accidentally crush,
10:47 with heavier products
10:49 or things that are more easily broken, such as eggs.
10:51 Many coffee cups have
10:55 curved notches on their bottom.
10:57 When you wash your cups,
10:59 place them against the drawer of your dishwasher.
11:01 This way, water will not accumulate inside
11:03 and your favorite cup will be completely dry
11:05 when you take it out of here.
11:07 If you are a fan of McFlurry,
11:09 you have probably already noticed
11:11 that there was a square hole
11:13 in the handle of their spoon.
11:15 It is there so that you can attach it
11:17 to this special machine
11:19 that mixes the ice cream with your favorite toppings.
11:21 The machine has a bar that slides
11:23 into this square-shaped spoon
11:25 and that gently stirs it.
11:27 And you are given this spoon
11:29 to minimize damage during the process.
11:31 Pretty cool, isn't it?
11:33 Speaking of household products for the kitchen,
11:35 you can do a lot of things with the dishwasher.
11:37 You can clean your garden furniture,
11:39 for example.
11:41 Add a little dishwasher liquid to hot water
11:43 and use this mixture to rub
11:45 all your garden furniture with a piece of fabric.
11:47 Rinse them with your watering pipe.
11:49 You can also use your dishwasher
11:53 to remove the grease stains from your clothes,
11:55 the stains from pasta sauce,
11:57 salad seasoning.
11:59 Hey, we all happen to miss our mouth!
12:01 Put a little dishwasher liquid on the stain
12:03 and rinse with water.
12:05 For light-colored clothes,
12:07 it is better to use non-colored liquid.
12:09 For the most tenacious stains,
12:11 let the dishwasher liquid act for a few minutes
12:13 then put the clothes in the machine as usual.
12:15 And maybe buy yourself a bottle too.
12:17 If you still haven't found a technique
12:19 that suits you to organize your wardrobe
12:21 and that you are overwhelmed by piles of clothes,
12:23 there is a simple trick
12:25 that might work.
12:27 It's the "one more, one less" technique.
12:31 For every piece of clothing you buy,
12:33 you must get rid of an old piece of clothing.
12:35 You will regularly empty your wardrobe.
12:37 To find things more easily,
12:41 good luck,
12:43 leave the clothes you use most often
12:45 at the level of your eyes.
12:47 You will be able to find them more easily
12:49 and get them out of the wardrobe quickly.
12:51 Clothes you use less often,
12:53 like evening clothes for example,
12:55 can be stored under or above the level of your eyes.
12:59 The old tin boxes can be very useful.
13:01 If you stick very powerful magnets inside,
13:03 they can serve as magnet containers.
13:05 You can store a lot of objects there,
13:09 like kitchen tongs,
13:11 ice spoons or even cutlery.
13:13 You can place them on any metal surface,
13:17 like the door of your fridge.
13:19 They will go very well with the rest of your magnets.
13:21 At the bottom of your laundry,
13:25 you have an essential tool
13:27 to clean your animal hair.
13:29 It works even better than adhesive rollers.
13:31 These are dry-cleaning wipes.
13:33 One of these wipes and a little elbow oil
13:35 and you're done.
13:37 No more hair of Medor everywhere.
13:39 It works on all surfaces,
13:41 but it is particularly effective
13:43 on cluttered furniture.
13:45 If you don't want your doors to scratch
13:47 every time you enter a room,
13:49 take a soap and rub it directly on the hinges.
13:51 It only works for a short time,
13:53 but it will do the trick
13:55 for all your DIY projects.
13:57 To buy lubricant, for example.
13:59 You may have noticed
14:01 that in some elevators
14:03 there is a star next to a certain floor.
14:05 And no, it's not meant to indicate
14:07 the floor of my office.
14:09 It is used to indicate the closest exit.
14:11 And it's not always on the first floor.
14:13 It's rather on the floor
14:15 closest to the street.
14:17 You may have wondered
14:21 why the stop signs are red.
14:23 There were no specific colors.
14:25 Before 1920,
14:27 there were no standard shapes.
14:29 In 1922,
14:31 someone had the idea
14:33 to impose the octagon.
14:35 But at first,
14:37 these signs were yellow.
14:39 Red was pale too quickly
14:41 because of the exposure to the sun.
14:43 Yellow was the best option.
14:45 It was only 30 years later
14:47 that the more resistant enamel paint
14:49 was invented.
14:51 It became red.
14:53 After all,
14:55 it's the best color
14:57 if you want something to be easily spotted.
14:59 Did you know that there is
15:01 a type of rosette
15:03 that is taller than a man?
15:05 According to the Guinness Book of Records,
15:07 the tallest rosette ever
15:09 is in Vienna.
15:11 And it is more than 8.5 meters high.
15:13 Yes, this rosette dared.
15:15 Like our digital fingerprints
15:17 which are unique,
15:19 there are no two tigers
15:21 with the same stripes.
15:23 That's how people who work
15:25 with these big cats
15:27 distinguish them from each other.
15:29 I bet you didn't know
15:31 that the White House
15:33 has its own florist in the basement.
15:35 This business deals with ornaments
15:37 for all events organized
15:39 at the White House.
15:41 We know that pizza has become
15:43 a staple food of American cuisine
15:45 despite its Italian origins.
15:47 This dish is so popular
15:49 that Americans buy
15:51 350 pizzas every second.
15:53 Personally,
15:55 I don't think I eat enough.
15:57 To meet the incredible demand,
15:59 about 17% of all restaurants
16:01 in the United States
16:03 are pizzerias.
16:05 There is a technique
16:07 to make lemonade
16:09 without the lemon seeds
16:11 getting in your glass.
16:13 Cut the fruit in half
16:15 and place the top part
16:17 of the lemon
16:19 down.
16:21 The juice will flow,
16:23 but the seeds will stay in the lemon.
16:25 Mmm, lemonade!
