Our Culture || Acharya Prashant

  • 4 months ago
00:00 No, no, no. Widow remarriage cannot be done.
00:02 In our culture, no widow remarriage.
00:04 And in our culture, kids should be married at the age of 5.
00:07 And in our culture, the woman should be burnt on the pyre of the husband.
00:11 These are great parts of our culture.
00:13 Didn't you change that? Weren't there social reformers?
00:15 Today we worship those social reformers.
00:17 In their time, those social reformers, you threw mud at them.
00:21 And you abused them. And you even wanted to kill them.
00:23 And you said, these people are destroying our culture.
00:26 Culture is man-made. And it should keep getting refined.
00:30 Episodically, timely, continuously.
00:34 Culture is something that pertains to a particular place at a particular moment in time.
00:40 Culture is time-bound and must change with time.
