Angelina Ballerina Angelina Ballerina S02 E002 William the Conjuror

  • il y a 5 mois


00:00 [Musique]
00:02 [Musique]
00:31 [Musique]
00:35 [Musique]
00:39 [Applaudissements]
00:40 - Very good darlings, that was beautiful!
00:43 Now, this afternoon is the annual charity show in aid of those poor Dacovian orphans.
00:49 And I am proud that so many of you will be taking part again this year.
00:53 - Oh, we're going to recite a poem Miss Lily.
00:55 - Yes, we wrote it all by ourselves.
00:58 - How delightful! And Alice, will you be in charge of the cheese floss stall again?
01:04 - Yes Miss Lily.
01:06 - And we're going to do the dance of the happy mouselings, aren't we William?
01:09 - Um, well, actually, um...
01:11 - William?
01:13 - I thought I might do Mr. Chuckles again.
01:16 - Oh, not Mr. Chuckles again!
01:18 - Oh no!
01:20 - I think he's really funny, especially when his head falls off.
01:25 [Rires]
01:27 [Musique]
01:29 - What am I going to do now?
01:32 - Ta-da! Behold the great fondue, mouse of mystery!
01:39 - Wow, Dad, I didn't know you could do magic!
01:44 - Oh yes, you come from a long line of magicians, son.
01:49 I was tidying up and I found my old magic set.
01:52 It belonged to my father and it's before him.
01:55 - Dad, what's that?
01:57 - Oh, that's my old disappearing box.
02:00 Always the grand finale.
02:02 - Disappearing box?
02:04 - Oh, disappearing.
02:06 Someone gets inside, you say the magic word and...
02:11 - Pop! They've gone.
02:13 - Oh!
02:15 - Get them every time.
02:17 Oh, speaking of which, it's time I disappeared.
02:21 Don't want to be late for work.
02:23 I'll see you at the show, William.
02:25 - Dad, can I borrow your magic set?
02:28 - Of course you can. Here you go, William.
02:31 - Thanks, Dad.
02:34 [Musique]
02:36 - Right, I'll need the jug of water now, Henry.
02:39 - Oh! Oops! Here you are, Mr. Fondue.
02:44 - Oh, thanks, Henry.
02:46 [Musique]
02:48 - Ah-ha!
02:50 - Hurray!
02:52 - Hurray!
02:54 - All right, let's try the disappearing trick.
02:57 Henry, what's wrong?
02:59 - I don't want to be dis... disappeared.
03:02 - Henry, you won't really disappear.
03:04 It's just a trick.
03:05 - I'm scared, William.
03:07 - Oh!
03:08 - Hello, William.
03:09 - Oh, hello, Angelina.
03:11 - What a wonderful costume.
03:13 You look great.
03:15 - He's the great Fondue, mouse of misery.
03:19 - Mystery.
03:21 - How wonderful.
03:23 It must be nice to have an act for the show.
03:26 - Ahem.
03:27 - Oh, well, I suppose I can always help Alice with the cheese floss stall.
03:32 If she'll have me.
03:34 - All right, Angelina, I'll dance with you.
03:37 - You will? Great, I knew you wouldn't let me down.
03:40 - On one condition.
03:41 - What?
03:42 - You do my disappearing trick with me.
03:44 - What? Get in that horrible, dirty old box?
03:47 - Mm-hmm.
03:48 - Oh!
03:49 - All right.
03:51 What? Now?
03:53 - We need to practice, Angelina.
03:54 - Hurry up!
03:55 I need to get a ribbon for my ballet shoe.
03:58 - Oh!
03:59 - And I promised to help Alice set up her cheese floss stall.
04:03 - Where's the instruction book, Henry?
04:05 - Oh, here it is.
04:07 - Oh!
04:08 - It's a bit wet.
04:10 - Oh, France.
04:11 Is that pails and blisters or...
04:15 - William, I haven't got all day.
04:18 - Oh!
04:20 Oh!
04:21 Ow!
04:22 Oh, well, I'm off.
04:25 He'll just have to practice his silly trick without me.
04:28 - Ah, got it.
04:29 - Oh!
04:30 - Tails and Whiskers.
04:33 - Oh, gosh, she's really disappeared.
04:38 How will we get her back?
04:41 - Don't worry, Henry, I'll just reverse the spell.
04:44 Whiskers and Tails.
04:47 - Oh, William.
04:51 - Oh, Angelina.
04:52 - She hasn't come back.
04:54 - Angelina!
04:55 - Angelina!
04:56 - Angelina, where are you?
04:58 - Angelina!
05:00 - And what color would you like, dear?
05:02 - Pink.
05:03 - Hmm, now let's see.
05:04 Peachy pink?
05:05 - This kind of rosy.
05:07 - Um, uh, bluey pink?
05:09 - Oh!
05:10 My ballet shoes!
05:11 Where are they?
05:13 Oh!
05:14 William's silly magic box!
05:17 - Oh!
05:18 - Here we are, dear.
05:21 Angelina?
05:22 - Um...
05:23 - I'll never see Angelina again!
05:26 - I know.
05:27 We'll go to the library.
05:30 There's bound to be lots of books on magic there.
05:36 - Don't worry, Angelina.
05:39 They'll catch you back.
05:42 - William?
05:43 Henry?
05:44 Oh, where are they?
05:45 William?
05:46 Oh!
05:47 - Sorry.
05:48 - Sorry.
05:49 - Here we are, Henry.
05:52 How to recover missing books.
05:57 - Oh!
05:58 - Here we are, Henry.
06:02 How to recover missing books.
06:07 - Oh!
06:08 - Here we are, Henry.
06:12 How to recover missing whiskers.
06:19 - But all of Angelina's missing!
06:24 - Well, we'll just need more ingredients, that's all.
06:30 Right.
06:31 We need to rub the following into Angelina's head.
06:37 - How can we do that if she's not here?
06:41 - I'll tell her.
06:42 - No, you can't.
06:43 - I'll tell her.
06:44 - No, you can't.
06:45 - I'll tell her.
06:46 - No, you can't.
06:47 - I'll tell her.
06:48 - No, you can't.
06:49 - I'll tell her.
06:50 - No, you can't.
06:51 - I'll tell her.
06:52 - No, you can't.
06:53 - I'll tell her.
06:54 - No, you can't.
06:55 - I'll tell her.
06:56 - No, you can't.
06:57 - I'll tell her.
06:58 - No, you can't.
06:59 - I'll tell her.
07:00 - No, you can't.
07:01 - I'll tell her.
07:02 - No, you can't.
07:03 - I'll tell her.
07:04 - No, you can't.
07:05 - I'll tell her.
07:06 - I don't have any of those.
07:07 - Oh, crumbs.
07:08 - Oh, I wish your dad didn't have a magic set.
07:09 - Dad, of course.
07:10 Come on, Henry.
07:11 - We love our mummy and daddy too.
07:12 They buy us clothes and bathing suits.
07:13 - Where are William and Angelina?
07:14 They should have been here ages ago.
07:15 - With butterflies in Tutu's frilly.
07:16 - We love our mummy and daddy too.
07:17 They buy us clothes and bathing suits.
07:18 - Where are William and Angelina?
07:19 They should have been here ages ago.
07:20 - With butterflies in Tutu's frilly.
07:21 - We love our mummy and daddy too.
07:22 - They buy us clothes and bathing suits.
07:23 - Where are William and Angelina?
07:24 They should have been here ages ago.
07:25 - With butterflies in Tutu's frilly.
07:26 - Dad, we love to talk.
07:27 We're good in school.
07:28 - But I'm the best.
07:29 - No, you're not.
07:30 - And so?
07:31 - You're wrong.
07:32 Yes, I'm the best.
07:33 - Have you seen Angelina?
07:34 - She's disappeared.
07:35 - I know, darling.
07:36 It's not like her to be late for a performance.
07:37 - The only reason you're good at samba is because you're a good dancer.
07:38 - I'm not a good dancer.
07:39 - I'm not a good dancer.
07:40 - I'm not a good dancer.
07:41 - I'm not a good dancer.
07:42 - I'm not a good dancer.
07:43 - I'm not a good dancer.
07:44 - I'm not a good dancer.
07:45 - I'm not a good dancer.
07:46 - I'm not a good dancer.
07:47 - I'm not a good dancer.
07:48 - I'm not a good dancer.
07:55 - I'm not a good dancer.
08:00 - I'm not a good dancer.
08:06 - I'm not a good dancer.
08:13 - Oh, and Henry!
08:15 - Oh!
08:16 - Oh!
08:17 - Oh!
08:18 - Oh!
08:19 - Oh!
08:20 - Oh!
08:21 - Where's Mr. Chuckles then, long-tail?
08:24 Ha!
08:25 Lost his head again?
08:26 - Shh!
08:27 Please.
08:28 - William's the great fondue, mouse of mystery.
08:32 - Mystery?
08:33 Right.
08:34 I shall now turn my magic wand into a bouquet of red roses.
08:40 Ha!
08:41 - Why, darling, try it again.
08:44 - Ha!
08:45 - Hey, long-tail!
08:46 What's in the big box?
08:49 - Um, nothing.
08:50 - Oh!
08:51 The show!
08:52 It must have started.
08:55 - I shall now--
08:56 - Do the disappearing trick, William.
08:58 It'll knock their socks off.
08:59 - Yes!
09:00 - Get away!
09:01 - Shut up!
09:02 - I can't, because Angelina was supposed to do it with me.
09:07 And she disappeared.
09:08 - I'll do it.
09:09 - What?
09:10 - I'll get in the box.
09:11 - But Alice, you don't understand.
09:12 Come on, William.
09:13 Everyone wants you to do it.
09:14 - Oh, my shoes!
09:15 Oh!
09:16 Oh!
09:17 Oh!
09:18 - Tails and whiskers.
09:19 I shall now make Alice Nimbletoes reappear with my magic wand.
09:20 - Oh!
09:21 - I shall now make Alice Nimbletoes reappear with my magic wand.
09:22 - Oh!
09:23 - I shall now make Alice Nimbletoes reappear with my magic wand.
09:24 - Oh!
09:25 - I shall now make Alice Nimbletoes reappear with my magic wand.
09:26 - Oh!
09:27 - I shall now make Alice Nimbletoes reappear with my magic wand.
09:28 - Oh!
09:29 - I shall now make Alice Nimbletoes reappear with my magic wand.
09:30 - Oh!
09:31 - I shall now make Alice Nimbletoes reappear with my magic wand.
09:54 - Oh!
09:55 - I shall now make Alice Nimbletoes reappear with my magic wand.
09:56 - Oh!
09:57 - I shall now make Alice Nimbletoes reappear with my magic wand.
09:58 - Oh!
09:59 - I shall now make Alice Nimbletoes reappear with my magic wand.
10:00 - Oh!
10:01 - I shall now make Alice Nimbletoes reappear with my magic wand.
10:02 - Oh!
10:03 - I shall now make Alice Nimbletoes reappear with my magic wand.
10:04 - Oh!
10:05 - I shall now make Alice Nimbletoes reappear with my magic wand.
10:06 - Oh!
10:07 - I shall now make Alice Nimbletoes reappear with my magic wand.
10:08 - Oh!
10:09 - I shall now make Alice Nimbletoes reappear with my magic wand.
10:10 - Oh!
10:11 - I shall now make Alice Nimbletoes reappear with my magic wand.
10:12 - Oh!
10:13 - I shall now make Alice Nimbletoes reappear with my magic wand.
10:14 - Oh!
10:15 - I shall now make Alice Nimbletoes reappear with my magic wand.
10:16 - Oh!
10:17 - I shall now make Alice Nimbletoes reappear with my magic wand.
10:18 - Oh!
10:29 - I shall now make Alice Nimbletoes reappear with my magic wand.
10:30 - Oh!
10:31 - I shall now make Alice Nimbletoes reappear with my magic wand.
10:32 - Oh!
10:33 - I shall now make Alice Nimbletoes reappear with my magic wand.
10:34 - Oh!
10:35 - I shall now make Alice Nimbletoes reappear with my magic wand.
10:36 - Oh!
10:37 - I shall now make Alice Nimbletoes reappear with my magic wand.
10:38 - Oh!
10:39 - I shall now make Alice Nimbletoes reappear with my magic wand.
10:40 - Oh!
10:41 - I shall now make Alice Nimbletoes reappear with my magic wand.
10:42 - Oh!
10:43 - I shall now make Alice Nimbletoes reappear with my magic wand.
10:44 - Oh!
10:45 - I shall now make Alice Nimbletoes reappear with my magic wand.
10:46 - Oh!
10:47 - I shall now make Alice Nimbletoes reappear with my magic wand.
10:48 - Oh!
10:49 - I shall now make Alice Nimbletoes reappear with my magic wand.
10:50 - Oh!
10:51 - I shall now make Alice Nimbletoes reappear with my magic wand.
10:51 - Oh!
10:52 - I shall now make Alice Nimbletoes reappear with my magic wand.
10:53 - Oh!
10:54 - I shall now make Alice Nimbletoes reappear with my magic wand.
10:54 - Oh!
10:55 - I shall now make Alice Nimbletoes reappear with my magic wand.
10:56 - Oh!
10:57 - I shall now make Alice Nimbletoes reappear with my magic wand.
10:57 - Oh!
10:58 - I shall now make Alice Nimbletoes reappear with my magic wand.
10:59 - Oh!
11:00 - I shall now make Alice Nimbletoes reappear with my magic wand.
11:00 *Musique de fin*