• l’année dernière
00:00Hey, this is pretty lit.
00:08All right, now we're talking, dude.
00:11They're off, they're off, they're off.
00:14Let's go.
00:15Oh, check the battle pass out.
00:18Oh, dope, dude.
00:19Sick, sick.
00:20Here we go.
00:21All right.
00:22I like the goofiness of Fortnite.
00:25He like me.
00:41Hold up.
00:42Also, guys, real quick, before you guys buy the battle pass, man, make sure to go into
00:45the shop.
00:46Make sure to support Critter Code Ninjas Typed In.
00:49The Ps are saving the battle pass for me, dude.
00:50The Ps are saving this battle pass for me.
00:53T-60 Power Armor, dude, if I see someone wearing this skin, they're dead in two seconds, but
00:59it looks sick.
01:00Bright Raider, oh.
01:05This is good, bro.
01:07This style of bright bomber might have saved the entire battle pass for me.
01:10Like the battle pass might be worth this skin, dude.
01:28Is that a new weapon?
01:40It's going to be ... Oh, the RC Cola caps.
01:46A turret on the back of a vehicle?
01:57Oh, boy.
02:12Daily quests are new.
02:13Gain shields.
02:14Gain shields at classic course of Rubble's Roost.
02:17Eliminate players with shotgun.
02:18Leave me alone, dude.
02:19All right.
02:20Underworld, Grim Gate, and the teleportation stuff is here.
02:26Redline Rig, Sandy Steps, Brutal Beachhead, all these new spots.
02:32All these people just hitting the gritty.
02:35Are you serious?
02:37Oh, boy.
02:39So there's like what?
02:40Like bosses driving around?
02:41Are these trains?
02:42One, two.
02:43They're moving.
02:44It doesn't look like I can get the teleport anymore, but you can teleport while you're
02:48there, I guess?
02:49Actually, landing at Grim Gate without the ability to have a permanent teleport?
02:55Like, I'll never go there.
02:58God, those NPCs.
03:02Does this guy have a gun already?
03:10Oh, my sweet Jesus, dude.
03:14Bro, come on.
03:17What is happening here?
03:30What is happening?
03:46Is this considered teaming?
03:51Hey, this is pretty lit.
03:58All right, brother.
04:03Thank you for the ride.
04:05Bro, am I?
04:06How long does this sprint last?
04:09Oh, okay.
04:11They really keep the tactical AR?
04:15Such an interesting choice.
04:16I'm not gonna lie to you guys.
04:17I didn't see a single chest icon the entire beginning game.
04:22Gatekeeper shot.
04:23He's still in the game.
04:24It's over.
04:25So, so far, not a single new item or a new weapon.
04:30Tactical AR got a buff?
04:31I mean, I needed one.
04:32Enforced AR?
04:34It brought this gun back?
04:37Hey, at least they keep shockwaves, dude.
04:44So, you can add these vehicles.
04:47Dude, he's got a freaking cow catcher on him.
04:56Harbinger SMG is still a thing.
05:01Is this hitscan?
05:05Dude's just lagging around.
05:08This guy's got a coin on the mini map.
05:20Cover fire combat shotgun.
05:22So, they add...
05:24I mean, this thing's gonna be ass in zero build.
05:29Oh, boy.
05:33Oh, my God.
05:37I shouldn't do this, but I'm going to.
05:44Oh, dude.
05:45It launches you up top.
05:51This guy...
06:05Your weapons have infinite ammunition and increased weapon damage.
06:10Nitro fists.
06:13All right.
06:14Hello, Vi.
06:23All right.
06:24Now, we're talking, dude.
06:26Infinite ammo.
06:27I mean, obviously, this is going to be in competitive.
06:30Like, this coin is going to be in competitive.
06:32Can you imagine someone just spraying at your wall forever because they have...
06:35I can't shoot this gun in the back of this, by the way.
06:38Hammer pump shot.
06:39He's still in the game.
06:40Nitro splashes.
06:41Repair torches are back.
06:44So, just run through this to get a cow catcher.
06:47Off-road tires.
06:50Machine gun turret.
06:54Oh, you can't boost forever.
06:57It recharges.
06:59Fuel seems to be going down way faster, too, by the way.
07:19Guys, if I didn't get that elimination, you were looking at the worst case of bloom you've ever seen in your entire life.
07:25What are these?
07:26Spiked bumper?
07:38What is happening, bro?
07:57Dude, that guy swaps vehicles.
08:01That's actually so smart.
08:02Megalodon's combat shotgun.
08:06I mean, I guess I should probably use this for science.
08:15Yeah, okay.
08:26I can't believe it.
08:43I got that kill while that guy was on top of me with that shotgun.
08:50I three-shotted him, bro.
08:52Bonner Bridge is still in the game.
08:57So, I can sprint and go crazy because of one of the points.
09:03You are infused with unlimited nitro while this medallion is in your inventory.
09:10Oh, my God.
09:11You don't even have to be in a vehicle.
09:17I haven't got a single sniper yet, by the way.
09:27I'm so happy that this Thunder Burst is hitting every shot.
09:37Okay, I have all three coins.
09:41Game one.
09:42Your shield automatically replenishes over time.
09:45What a con—
09:47What the shagma?
09:56Yeah, it's recharging.
10:15It recharges five at a time.
10:18It looks like it caps at 50 or 75 or something.
10:21It stopped.
10:22The awe and wonder.
10:25That is day one of a season.
10:29Bro, my fuel is, like, not even going down.
10:37What is he shooting at me?
11:04A boom bolt?
11:06Let's see how much my—
11:07Okay, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75.
11:15Caps at 75.
11:17Conductor's Hand Cannon.
11:23All right, let's see if we can actually hit someone with this.
11:38Dude, you could actually get an extra charge off, too.
11:41Maybe even two.
11:51Now that is some traveling, dude.
11:54What is that noise?
12:01Bro, what am I—
12:03I'm, like, breaking through.
12:04Do you guys see this stuff?
12:29Dude, there's another person in there, too, by the way.
12:31I don't know if they were teaming or not.
12:43Oh, my God.
12:44You can't sprint into a bush?
12:51Not bad.
12:54Trying to—oh, man, if I can hit this guy once.
13:04What's the bullet drop on this thing?
13:36Yeah, this thing's kind of broken.
13:37It's kind of busted, actually.
13:39Hey, here we go, dude.
13:42First game, first dub, no deaths?
13:44Oh, I forgot to do the P emote.
13:46Snipers are gone, though.
13:48Dude, first impressions, man?
13:49I think those vehicles are going to be really annoying with good players.
13:53The repair torch is going to be super annoying.
13:55With sweats, like, repairing vehicles at a distance in duo.
13:58But it's only, like, duos.
13:59Like, solos, it's not that bad.
14:01I mean, they didn't add a new rifle, really.
14:03I like the Warforged rifle, so the rifles were good to me still.
14:06So, I mean, I like it, dude.
14:07Let's go.
14:08Obviously I won, so that helps.