• last year
Get ready for a dose of adorable pickiness in this hilarious video! This clip captures the dramatic reaction of a little girl who's just been introduced to the world of... grapes. While some might call her a picky eater, we prefer to think of her as a "food enthusiast with standards," and apparently, grapes just don't make the cut.

Video ID: WGA310133

#funnypickyeater #hilariouskidfoodreaction #grapefail #viralvideo #adorabletoddler #pickyeating #introducingnewfoods #funnykidface #toddlerdevelopment #cantstopwontstop #shesgotstandards #toddlereats #foodfun #pickyeaterstruggles #whosagoodgirl #shesavingroomfordessert #grapeexpectations #funnyeater #nothankyou #toddlers #kidsvideo #funnyvideo #hilariousreaction #hilariousmoments


00:00 Gosh, just freaking try it.
00:02 I love the grape.
00:03 Take the whole-- it's a half a grape, Cadence.
00:08 The whole thing.
00:10 Yes.
00:12 You want this dollar, you're eating the entire grape,
00:15 period.
00:16 Pop it in.
00:17 There you go, chew.
00:18 You got it.
00:19 Girl, just two.
00:21 You love strawberries.
00:24 Yeah, see, it's delicious.
00:27 You're so extra.
00:29 I cannot with you.
00:31 Cadence, that was disgusting.
00:35 Why would you-- really?
00:37 [CRYING]
00:39 I don't know.
00:43 I don't know.
00:44 You don't like it?
00:45 No, I hate it.
00:46 All right, high five for trying it.
00:48 You're in your dollar, OK?
00:50 No, I need to throw up.
00:52 No.
00:54 (slurping)
