Ruzgarli Tepe - Episode 107 (English Sub)

  • 4 months ago
Ruzgarli Tepe - Episode 107 (English Sub)
00:01:30Who is this woman?
00:01:49What is this sincerity?
00:01:50Berna, my old shorts, Zeynep, no, you haven't changed at all, you're still very modest.
00:02:21It would be more correct if we called him an old consultant.
00:02:24Is that so?
00:02:26Zeynep, it's me.
00:02:30I'm Mr. Halil's new assistant.
00:02:37I'm so sorry.
00:02:48Zeynep, can you come to the meeting? We need to talk.
00:02:52We'll talk later, I have an important job right now.
00:02:57Okay, but be sure to come.
00:02:59Okay mom, okay.
00:03:09If your job is very important, you can go.
00:03:14My job is to be here.
00:03:19Please, come in.
00:03:34Please, have a seat.
00:03:41Ms. Zeynep, please.
00:04:02Halil, you finally found a house that suits you.
00:04:05Where did you buy this place?
00:04:07It was very sudden.
00:04:09It was very beautiful, the person who made it was really enjoying it.
00:04:14It was.
00:04:19I mean, my grandfather had it made.
00:04:22What do you mean?
00:04:24It's a long story, I'll tell you later.
00:04:37What would you like?
00:04:39Let's see if you remember.
00:04:42Two plain Turkish coffees.
00:04:44For Ms. Berna, with a soda.
00:04:50And a medium sugar Turkish coffee.
00:04:54For Ms. Zeynep.
00:04:56She didn't forget mine either, thank you.
00:04:59Soda, right?
00:05:01Some things never change.
00:05:02Some things change a lot too.
00:05:09Mr. Ercüment, isn't he coming to dinner?
00:05:15Honey, I'm Mr. Ercüment's consultant.
00:05:18No need to rush.
00:05:20Why would I rush?
00:05:23Alper, I think you're fooling me.
00:05:26You're right.
00:05:28There's only one woman in the world with such a beautiful scent.
00:05:34It's Berna.
00:05:36And what a beautiful surprise.
00:05:46I hope you like it, Halil.
00:05:48I'm Berna's husband.
00:05:50I'm Berna's husband.
00:05:52I'm Berna's husband.
00:05:54I'm Berna's husband.
00:05:55Congratulations, Halil.
00:05:57How did you hide Berna from us?
00:05:59Yes, Halil, why didn't you tell me?
00:06:01But you're going to eat the real brush from my aunt.
00:06:04She doesn't know Gözde is here.
00:06:06But congratulations to you too, Berna.
00:06:08If I knew you were coming, I would have prepared something.
00:06:13What preparation? Am I a stranger?
00:06:24What's up?
00:06:26What brought you here?
00:06:31We just started working with Halil.
00:06:36So you're here now.
00:06:43Is this a coincidence?
00:06:45Or is it planned?
00:06:52Let the fun begin.
00:06:58A new job with Halil.
00:07:12Why is he grinning like that?
00:07:14Did he hear what I said?
00:07:17Please, Feriha.
00:07:19Please, let me be the person in your mind.
00:07:27Are you going to say something?
00:07:29Are you going to say something?
00:07:33Come on, Feriha.
00:07:35You gave the name of God.
00:07:37For God's sake, say it.
00:07:39For God's sake.
00:07:40You gave the name of God.
00:07:42For God's sake, say it.
00:07:44Pack up your things.
00:08:00We have to start somewhere, right?
00:08:03You rejected this man.
00:08:05He's not happier than me.
00:08:07I'm serious.
00:08:09I have such deep feelings in me.
00:08:13But I feel it.
00:08:19When Mr. Ercüment offered Halil Fırat,
00:08:23I asked him for special things.
00:08:26When I learned the value of Halil for me...
00:08:31Thank you.
00:08:33He let me take care of this personally.
00:08:35So you're saying I got the job.
00:08:39But your brother's attitude has changed.
00:08:42It surprises me.
00:08:48What happened?
00:08:50He's like Halil.
00:08:52He was delayed from yesterday's meeting.
00:08:54I'm curious.
00:08:59It's a special matter.
00:09:00It's a special matter.
00:09:06What do you mean?
00:09:12You know I don't like to talk about this kind of stuff, Berna.
00:09:17What's special about me...
00:09:21...stays special.
00:09:24I'm just getting stuck.
00:09:26I didn't know I was going to be in the meeting anyway.
00:09:31If you knew, I'd come even if it was a two-handed sword.
00:09:34I'm sure.
00:09:37When he saw me at the meeting we had the other day,
00:09:40he was so surprised that I couldn't explain it.
00:09:43Although we couldn't talk much because you weren't at that meeting.
00:09:48Halil said he'd never talk to me without Zeynep.
00:10:01Wow, Berna.
00:10:03I still can't believe you're here.
00:10:05You're a surprise to me.
00:10:07What brought you here?
00:10:09Halil's storm.
00:10:12But when I returned to the airport room,
00:10:14I decided to stay here and invest in the town.
00:10:19You say fate is waiting for you.
00:10:31Did you talk to Şükriye?
00:10:34Well, the mother and daughter played Oscar.
00:10:37They convinced Mr. Halil that his mother was the son of Kovan.
00:10:41Since Halil didn't raise any questions about this matter,
00:10:45we really did it.
00:10:47This issue is closed.
00:10:49Yes, but I'm not comfortable at all.
00:10:51I'm so scared that something will happen to us.
00:10:54Don't be afraid, Caglan.
00:10:56I spent so much money on this.
00:10:57If you don't panic and do nothing, there will be no problem.
00:11:01Come in.
00:11:07You have a guest downstairs, Ms. Songül.
00:11:10Who is it?
00:11:11Ms. Berna.
00:11:13What are you saying?
00:11:17This is over.
00:11:19Let me take care of my guest now.
00:11:21You don't have to worry about this issue.
00:11:23Let me take care of my guest now.
00:11:26You won't open your mouth about this issue again.
00:11:29Do you understand?
00:11:31Come on, let me get ready.
00:11:43Everything worked out in the end.
00:11:44Everything worked out in the end.
00:11:52You remember our trip to Venice, don't you?
00:11:54Of course I remember.
00:11:56We had a lot of fun.
00:12:01Of course, if we don't count our cheating under the Eiffel Tower because of Alper.
00:12:10Have you been working together for a long time?
00:12:14It's been four or five years, right?
00:12:18If we count the thing, six.
00:12:30He says we started with a little job.
00:12:33He says we started with a little job.
00:12:40Let's not forget our past, Mr. Halil.
00:12:43It would be rude to forget.
00:12:46Berna has a lot of work in my business life.
00:12:52Who has more work? That's debatable.
00:12:56Zeynep, you don't know.
00:12:59These three would never leave each other.
00:13:02These three would never leave each other.
00:13:04But at this time, it is very difficult to find this friend.
00:13:07We need to know its value.
00:13:09Well, these two turned out to be very unfaithful.
00:13:14I swear to you, I remembered the other day.
00:13:17I was going to call you, but it was the other way around.
00:13:21They always say that.
00:13:23Halil said the same thing.
00:13:25But I'll get his statement later.
00:13:28Although he seems to have enough excuses.
00:13:31A lot has changed in his life with the meeting.
00:13:46What did you do in the past?
00:13:51I swear it's not my fault.
00:13:54Halil is perfect.
00:13:55It's hard to be Halil's assistant.
00:13:58I suggest you be careful.
00:14:04Zeynep is still on her way.
00:14:06That's why she still has a chance to escape.
00:14:10When she has better opportunities, she will definitely evaluate.
00:14:17Didn't you do that, Berna?
00:14:20I don't know.
00:14:22Didn't you do that, Berna?
00:14:26When the time is right, every bird flies from the nest.
00:14:52Samet, come in.
00:14:55I won't come alive.
00:14:57Did you call Feriha?
00:14:59If I didn't call her, she'd regret it.
00:15:01This girl is going to kill me.
00:15:04You're not used to it.
00:15:06My son can't accept you right away.
00:15:08Feriha doesn't talk like you.
00:15:11She says I'm not the person she dreams of.
00:15:14Did you give up right away?
00:15:16Don't you know, my son?
00:15:18The girl's house is the Naz house.
00:15:19I know.
00:15:21That's not what I'm talking about.
00:15:23I have pride, too.
00:15:25I'm going back to the village.
00:15:27What's the hurry, son?
00:15:29Let me know what kind of man Feriha wants first.
00:15:32Then we'll talk again, okay?
00:15:34Let's not waste time, grandma.
00:15:36Don't you know me, son?
00:15:39Would I give you hope for nothing?
00:15:42I know you, I'm talking.
00:15:44If you have a heart, you'll listen.
00:15:46Okay, okay, my daughter.
00:15:47If you want, so be it.
00:15:49Let me kiss your hand.
00:15:51Look, wait to hear from me, okay?
00:15:54Don't let your mind and heart go elsewhere.
00:15:58I'm going to solve this, okay?
00:16:01Okay, grandma.
00:16:03Come on, stay healthy.
00:16:09Who is the person in that girl's dream?
00:16:13Don't whisper.
00:16:15Oh, my naive daughter.
00:16:18I know how to get you there.
00:16:35Oh, Berna.
00:16:38Oh, I missed you so much.
00:16:44Me too, honey, me too.
00:16:47You did well to come.
00:16:51We used to be together all the time.
00:16:55Oh, what a beautiful day.
00:16:57Where's Halil, you were there.
00:17:08I always say, you know?
00:17:10You were the biggest factor in Halil's career.
00:17:15Oh, no.
00:17:17Yeah, yeah.
00:17:19You've always been a guiding light in my business life.
00:17:23Well, when you lose your light, you lose your way.
00:17:28I wish you never left.
00:17:30Was there something between them?
00:17:32I wish, but as Alper said, it's time for me to fly out of the nest.
00:17:40But you always have a place in this nest, Berna, you know.
00:17:44She has a place in the nest.
00:17:46Oh, don't say such things.
00:17:48I'll leave everything and stay.
00:17:50Oh, stay.
00:17:52Please stay.
00:17:54Of course, stay.
00:17:56But we've already been forgotten.
00:18:00Halil now has another assistant that he praises and trusts in his mind.
00:18:11Are we going to start working? I'll make the preparations accordingly.
00:18:15What's the rush, dear?
00:18:17The girl just arrived, let's eat first.
00:18:20Halil, you're not going to run to work right away, are you?
00:18:23No, of course we're not going to work right away.
00:18:26Enjoy it, take a rest, Berna.
00:18:28Well, then, while the food is being prepared, take Berna to the farm, what do you say?
00:18:32That would be great.
00:18:34I took a look while I was coming, this place is pretty big.
00:18:37Okay, let's go then.
00:18:42Come with us.
00:18:47Oh, what does it have to do with you?
00:18:50How long have you not seen each other? We have things to talk about alone.
00:18:55I already had one last file to review.
00:18:59You go.
00:19:01Come on, Halil.
00:19:07Okay, okay.
00:19:11What is this now?
00:19:32How good it was for Berna to come.
00:19:35Yes, how happy Halil was.
00:19:38Well, that's what real love is.
00:19:53Zeynep never got rid of Berna.
00:19:56Or was she jealous?
00:19:57If I can take the right steps, I can get Zeynep away from Halil.
00:20:06Why didn't Zeynep come?
00:20:12I wonder if she knows about Eren.
00:20:15She definitely doesn't want us to know.
00:20:18After all, Eren is Halil Fırat's friend.
00:20:22That man is going to ruin our world.
00:20:25That man ruined our world.
00:20:32Oh, Selma.
00:20:34How can you come quietly like that, my daughter? I forgot.
00:20:37Sorry, I didn't want to scare you.
00:20:40Why did you come at this hour? Did something happen?
00:20:43My grandmother wanted her old mattress.
00:20:46I'll go get it.
00:20:49Where is Zeynep?
00:20:51Why isn't she coming?
00:20:52I don't know.
00:20:54I need my daughter.
00:20:57But she can't spare time, unfortunately.
00:21:00Mom, Zeynep is Mr. Halil's assistant.
00:21:03Maybe she has her own things to do.
00:21:06Could it be?
00:21:08Look at the words.
00:21:10Are you acting to me, Selma?
00:21:16My daughter.
00:21:18I am your mother.
00:21:19I just want your goodness.
00:21:22Mom, if you wanted my goodness, you would be happy for me.
00:21:26You wouldn't defend that man who ruined me in time.
00:21:30My daughter, Selma.
00:21:32Mom, please. I don't want to hear what you're going to say.
00:21:35My grandmother is waiting.
00:21:50Halil came here, he was very lonely.
00:21:55But first Alper, then Berna.
00:22:01I think Halil will be better from now on.
00:22:04Actually, I was always hoping that Halil and Berna's friendship would go a little further than friendship.
00:22:14But I think it was an empty wish.
00:22:18We don't know.
00:22:22Look, someone knows something we don't know, Gülhan.
00:22:28I think Halil has a weakness against Berna.
00:22:33What weakness? What does that mean?
00:22:36Even if I can't put his name in any way, Halil and Berna's closeness caught my attention.
00:22:42They really have a very precious bond.
00:22:44Maybe that's why Berna came here.
00:22:48Something will happen between them, hopefully.
00:22:54Halil made him an assistant. He can't even hold a tray in his hand.
00:22:58Aunt, it's a shame.
00:23:04Exactly. Zeynep is jealous.
00:23:07It's clear which way you're going.
00:23:09We'll meet soon.
00:23:44Aunt Tülay.
00:23:46Feyyaz, my son.
00:23:49You can't believe how sad I am after what happened last night.
00:23:53Mom, don't be sad, please.
00:23:55Selma is right somewhere.
00:23:57I deserved those words, maybe even more.
00:24:01Well, I'm tied up, Feyyaz. I don't know what to say.
00:24:05Mom, I have no resentment or anger against Selma.
00:24:09It's all Selma's fault.
00:24:11If it wasn't for her, maybe Selma would have forgiven me a long time ago.
00:24:16I think so, too.
00:24:19Besides, I'm glad you're so understanding, Feyyaz.
00:24:23I understand what you mean.
00:24:25I don't know how to forgive myself when Selma doesn't even let me get close to her.
00:24:29That's why it was necessary to separate Eren from Selma.
00:24:34Oh, my son.
00:24:36Whatever you do, do it without breaking Selma and upsetting her.
00:24:41I don't want my daughter to be hurt again.
00:24:44Don't worry, mom.
00:24:46If someone is going to be hurt here, that person will be Eren.
00:24:50Let's not get in trouble, please.
00:24:52See you.
00:24:59I hope he doesn't get his hands and face dirty.
00:25:05I hope he doesn't get his hands and face dirty.
00:25:14Oh, I feel sorry for him.
00:25:19Put it like this, I'll give it to you later.
00:25:27What happened, Zeynep?
00:25:29You look tense.
00:25:31Mr. Halil's friend came from Istanbul.
00:25:35I don't know, she's a strange girl.
00:25:38I got stuck with her.
00:25:40So, what happened?
00:25:44I don't know.
00:25:46He's an old consultant.
00:25:48Okay, honey, why do you care so much about people?
00:25:52It's in the past for Mr. Halil.
00:25:54You will come, too.
00:25:56What does that mean, sister?
00:25:59I mean, he's an old consultant.
00:26:02You're an assistant.
00:26:04That's what I'm saying, Zeynep.
00:26:06Of course.
00:26:08After all, I'm his assistant.
00:26:10Let them do whatever they want.
00:26:28What are they talking about?
00:26:30Excuse me?
00:26:31Who's talking?
00:26:33I'm talking to him.
00:26:37Zeynep, don't scare me.
00:26:40What's wrong with you?
00:26:43Zeynep, what are you looking at?
00:26:52My mother called me, I forgot about her.
00:26:56She's going to talk to me.
00:26:58I'll go.
00:27:01But let's talk to you and your sister, okay?
00:27:04Is something wrong?
00:27:06I'll tell you later.
00:27:08It doesn't matter.
00:27:15Okay, I'll go to my mother now.
00:27:19Then whenever you want, we can talk to your sister.
00:27:25I really need it.
00:27:45Oh, Zeynep.
00:27:53What's up? Where are you going?
00:27:55I'm going to my mother.
00:27:57I'm so bored.
00:28:00How nice it is for us.
00:28:03Life is very interesting.
00:28:06I don't understand why?
00:28:08Berna's coming here.
00:28:10They call it power.
00:28:13I see two people who miss each other very much.
00:28:19I don't understand what you mean.
00:28:22Their relationship was not like the relationship of the former consultant boss.
00:28:27They were so close.
00:28:29Sometimes we felt alienated.
00:28:32What do you mean?
00:28:34We couldn't put his name.
00:28:36It was obvious that there was something strong between them.
00:28:42Why are you telling me this?
00:28:45We're talking, honey.
00:28:47I'm just curious about your opinion as a woman.
00:28:49I'm just curious.
00:28:51I'm sorry, Mr. Alper.
00:28:53I don't like gossip.
00:28:55I'm just an assistant.
00:28:57That's why these issues don't concern me at all.
00:29:00Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to my mother.
00:29:20What kind of a man would Feriha want?
00:29:23Should I give a charismatic look?
00:29:29What kind of a look is that? Look at the type.
00:29:32Try four, Hakan. Four.
00:29:42Yes, Feriha.
00:29:44What are you doing here?
00:29:46I came to see you.
00:29:50What are you doing?
00:29:55I'm looking in the mirror.
00:29:57Don't you have this admiration for yourself?
00:30:00No, Feriha.
00:30:03There was something with my eyebrow, but I was looking at it.
00:30:08My admiration is not for myself.
00:30:11Of course, what can you say?
00:30:13She smiled.
00:30:15It's hard. Now it's time. Come on, Hakan.
00:30:25Yes, Hakan. Tell me.
00:30:28What kind of a person are you?
00:30:31What does that mean?
00:30:33I mean, what kind of a person are you?
00:30:35Ms. Feriha, can you take a look at the customer?
00:30:38I'll be right back.
00:30:40Why are you looking like a rabbit?
00:30:43Selim, I'll crush you.
00:30:46Get lost.
00:30:49Hello, welcome.
00:30:51Here you go.
00:31:09What a peaceful place this is.
00:31:13Yes, I love it too.
00:31:24I was going to ask who it is, what it is.
00:31:28Don't think I didn't notice you in there.
00:31:31Although you changed the subject.
00:31:34There's a complicated issue here.
00:31:36It's none of my business. Tell me.
00:31:40Halil, you know me.
00:31:42I'll never leave you alone without an answer.
00:31:46I'll even go into your dreams.
00:31:50Ömer Aslanlı.
00:31:53Zeynep's father.
00:31:56We had a business partnership with him before he died.
00:32:02Nothing went the way he wanted.
00:32:04And then...
00:32:06...he had to hand over his house, all his companies, his business to me.
00:32:13It all happened so suddenly.
00:32:15Zeynep and her family had to keep living here.
00:32:23It's hard.
00:32:26Living in the house you own like a shelter.
00:32:31I'm sorry.
00:32:34Why did you take her as your assistant?
00:32:38Tell me the truth. You're sorry, aren't you?
00:32:41No, Berna.
00:32:43What does it have to do with anything?
00:32:45Zeynep... a very successful agricultural engineer.
00:32:50Before I came here, she was doing all the work.
00:32:54The whole town loves her.
00:32:59...opens the doors of worlds I never knew.
00:33:04She makes me discover places I never knew.
00:33:09I learn new things from her.
00:33:27What are they talking about for so long?
00:33:30Do you learn more than I do?
00:33:34It's not right to compare now.
00:33:37Still, you say she's different.
00:33:47Apparently, Zeynep was as smart as she was beautiful.
00:33:52Otherwise, she wouldn't have kept her by her side in life.
00:33:58Zeynep is very special.
00:34:01I feel very lucky to work with her.
00:34:05She's not like anyone I've ever met.
00:34:09I mean...
00:34:11...I'm very lucky to work with someone as disciplined and hardworking as her.
00:34:17By the way, she never breaks her promise.
00:34:20She's not surprised that she knows the truth.
00:34:22Sometimes, she gets mad at me.
00:34:24I mean, I get mad at her, but...
00:34:26...of course, I don't dislike her.
00:34:28Apparently, she impressed you a lot.
00:34:33Look, I'm talking about your honesty, discipline, and hard work.
00:34:37You're saying she's different, as always.
00:34:47How happy they are.
00:34:50They're both laughing non-stop.
00:34:52How happy they are.
00:34:55They're both laughing non-stop.
00:34:58They were so close that...
00:35:00...sometimes we felt like we were alienated.
00:35:09I wonder if there was something between them in the past.
00:35:24I can't believe it.
00:35:26I was pressing something and falling.
00:35:28Luckily, you were with me.
00:35:34Look at the numbers.
00:35:39No, I mean, I'm falling too, but...
00:35:42...I'm really falling. What is this?
00:35:51Whatever they do, it doesn't concern me.
00:35:55They're special.
00:36:12Look ahead, Zeynep.
00:36:14Look ahead.
00:36:21Look ahead.
00:36:30Two cups of tea.
00:36:32I'll bring it right away.
00:36:41Prepare this table right away.
00:36:43Don't waste time.
00:36:45I'm already fed up with you.
00:36:47What did I do?
00:36:49And he's talking.
00:36:52I'll come later.
00:37:13Ms. Feriha.
00:37:15Hello. How are you?
00:37:17Is there anything I can help?
00:37:19Where do you come from, Feriha?
00:37:21How do you like to be treated?
00:37:24Are you kidding me?
00:37:27No way, Feriha.
00:37:29I'm trying to understand you.
00:37:31How can you...
00:37:33Excuse me, can you look?
00:37:35I'll be right back.
00:37:43If you don't drink tea for two minutes, you'll die.
00:37:47No, my friend, it won't be like that.
00:37:50Feriha won't come and tell me.
00:37:52Am I her friend?
00:37:56What kind of a word is that?
00:37:58God forbid.
00:38:03But I hope I'll be her lover.
00:38:05I need to discover some things before Feriha tells me.
00:38:16Mom, drink this. It will be good for you.
00:38:32What happened to you? I don't understand.
00:38:44You get along well.
00:38:48How is she?
00:38:52She's my sister, okay.
00:38:54She's your daughter.
00:38:56Why don't you ask her?
00:38:58There's something about me, Zeynep.
00:39:01I haven't seen her well lately.
00:39:05Don't worry.
00:39:07My sister is fine.
00:39:10I haven't seen her this happy in a long time.
00:39:15She's seeing Eren, right?
00:39:19And Eren is very good to her.
00:39:21Zeynep, for God's sake.
00:39:23Eren doesn't care about himself.
00:39:25Will it be good for Selma?
00:39:29Eren is a very good person, contrary to what you think.
00:39:31Besides, my sister and I just know each other.
00:39:33We need to give them a chance, right?
00:39:36Those things don't happen with kindness and beauty.
00:39:40Eren is not suitable for Selma.
00:39:42Mom, you started again.
00:39:44Let the two adults decide for themselves.
00:39:51Look, I understand.
00:39:54You're afraid.
00:39:57But Feyyaz.
00:39:59He was the only narcissist who didn't think of anyone else.
00:40:01He was the only narcissist who didn't think of anyone else.
00:40:05There's no such thing as everyone who comes to my sister will be like him.
00:40:10I believe in Eren's sister's heart that he won't hurt her.
00:40:16And most importantly, you know what?
00:40:18My sister's face is smiling now.
00:40:20And it's thanks to Eren.
00:40:24Besides, my sister didn't forget what she went through.
00:40:26She learned from them.
00:40:28Now she takes everything more seriously.
00:40:35I understand, Zeynep.
00:40:37You go, don't get in the way.
00:40:40Okay, mom.
00:40:42But you should rest too.
00:40:44Don't upset yourself.
00:40:46I'm dying again.
00:40:54Be happy for my sister.
00:40:56I love you.
00:41:26I love you too.
00:41:32I'm your mother.
00:41:34I just want what's best for you.
00:41:38Mom, if you wanted what's best for me, you'd be happy in my place.
00:41:42You wouldn't defend that man who shattered me in time.
00:41:46My daughter, Selma.
00:41:48Mom, please.
00:41:50I don't want to hear what you're going to say.
00:41:52My parents are waiting.
00:41:56They miss you.
00:42:08They miss you.
00:42:16Not as much as I do.
00:42:26I got the chance I was looking for.
00:42:34I have to take this opportunity very well.
00:42:42While Zeynep has come to the condition I want.
00:42:48I have to use Berna and fill it up against Zeynep and Ali.
00:42:50But how?
00:43:20Hello, my friend.
00:43:22I was going to ask you something.
00:43:26That's right.
00:43:28Now I'm sending you a few photos.
00:43:32Let's see my skill.
00:43:50Very beautiful.
00:43:54Berna, you're the only one who can't meet my collection.
00:43:58Because I know you very well.
00:44:02And I know very well what these mean to you and your father.
00:44:10These daggers remind me of my father.
00:44:14You have to appreciate it.
00:44:18By the way, thank you very much.
00:44:24For everything.
00:44:28I will never forget the time we spent with you.
00:44:32I will never forget.
00:44:36I will never forget.
00:44:38I will never forget the time we spent with you.
00:44:44Every moment you are with me is very precious to me.
00:44:48It's the same for me.
00:44:50Being with you at those times.
00:44:54Sharing those times with you.
00:44:56It's very precious to me.
00:45:02Even if everything is erased from my mind one day.
00:45:08Those times will always stay in the corner of my heart.
00:45:26You never left me.
00:45:28You were always with me.
00:45:32There was definitely something between them.
00:45:38There was definitely something between them.
00:45:42I hope Feyyaz holds his hand quickly.
00:45:46Obviously, Zeynep will put her attitude aside from Eren.
00:45:52And when that happens, Selma will get close to Eren.
00:45:58I have to do something urgently.
00:46:02My daughter is going out of my hands.
00:46:08To you.
00:46:10To you.
00:46:16What did you say?
00:46:18I was going to ask you if you need something, Ms. Türe.
00:46:20Thank you, son.
00:46:24I caught a few test books.
00:46:28It's a coincidence, thank God.
00:46:30I was wondering if Merve would need it.
00:46:32I was going to give it to them.
00:46:34My attentive son.
00:46:36I don't know.
00:46:39Why don't you call Merve?
00:46:41Are you a stranger?
00:46:42You look like brothers.
00:46:52Okay, I'll call Merve.
00:46:57Have a nice day.
00:47:06Oh, Ms. Zeynep is here.
00:47:22I thought you started the meeting.
00:47:25Is it possible for us to start without you?
00:47:34No, I don't want to bother you.
00:47:37You have things to talk about.
00:47:41Do you need anything?
00:47:44Actually, tea before dinner is not bad at all.
00:47:48I would be happy if there was some electricity.
00:47:54Of course.
00:48:00Thank you.
00:48:02But that's not your job.
00:48:08Your job is to be with me.
00:48:15We want tea from the water.
00:48:21I'll take care of it.
00:48:22No problem.
00:48:32What happened?
00:48:34Is there something wrong?
00:48:38I would be happy if there was some electricity.
00:48:40It's okay.
00:48:41I asked him to be polite and he jumped right away.
00:48:44It's your fault, Zeynep.
00:48:45Well done, Zeynep.
00:48:47Why did you leave me alone?
00:48:49Why did you leave me alone?
00:49:00I thought you wanted to talk to Ms. Berna alone.
00:49:05Well, we don't have any secrets from you.
00:49:09Thank you.
00:49:11But I'm just your assistant.
00:49:13Ms. Berna is your friend.
00:49:17You are my...
00:49:24I'm not your friend, though.
00:49:30If you realize that you are much more...
00:49:33It depends on where you look at.
00:49:37We have a lot of good or bad memories with you.
00:49:40We have experiences.
00:49:43You're right.
00:49:45But always with a fight.
00:49:46In a hurry.
00:49:49We never had a chance to stop and talk, share our problems, laugh at little things.
00:49:57Do you really think so?
00:49:59Am I wrong?
00:50:01If we were friends, I would know more about you.
00:50:05When you were talking in the living room, I realized that I don't even know who upsets you, what makes you happy.
00:50:14The closeness of Halil and Berna caught my attention.
00:50:18There is a really precious bond between them.
00:50:21I don't know your past at all.
00:50:24You are so mysterious to me.
00:50:27Okay, we broke a wall between us, but there is still something we haven't overcome.
00:50:32I'll tell you in a little while.
00:50:34For you.
00:50:36I'm not wrong, am I?
00:50:43I'll go get Mrs. Berna's tea.
00:50:52Yes, I...
00:50:59Your duty in this house is not to serve.
00:51:04Show me the way.
00:51:09Let the tea make oil and water.
00:51:16Your place in me is very different now.
00:51:31I'll tell Asu.
00:51:42I love you.
00:52:08The soil fertility rates are here.
00:52:10As you can see, the green fields have very suitable conditions for many products.
00:52:17I'm tired, bored, hungry.
00:52:20I can't think of anything but food right now.
00:52:23You can't stand the possibility that I'm hungry.
00:52:26Are you very hungry?
00:52:33Can we sit at the table?
00:52:35Of course, sir. Please.
00:52:40Let's sit.
00:52:51Then I'll go.
00:52:54We'll continue to work after dinner.
00:52:57If you're rested, of course.
00:53:00Let's eat together first.
00:53:02Then we'll continue to work.
00:53:05Okay, I'm still...
00:53:06I'm still...
00:53:09Don't make me the boss of everyone.
00:53:12What should I say?
00:53:14Should I say, don't go?
00:53:16Should I say, will we work?
00:53:19What should I say?
00:53:36Good night.
00:54:00Good night.
00:54:02Good night.
00:54:04Good night, Feriha.
00:54:06But don't miss yourself, come again.
00:54:09Oh my God.
00:54:16Okay, good night.
00:54:21Come on.
00:54:23Feriha forgot her phone.
00:54:30I have the way to Feriha's heart right now.
00:54:32I have the way to Feriha's heart right now.
00:54:35Should I flirt with her?
00:54:41No, Hakan.
00:54:43It would be a shame.
00:54:45Don't be rude.
00:54:47Take it and give it to the owner of the phone.
00:54:49Well done, my son, Hakan.
00:54:52Don't you have respect for your morals and the private life of the other person?
00:54:57Well done.
00:54:58You know what?
00:55:00If I wasn't me,
00:55:02I would fall in love with me right away.
00:55:08These places...
00:55:13I'm going out, son.
00:55:15You will collect these places, okay?
00:55:17Be careful, don't leave anything open.
00:55:19Okay, don't worry.
00:55:21He's a rabbit.
00:55:28Come on.
00:55:36Come on, aunt.
00:55:46Zeynep, my left side is empty.
00:55:49Come here if you want.
00:56:41It's so nice.
00:56:43Everyone together.
00:56:47I'm glad you came with me.
00:56:51Right, Aylin?
00:56:56That's right.
00:56:59If I knew how much I missed you, I would have come earlier.
00:57:03Halil, I can't believe it.
00:57:06My favorite salad.
00:57:08You haven't forgotten.
00:57:12Halil never forgets the things people he values love.
00:57:22Oh, I can't stand it.
00:57:24I'll take it before the soup.
00:57:26You won't like it when I'm here.
00:57:29Please, I'll take care of it.
00:57:39Is that enough?
00:57:41Enjoy your meal.
00:57:55Thank you.
00:58:26Look at that guy.
00:58:28I don't understand what's going on between you and me.
00:58:32How did this guy get into Selma's head?
00:58:37You have tricks up your sleeve.
00:58:39Of course I'll find it, Mr. Eren.
00:58:42I'll find it.
00:58:44I'll find it.
00:58:46I'll find it.
00:58:48I'll find it.
00:58:50I'll find it.
00:58:52I'll find it.
00:58:53I'll find it.
00:58:55But first, I'll show you what it's like to have an eye on what's mine.
00:59:12After the boring restaurants of the hotels, this table is very nice.
00:59:18Sincerity that makes everything beautiful, of course.
00:59:21Sweetheart, would you like some tea?
00:59:25Can I have a drink?
00:59:27As a guest.
00:59:30If I get up soon,
00:59:32can we continue the meeting tomorrow?
00:59:35Okay, okay.
00:59:41You know.
00:59:43But we work.
00:59:45Let's get ready for tomorrow's meeting better, so we don't bore Mrs. Berna.
00:59:48We haven't seen each other for a long time.
00:59:51I guess you don't think we're going to leave you in the cold hotel rooms, do you?
01:00:00We'll send Cemil and get him out of here, right, Ali?
01:00:05Of course, of course.
01:00:09Do I bother you?
01:00:11What's the trouble, Berna?
01:00:13This is your house.
01:00:15Your house.
01:00:16Your house.
01:00:20Don't make your boss angry, Berna.
01:00:22If he hits the top, he'll kick us all out.
01:00:25According to him.
01:00:28All right, all right.
01:00:30I'll stay here for today, then.
01:00:32You're ready, too.
01:00:36My dear, stay for a lifetime.
01:00:38The house is yours.
01:00:46Yes, I'm ready.
01:01:10What are you doing here?
01:01:11Good evening, I was going to buy some cookies.
01:01:21What is this now?
01:01:23Did this man walk all this way to come here?
01:01:27Oh my God!
01:01:30Anyway, let me wait.
01:01:34What are you doing here?
01:01:35No, no, I can't stand it. I'm going to go and break his nose.
01:01:44Feyyaz, what are you doing here?
01:01:47I came to buy something like that.
01:01:50Oh, you know the taste of your mouth. You can even come from Baghdad for this cake.
01:01:55They have a special cookie, it's great. I guess it's a special production plan.
01:01:59That's right.
01:02:01What are you doing, what's up?
01:02:02What's up?
01:02:04We're getting along.
01:02:06God bless you.
01:02:15You rejected Metin again.
01:02:17Why are you acting like this without knowing the boy?
01:02:20Mine, I understand you, but I don't want to get married right now.
01:02:26I mean, my only goal right now is to reunite with my brother.
01:02:36You haven't seen him for years. I want you to be happy now.
01:02:42Don't worry about money, don't worry about accounting.
01:02:47Don't worry about me, I'm happy like this.
01:02:50I'm happy too.
01:02:52I mean, okay, Samet is a good guy, but I only met him to not upset you.
01:03:02So, I'm not going to get married then, huh?
01:03:12Of course, one day, if there's someone I want, I'll get married.
01:03:21What kind of man do you want to marry? Come on, tell me your features.
01:03:38Aren't you cold?
01:03:51I'm cold.
01:04:02What kind of man do you want to marry? Come on, tell me your features.
01:04:07I'll make some tea, Mine.
01:04:21I looked at Mr. Halil and Ms. Berna, but ...
01:04:24They're in the pool.
01:04:50We talked about continuing the meeting after dinner.
01:04:57But they forgot to work instead of enjoying themselves.
01:05:01They're always like that. When the two come together, they forget everything to everyone.
01:05:31In fact, we were going to go on vacation together once.
01:05:42I texted, where are you, aren't we going?
01:05:47Berna sent me a photo.
01:05:52They broke us up and went alone.
01:06:02They broke up and went alone.
01:06:06They broke up and went alone.
01:06:09They broke up and went alone.
01:06:12They broke up and went alone.
01:06:15They broke up and went alone.
01:06:18They broke up and went alone.
01:06:21They broke up and went alone.
01:06:24They broke up and went alone.
01:06:26They broke up and went alone.
01:06:29They broke up and went alone.
01:06:32They broke up and went alone.
01:06:35They broke up and went alone.
01:06:38They broke up and went alone.
01:06:41They broke up and went alone.
01:06:44They broke up and went alone.
01:06:47They broke up and went alone.
01:06:50They broke up and went alone.
01:06:53They broke up and went alone.
01:06:56They broke up and went alone.
01:06:59They broke up and went alone.
01:07:02They broke up and went alone.
01:07:05They broke up and went alone.
01:07:08They broke up and went alone.
01:07:11They broke up and went alone.
01:07:14They broke up and went alone.
01:07:17They broke up and went alone.
01:07:20They broke up and went alone.
01:07:23They broke up and went alone.
01:07:26They broke up and went alone.
01:07:29They broke up and went alone.
01:07:32They broke up and went alone.
01:07:35They broke up and went alone.
01:07:38They broke up and went alone.
01:07:41They broke up and went alone.
01:07:44They broke up and went alone.
01:07:47They broke up and went alone.
01:07:50They broke up and went alone.
01:07:53They broke up and went alone.
01:07:56They broke up and went alone.
01:07:59They broke up and went alone.
01:08:02They broke up and went alone.
