Matin infos - 28/05/2024

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MEDI1TV Afrique : Matin infos - 28/05/2024


00:00Welcome everyone, thank you for joining us on Median TV, the first of this edition.
00:17New strikes in Rafah, Israel are multiplying this Tuesday despite the condemnations of
00:25its murderous bombing against a local displaced camp, which prompted the UN Security Council
00:31to convene an emergency meeting on the situation in this sector of Gaza.
00:37Madrid, Dublin and Oslo will formally recognize this Tuesday the State of Palestine, including
00:47Spain, Ireland and Norway.
00:50The State of Palestine is recognized by 145 countries out of the 193 member states of the UN, according to a report by the Palestinian Authority.
01:03And in this newspaper also, a vast slide of land has saved more than 2,000 people in the highlands of Papua New Guinea,
01:13an announcement made by the authorities of this Pacific country, calling on the international community to provide aid.
01:26Israel are multiplying this Tuesday the strikes in Rafah despite the condemnations of its murderous bombing against a local displaced camp,
01:35which prompted the UN Security Council to convene an emergency meeting on the situation in this sector of Gaza,
01:42on the ground of air strikes and shots in the center of the west and west of Rafah,
01:48the city at the southern tip of the Gaza Strip, where the military started, at the beginning of May, a terrestrial operation.
01:55These new bombings occur in the wake of an international wave of condemnation of a Rafah strike
02:04which killed 45 people and wounded 249 according to the Ministry of Health in Gaza
02:11and set fire to tents occupied by Palestinians in a displaced camp.
02:16The deadly strike on Rafah took place two days after a decision of the UN Highest Court of Justice,
02:24which had ordered Israel on Friday to suspend its operations in Rafah.
02:30The UN Security Council will convene an emergency meeting on Tuesday afternoon.
02:38It is a sound massacre that the city of Rafah experienced on Sunday,
02:43despite the order of the International Court of Justice of Israel to suspend its operations in this southern city.
02:51The Israeli army insists on breaking international law by targeting a camp in Rafah.
02:58This is the second attack that killed 45 people according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health.
03:07A bloody night in Rafah. Sunday evening.
03:10The city, located in the extreme south of the Gaza Strip,
03:13and housing more than a million and a half displaced people in the camps,
03:16was the victim of a deadly Israeli strike.
03:19In a statement, the Palestinian president accused Israel of deliberately targeting the camp
03:25of displaced people from Bar Qassat, managed by the UN agency for Palestinian refugees in northwest Rafah.
03:39The occupation told us that this area was safe and that we could stay there.
03:43We set up our tents and stayed there.
03:46But there is no safe area in the Gaza Strip.
03:48The place where we stayed was targeted.
03:51They killed our children and burned our women and our elders inside the so-called safe area.
03:57This is the seventh time that we have been displaced in the Gaza Strip.
04:00But the Gaza Strip is not a vast area.
04:03It is a small place.
04:04It may be the eighth time that we will be displaced after the massacre they committed against my family in Rafah.
04:14On the other hand, the Israeli army said that one of its planes had hit a complex in Hamas in Rafah.
04:20According to the TSAHAL, two people responsible for the movement in Sisjordani were injured.
04:24Ignoring the decision of the International Court of Justice,
04:27ordering Israel to suspend its operations in Rafah,
04:30the fighting continued during the weekend.
04:33On Sunday, other areas of Rafah were also victims of Israeli raids.
04:41Israel continues to tell its members that they were burned during the Holocaust.
04:46And they were burned once.
04:48Gaza burns every day, every day and every hour.
04:51They were burned once.
04:53But we burn every day.
04:55Our children, our elders, our women and our homes burn every day in Palestine.
05:02After nearly eight months of war, international efforts continue
05:06to tear apart a truce between Israel and Hamas.
05:09Qatar, however, warned on Monday that the Israeli attack in Rafah
05:13could entrap them to talk about a truce in Gaza.
05:16The mediator country also called on the international community
05:19to act urgently to prevent a genocide and protect civilians.
05:23Kuwait, on the other hand, denounced blatant war crimes
05:27and called for an immediate and firm intervention from the international community.
05:33The Kingdom of Morocco denounces and firmly condemns the raid carried out by the Israeli army
05:39against a camp housing more than 100,000 Palestinian displaced people near the city of Rafah.
05:44The attack caused dozens of deaths and injuries among civilians.
05:48It is a blatant violation of international law.
05:51Humanitarian international law has declared a responsible source
05:55in the Moroccan Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
05:57The Kingdom stressed the importance of conforming to the decision of the International Court of Justice,
06:03calling on Israel to immediately cease its military operations in Rafah.
06:07Moroccan heroism calls for an immediate and lasting ceasefire
06:11in order to guarantee the protection of the Palestinians
06:14and to ensure the safe and unhindered progress of humanitarian aid.
06:22Madrid, Dublin and Oslo formally recognize this Tuesday the State of Palestine.
06:27The recognition of the State of Palestine is a matter of justice for the Palestinian people,
06:33insisted Monday in Brussels.
06:35The Spanish Foreign Minister, José Manuel Alvarez,
06:39along with his Irish and Norwegian counterparts, announced last Wednesday.
06:44In a way coordinated by the Prime Ministers of these three countries,
06:49this decision will be effective today.
06:52The Spanish Prime Minister, Pedro Sanchez,
06:55must speak before the adoption by his government
06:58of the decree on recognition by Spain of the State of Palestine.
07:02The Irish government must also meet in the morning,
07:06while Norway gave a verbal note to the new Palestinian Prime Minister,
07:12Mohamed Moustapha,
07:14calling for the implementation of this decision from this Tuesday.
07:18Including Spain, Ireland and Norway,
07:21the State of Palestine is recognized by 145 countries out of the 193 member states of the UN
07:27according to the accounts of the Palestinian Authority.
07:31The President of Palestine.
08:01The UN Office in the capital, Port-Moresby,
08:06a mountainous village in the province of Anga,
08:12in the center of Papua New Guinea,
08:15was almost completely destroyed when a bombing of a bungalow
08:19collapsed on Friday,
08:21engulfing dozens of houses and surprising their inhabitants in their sleep.
08:26The estimated number of deaths had already been recorded at 670 this weekend,
08:31according to the World Bank.
08:33Papua New Guinea has one of the most humid climates in the world
08:38and violent rainfall regularly hits these humid regions in the high plateau.
08:46Marrakech welcomes the Africa Cyber Safe Symposium,
08:56an event organized by the General Directorate of Security of Information Systems
09:02on the fringes of Gitex Africa 2024,
09:05focusing this year on the issues of security and digital trust.
09:12Kamal Roneim, the story of Soheil Chalil.
09:17Opening of the Africa Cyber Safe Symposium in Marrakech.
09:22This event focuses on the issues of security and digital trust
09:27and brings together more than 450 Arab and African participants,
09:31including public decision-makers, business leaders,
09:34cybersecurity professionals and researchers and academicians.
09:39The participants will meet for two days with conferences, roundtables,
09:44work meetings, workshops and side events,
09:47rich in exchange and information sharing on digital security and the themes that stem from it.
09:52Exchanges and debates will focus on issues of great importance,
09:55at the heart of the issues of cybersecurity,
09:59such as strategies and policies for cybersecurity and digital transformation,
10:03laws, standards and standards for cybersecurity,
10:06cyber resilience, digital sovereignty,
10:09critical infrastructure security and risk and threat management.
10:13More than 200 Moroccan and African cybersecurity professionals
10:17will benefit from training sessions and cyber drill exercises
10:21led by the General Directorate of Security of Information Systems.
10:26These training sessions will focus on cybersecurity,
10:29the implementation and management of security operational centers,
10:33the security development of applications,
10:36risk management and cyber threat management.
10:39Note that the event will be marked by two strong themes,
10:42the meeting of the African Network of National Cybersecurity Authorities,
10:46whose kingdom of Morocco ensures the vice-presidency,
10:49and the meeting of the Arab and African subgroups of the International Telecommunications Union.
10:55In Tunisia, several dozen journalists demonstrated on Monday
11:00against the repression of freedoms in the country
11:04and called for the release of two condemned journalists,
11:07according to them, for their opinions.
11:09Nejoa Becha from Tunisia.
11:13This morning, in front of the Tunisian Journalists National Union headquarters,
11:18dozens of journalists demonstrated against the repression of freedoms in the country,
11:24calling for the release of two journalists,
11:27who were condemned to one year in prison under the decree law 54.
11:33The people of Tunisia fought for this freedom of expression,
11:36and we won it, and today it is in danger,
11:40but we will continue to fight to the end to protect it,
11:43for dad, for everyone, because freedom of expression,
11:46freedom of the press, is the basis of all freedoms,
11:49and without this freedom, we have none.
11:52We are facing six sentences of imprisonment against journalists for their opinions,
11:58and 40 trials on the basis of a journalistic work outside the decree 115.
12:03Faced with these figures, we cannot talk about freedom of expression.
12:07The situation has become more and more complicated in Tunisia.
12:12Activists and activists from civil society
12:15went out on Friday to the city center to express their discontent
12:19about the return of the restrictions imposed on freedom of expression,
12:24calling for the abolition of decree 54,
12:27which was at the origin of the incarceration of several journalists and activists.
12:32The day after this demonstration,
12:34President Ali Mogé, the Minister of the Interior,
12:38opened the way to a large controversy.
12:42This is a new message from Qaiss Saïd
12:45that could reassure the parties concerned.
12:48The Minister of the Interior, Ali Mogé,
12:51could open the way to a re-examination of certain errors
12:55made by security forces in the handling of the files
12:59of certain politicians and journalists detained.
13:04At a time when voices rise in the country
13:07to deplore arrests and sentences of journalists
13:10for facts related to their mission of information,
13:13Tunisian President Qaiss Saïd assured
13:16that freedom of expression is guaranteed by the constitution.
13:21The events continue in Tunisia,
13:24but the uncertainty continues to dominate the current situation of the country,
13:27especially in the field of freedoms.
13:30From Tunis, Najwa Bechat, for Mediant.
13:34A voice that will forever have marked the international mediterranean radio
13:39and the Moroccan radiophonic landscape.
13:42Abdess Sadaq Benahissa, writer, animator and journalist,
13:45head of the international mediterranean radio,
13:48was enumerated yesterday in Tangier.
13:51A necrology. Signed Souheil Jalil.
13:58A huge loss for the Moroccan media landscape.
14:01The famous journalist and radio animator Abdess Sadaq Benahissa
14:05died this Sunday at the age of 63,
14:08born in 1961.
14:10Abdess Sadaq Benahissa joined the international mediterranean radio in 1981
14:15to learn the basics of the profession.
14:17Over the years, he has held several positions within Mediant
14:21until he became editor-in-chief and editor-in-chief.
14:24His family, his colleagues, his entourage
14:27wanted to express their sincere condolences and their deep compassion.
14:31We thank God.
14:34My father was a great man loved by all.
14:37His colleagues, his family, his friends here in Tangier and around the world.
14:42He was my father, my brother, my mentor and my role model.
14:46God wanted to remind him.
14:48And we bow to him.
14:50We thank God.
14:52My father was a great man loved by all.
14:55His colleagues, his family, his friends here in Tangier and around the world.
15:00We bow to him.
15:02We thank God.
15:04My father was a great man loved by all.
15:07His colleagues, his family, his friends here in Tangier and around the world.
15:12He was my father, my mentor and my role model.
15:15We thank God.
15:17We bow to him.
15:19We thank God.
15:21We say goodbye to a man worthy, a man of virtue and undeniable quality.
15:26Values that he was able to spread within the Tangier union branch.
15:30He was a man of value, a very generous man of heart.
15:33And who made emulsions throughout his career.
15:36Abdel Sadaq is no longer, but his values will remain forever in our hearts.
15:40Our farewell will be lightened.
15:44And it is the continuation of these values within this professional village of Tangier.
15:49We say goodbye to a man who had a share of his name, Abdel Sadaq.
15:55We say goodbye to a man who had a share of his name, Abdel Sadaq.
15:59The truth has been a value that he cultivated throughout his career and throughout his life.
16:03Abdel Sadaq was an honest, righteous and virtuous man.
16:07We have all been his apprentices.
16:09And before excelling thanks to his judicious advice and always generously dispensed.
16:14If Abdel Sadaq was a prominent personality of the media in Morocco, in the Maghreb and in the Arab world.
16:19His legacy will live forever.
16:22If Abdel Sadaq was a prominent personality of the media in Morocco, in the Maghreb and in the Arab world.
16:25His legacy will live forever.
16:28The truth is not only the media, but the whole family.
16:34It is not only the media that says goodbye to Abdel Sadaq.
16:37It is his listeners and all those who have known him from near or far.
16:41Abdel Sadaq has marked several generations with his enchanting voice and his wonderful stories.
16:47Stories that have captivated our imaginations and transported us into multiple stories.
16:53Life is like that.
16:55If Abdel Sadaq has responded to the call of the angel.
16:58But in our hearts, he will remain forever.
17:05Emblematic voice and one of the founding journalists of Média 1 Radio.
17:09The defendant is known for his police story.
17:13As part of the Mille Fêtes Boulissia program on Média 1 Radio.
17:16In these painful circumstances, we present our deepest condolences to his family, his loved ones and his friends.
17:23May God have mercy on his soul.
17:28This is the end of this newscast.
17:30Thank you for staying with us on Media Interview.