Midi infos - 28/05/2024

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MEDI1TV Afrique : Midi infos - 28/05/2024


00:12The information is continued on Mediain TV Africa. Thank you for joining us for this round of news. Here are the headlines.
00:20Madrid, Dublin and Oslo formally recognize the State of Palestine, a decision taken today.
00:26There are 145 countries out of the 193 member states of the UN to recognize the State of Palestine, according to the accounts of the Palestinian authorities. Details to follow in this news.
00:37Israel is multiplying its strikes today, despite the condemnations of the UN Security Council. An emergency meeting on the situation is scheduled for today.
00:53World Cup 2026, Africa. Walid Rehgraghi unveils his list on the eve of the World Cup qualifiers.
01:02A list marked by the return of captain Romain Saïs, absent from the last meetings of March against Angola and Mauritania.
01:11See you in a moment for the developments.
01:15Welcome ladies and gentlemen.
01:18This Tuesday, Madrid, Dublin and Oslo formally recognized the State of Palestine, a decision provoking the fury of Israel,
01:27which accused the Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez of being an accomplice in the calls for the genocide of the Israeli people.
01:34This recognition is a need to achieve peace between Israelis and Palestinians, in addition to being a question of historical justice for the Palestinian people,
01:45said Pedro Sánchez. Announced last Wednesday in a coordinated manner by the Spanish Prime Minister and his Irish and Norwegian counterparts,
01:54the recognition of the State of Palestine by these three countries will be effective as of today.
02:01The State of Palestine is now recognized by 145 countries out of the 193 Member States of the UN, according to the account of the Palestinian Authority.
02:12And to talk about this tripartite decision between Madrid, Dublin and Oslo on the recognition of the State of Palestine,
02:20we are with Moustapha Tossa, an international relations expert. Hello to you and thank you for responding to our invitation.
02:30So, what does this recognition consist of? And why is it being done today?
02:41In fact, it is a great taboo for European diplomacy, which has just been broken by Spain, Ireland and Norway.
02:48The only European country so far to recognize the State of Palestine was Sweden, but Sweden was an isolated country.
02:56And today, in the midst of a war, in the midst of a crisis in the Middle East, these countries decide to recognize the independence of the State of Palestine.
03:06So, the great fear of the Israelis is that this decision, or this position, or this stance,
03:14can be a snowball effect for other European countries, who, in order to sanction Israel for not having stopped the war and to continue this war against the Palestinians,
03:26they recognize the State of Palestine as a form of sanction against the State of Israel.
03:31So, of course, there are many positions that have been expressed by the Europeans.
03:36Some say that it is necessary to go down this Spanish, Irish and Norwegian path in order to defend the Palestinian cause.
03:44But other countries and other voices oppose this approach by saying that if we do it now, it is a bonus awarded to Hamas.
03:54The French Foreign Minister, Stéphane Séjourné, made a statement in this spirit, saying that yes, recognition is essential, but the time has not yet come to do it.
04:09While Jean-Yves Le Drian, who is Emmanuel Macron's special envoy to the Lebanese crisis, said that the time has come to follow the Spanish model and to immediately recognize the independence of the Palestinian State.
04:22You just said it, in relation to France, which obviously thinks that this is not yet the right time to recognize Palestine as a State.
04:31But also Europe seems to be divided on this issue. Why so much frivolity?
04:39So, we must undoubtedly put this in the electoral context that European countries are currently experiencing.
04:48We are on the eve of the European elections and the crisis, the Gaza war, as well as the war in Ukraine, occupies an important place.
04:56And many personalities, many electoral lists, also position themselves according to their support for Israel or the Palestinians.
05:05And I imagine, the only explanation is that Emmanuel Macron would like to choose his time to announce this recognition.
05:13And above all, he would like to do it in coordination and in collaboration with other powers, notably the United States of America.
05:20But there is such pressure within Europe to recognize this independent Palestinian State that we do not know if Emmanuel Macron will resist
05:29until Washington changes its perception and posture regarding this crisis.
05:34There is an internal pressure in Europe so that if there is no immediate recognition of the Palestinian State,
05:43there is a strong position to put pressure on Netanyahu to stop this war.
05:48And everyone is talking, there are a number of voices talking, why not threaten to review or possibly threaten to freeze the economic association agreement
05:58that exists between the European Union and Israel to possibly serve as a pressure map against Benjamin Netanyahu.
06:05146 out of 193 UN member states therefore recognize Palestine, which however benefits only from an observer status
06:14and its demand for adhesion, which dates back to 2011, has remained a dead letter. What is the reason, Moussa Fatoussa?
06:21So there is the American veto that we know, but if we want to connect the Spanish, Irish and Norwegian position
06:32recognizing the independence of the State of Palestine with all the battle that the friends of Palestine are waging within the United Nations,
06:42we can say that now the diplomatic and strategic context is changing and that Palestine could in the next few weeks
06:57have more sense of having a permanent and total member status within the United Nations while it is only an observer.
07:06So all the elements of the international and European context can help this fight for the Palestinians within the United Nations.
07:15So there is a real card to play for the Palestinians.
07:18So some say, yes, unfortunately something good, this bloody war that the Israelis are waging against the Palestinians
07:26is a diplomatic fruit for the Palestinians on an international level, whether European or Norwegian.
07:34And in this current context, is the two-state solution still relevant?
07:40More than ever relevant, since the countries that recognize the Palestinian state are becoming more and more numerous.
07:49So we saw the declaration of the Spanish Prime Minister, he said well, he recognizes the Palestinian state on the borders of 1967
07:59with East Jerusalem as the capital. So this is the general axiom on which the international positions are based.
08:09So yes, more and more, more than ever.
08:12Moreover, there are no longer any European countries that say that two states are not needed to coexist between Palestine and Israel.
08:20And those who say this, and among those who say this, they don't say it for the beautiful eyes of the Palestinians,
08:25they also say it for the security of Israel, because there are many European countries that are convinced
08:30that the security of Israel, current and future, will only be guaranteed if there is an independent Palestinian state next to it.
08:37Moussa Fatoussa, thank you. I remind you that you are an expert in international relations
08:43and you were with us live, of course, to answer the question of the recognition of the Palestinian state
08:49by these three countries, including Spain, of course, Norway and Ireland. Thank you again.
08:58Spain, Ireland and Norway, whose simultaneous recognition today of the Palestinian state
09:05has provoked the fury of the Israeli authorities, will provide a firm response to the attacks of Israeli diplomacy
09:13to assure the Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs.
09:16We will provide a coordinated response with Norway and Ireland,
09:20which are targeted by the same type of executable disinformation and attacks on social networks,
09:26as stated by the press, José Manuel Alvarez.
09:32In the Middle East, Israel has again multiplied today its strikes on Rafah,
09:36despite the condemnations of its murderous offensive last weekend against a local displaced camp.
09:43On the ground, air strikes and shots in the center or west of Rafah have been noted.
09:50These new bombings are part of the sowing of an international wave of condemnations and strikes on Rafah,
09:58which killed 145 and injured 249 people on Sunday, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health.
10:05The UN Security Council has scheduled an emergency meeting on Tuesday afternoon.
10:12Morocco did not wait to denounce and condemn firmly the raid carried out by the Israeli army
10:19against a camp housing more than 100,000 Palestinian displaced people near the city of Rafah.
10:24This is a blatant violation of international and humanitarian law,
10:30which has declared a source responsible to the Moroccan Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
10:34The Kingdom has emphasized the importance of conforming to the decision of the International Court of Justice,
10:40which calls on Israel to immediately cease its military operations in Rafah.
10:45Morocco calls on it to cease fire immediately and sustainably,
10:50to guarantee protection to Palestinians and to ensure the safe and unhindered progress of humanitarian aid.
10:58The international news, also marked by a vast landslide that saved more than 2,000 people
11:07in the highlands of Papua New Guinea,
11:11was announced yesterday by the authorities of this country, the Pacific,
11:14which calls on the international community to provide them with aid.
11:18The number of deaths had already been recorded at 670 this weekend,
11:24according to the World Bank.
11:26Papua New Guinea has one of the most humid climates in the world
11:30and violent rainfall regularly hits these humid regions in the highlands.
11:39Diplomacy now.
11:40Senegal, reaffirmed by the voice of its Minister of African Integration and Foreign Affairs, Yassine Fall,
11:47expressed its constant and firm support for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Morocco
11:53on the whole of its territory, including the Moroccan Sahara.
11:57This position was expressed in the joint statement published at the end of the interviews
12:03between the Minister of Foreign Affairs of African Cooperation and Moroccans living abroad,
12:09Nasser Bourita and Yassine Fall.
12:12The two counterparts also reiterated their determination to participate in the efforts
12:17to regulate differences in Africa and to salute the constant efforts
12:22deployed by Morocco under the wise and enlightened leadership of His Majesty King Mohamed VI
12:27and by Senegal, with the President, His Excellency Basiruddin Mahdi Harfayy,
12:32in favor of peace and development of the African continent.
12:35The Senegalese Minister of Foreign Affairs that I propose to listen to.
12:40Senegal supports the Moroccan plan for the autonomy of the provinces of the Sahara under Moroccan sovereignty.
12:46We have consolidated the spirit of conciliation between Senegal and Morocco
12:50on the issues of regional and international policy.
12:54We have discussed many different opportunities
12:59that Senegal could benefit from the experience of Morocco on the improvement of human development.
13:08We have also discussed the improvement of health care,
13:12the strengthening of children's education,
13:16and the worldwide recognition of Morocco's success in the field of craftsmanship.
13:22In conclusion, we have also reiterated my desire to hold the Mixed Bilateral Cooperation Commission
13:29at the beginning of 2025, which has not been convened since 2014,
13:35but which will be well prepared and which will allow us to consolidate the relations,
13:42but also the achievements, and bring them to a much higher level.
13:46This meeting, in addition to the next visit of my beloved brother Nasser Bourita to Senegal,
13:52will also allow us, I am sure, to contribute to further strengthen the bilateral relations of our two countries,
13:59in line with the joint will of His Majesty King Mohammed VI and His Excellency President Bassil Diouma Eiffel.
14:07Morocco and Senegal have congratulated each other on the state of their unique strategic relations,
14:13the unity and the depth of the unique historical links between the two countries.
14:19Let us listen to the Moroccan Minister Nasser Bourita on this subject.
14:23Senegal and Morocco are also two actors of peace and stability in Africa.
14:30Within the Pan-African regional organizations, within the multilateral system,
14:36we always work for the same values, for the same objectives.
14:43And the mechanisms of political consultation have always helped us to converge our priorities,
14:52to converge our initiatives.
14:55And this is an opportunity for me, once again, to express the appreciation of His Majesty the King of the Moroccan people
15:06for the clear, constant positions of Senegal on the territorial integrity of Morocco and its national unity.
15:15Senegal has always been an ally of Morocco on this issue.
15:22And on the construction and African integration,
15:28it is a strong message, I think, in your titles as well,
15:32that African integration is the first element of your title, Madam Minister.
15:39There is also a total convergence.
15:42And on this convergence of African integration between Morocco and Senegal,
15:48Bakary Somb, Regional Director of the Timbuktu Institute, brings us his analysis.
15:56Yes, Morocco, of course, has always played a big role in the great meetings
16:01where it was about African integration,
16:03from the Casablanca Group to the Louia Foundation,
16:06which has become African,
16:07and the return of Morocco to the great African family,
16:12but also Senegal, which is its partner.
16:14You see that in the new orientation of the policy of His Majesty the King of Morocco,
16:18the ministry is called the Ministry of African Integration and Foreign Affairs.
16:23I believe that this convergence of views today on the issues of the continent,
16:26two countries that have a policy of good neighborliness,
16:32a policy towards the resolution of conflicts,
16:35a policy towards dialogue,
16:37I believe that this axis will strengthen African integration,
16:40as well as Morocco with its structural projects for the integration of the continent,
16:45such as the Atlantic project,
16:47the efforts of His Majesty during times of crisis such as COVID,
16:52but also Senegal, with today a government largely turned towards African integration
16:57and the strengthening of the Sinaloa.
16:59I believe that there is a unique opportunity to seize
17:02with this context clearly unfavorable to African integration,
17:07under the impetus of this strategic axis of Dakar and Rabat.
17:11As part of the Morocco-American African Lion 2024 combined exercise,
17:16a group of 14 military observers representing 7 countries
17:20attended yesterday in Cap Drat, in the north of Tintin,
17:24to scheduled military maneuvers.
17:26It should be noted that organized by the Royal Armed Forces and the American Armed Forces,
17:31under the instruction of His Majesty the King Mohammed VI,
17:35Supreme Leader and Chief of General Staff of the Royal Armed Forces,
17:39the African Lion 2024 exercise aims to strengthen
17:43the operational, technical and procedural interoperability
17:47between participating armies.
17:49It should be noted that about 7,000 elements,
17:52rather, the armed forces of about 20 countries,
17:54in addition to the organization of the North Atlantic Treaty,
17:58take part from May 20 to 31 alongside the Royal Armed Forces
18:03and the American Armed Forces at the African Lion 2024.
18:09Several terrorists were killed last weekend
18:12by the Burkina Faso Defense and Security Forces
18:16in operations carried out in the region of the northern center of the country,
18:20reported local media.
18:22The Burkina Faso Army, quoted by the Burkina Faso Information Agency,
18:26indicated that on Friday, the Burkina Faso Defense and Security Forces
18:30faced hundreds of terrorists who wanted to perpetrate a carnage
18:34carried out in the region of the northern center.
18:37Several terrorists were neutralized,
18:39others were taken prisoners and equipment recovered
18:43during this operation, indicated the AIB.
18:49The return to the Marrakech Kingdom
18:51and the Africa Cyber Safe Symposium,
18:54an event organized by the General Directorate of Security
18:57of the Information Systems on the fringes of the GITEX Africa 2024.
19:02Attention was paid this year to the issues of security
19:06and digital trust.
19:08Kamal Gunaim for the details in this story from Souheil Jalila.
19:14Opening of the work of the Africa Cyber Safe Symposium in Marrakech.
19:19This event covers the issues of security and digital trust
19:24and brings together more than 450 Arab and African participants,
19:27including public decision-makers, business leaders,
19:31cybersecurity professionals and researchers and academicians.
19:36Participants will meet for two days with conferences, roundtables,
19:40work meetings, workshops and side events,
19:43rich in exchange and information sharing
19:45on digital security and the themes that stem from it.
19:48Exchanges and debates will focus on issues of great importance,
19:51placed at the heart of the issues of computer security,
19:55like strategies and policies for cybersecurity and digital transformation,
19:59laws, standards and standards for cybersecurity,
20:02cyber resilience, digital sovereignty,
20:05security of critical infrastructures and risk and threat management.
20:09More than 200 Moroccan and African cybersecurity professionals
20:13will benefit from training sessions and cyber drill exercises
20:17at the initiative of the General Directorate of Security of Information Systems.
20:22These training sessions will focus on security of computer networks,
20:26the implementation and management of security operational centers,
20:29the secure development of applications
20:32and the management of risks and cyber-threats.
20:35Note that the event will be marked by two strong times,
20:38the meeting of the African network of national cybersecurity authorities,
20:42whose Kingdom of Morocco assures the vice-presidency,
20:45and the meeting of the Arab and African subgroups
20:47of the International Union of Telecommunications.
20:51Let's talk about the seventh art,
20:53the Senegalese cinematographic industry at the time of modernity.
20:57Directors and screenwriters,
20:59brave obstacles and stereotypes
21:02to advance a new wave of creativity and diversity
21:06on the big screen that is not often unanimous.
21:10Genèse Moukaha and Sano Sisani went to meet him.
21:16In Senegal, the cinematographic industry is full of shadows,
21:20that of director, screenwriter, among others.
21:23However, some disparities are noted in this universe,
21:26as these professional women testify.
21:28When I passed the competition for my film school,
21:30I was really passionate.
21:32However, I did not expect it to be so physical.
21:36Sometimes it takes to be in good physical condition.
21:41However, in relation to my genre,
21:44perhaps linked to certain subjects,
21:48there are places where people are not,
21:51do not show themselves as open.
21:53I think of a report we did in a prison, for example,
21:57where we had to change directors.
22:01I stayed on the administrative side,
22:03because it did not really work.
22:07For a better involvement in this world of Senegalese cinema,
22:10a good strategy is required.
22:12This is what TACS,
22:13the Association of Audiovisual Technicians of Senegalese Cinema, understood.
22:16In cinema, there is not only the realization,
22:18nor writing a screenplay.
22:20There are also technical professions.
22:22But in our generation,
22:24we do not have this state of mind between men and women.
22:27You understand what I mean.
22:29On the other hand, at the level of TACS,
22:32when we organize capacity strengthening,
22:35we favor the candidacy of women.
22:39We support them.
22:42At the level of our psychology,
22:45there is no question of women or men
22:47to not really discriminate.
22:51By highlighting strong female characters
22:53and themes related to women,
22:55female screenwriters contribute to the empowerment of the audience.
22:58These representations can further inspire other women.
23:01Being a woman, when I write a screenplay,
23:04there are things that will come out of the fact that I am a woman.
23:08After something specific,
23:10I think that when I write,
23:1390-100% of my main characters,
23:17of my strong characters,
23:19will be women in general.
23:21This is not necessarily the case everywhere.
23:23I imagine that men will make male characters in general.
23:27They may also make more female characters
23:30than women make male characters.
23:32Through their creativity and determination,
23:35these women transform the film industry.
23:38Hence the invitation for more equity and involvement of the latter
23:41in the promotion of the 7th art.
23:44We told you about it in the title
23:46It was expected by the Moroccan people
23:48in view of the two probably decisive meetings.
23:51Walid Rehgraghi unveiled his list
23:54for the next two matches
23:56against Zambia and Congo
23:58on the eve of the World Cup 2026 qualifiers.
24:02A list marked by the return of captain Romain Saïs,
24:06who was not called up
24:08in the last two matches of March
24:10against Angola and Mauritania.
24:12As a reminder,
24:14Brahim Diaz faces Zambia
24:16on June 7 in Agadir
24:18and Congo four days later
24:20in Kinshasa
24:22for the third and fourth day
24:24of these qualifiers for the World Cup 2026.
24:31And this is the end of this news.
24:33Thank you for following it.
24:35The news returns on Median TV Africa.
24:44Don't forget to subscribe to our channel.