‘Scrivere nel vento’, la mostra promossa da Fnm per celebrare storia e progresso

  • 4 months ago
(Adnkronos) - 21 pannelli e 58 apparecchi radio storici per celebrare e approfondire gli sviluppi tecnologici, l’evoluzione nel design e nella società del periodo che va dalla fine degli anni ‘20 alla fine degli anni ‘60.

È la mostra “Scrivere nel vento. Cento anni di radio tra società, industria, tecnologia. Che storie!”, promossa da Fnm, FerrovieNord e Mils - Museo delle Industrie e del Lavoro del Saronnese, in collaborazione con Università degli Studi Milano-Bicocca. L’esposizione è aperta al pubblico dal 27 maggio al 28 giugno ed è ospitata nello Spazio Agorà dell’ateneo milanese.


00:0021 panels and 58 historical radio devices to celebrate and deepen the technological developments, the evolution in design and society of the period that goes from the end of the 1920s to the end of the 1960s.
00:16It is the exhibition Writing in the Wind, 100 years of radio between society, industry, technology and history, promoted by FNM, Ferrovie Nord and NILS, Museo delle Industrie e del Lavoro del Saronnese in collaboration with Università degli Studi Milano-Bicocca.
00:32The exhibition, which is sponsored by the Senate of the Republic and the Patronato di Regione Lombardia, is hosted in the Spazio Agora, in Piazza dell'Ateneo Nuovo, and will be open to the public until June 28.
00:44This coexistence between transport and means of communication is summarized in a few words, that is, the ability to synchronize the times was one of the needs, if not the first, for the railway,
01:02that is, what in the 1800s, especially before the birth of the radio, there was the need to synchronize the same time of the city, that need then, after decades, gave birth to the radio.
01:15The exhibition is the beginning of a narrative path with a great cultural value, a stage experience that precedes the creation of SARO, a museum of mobility of near realization in Saronno.
01:27It is a path that is in being, so it develops with the radio, we did it with Essenziale, with a whole series of important interventions and also of historical re-qualification of the stations.
01:41Discover our roots, the reasons why the railway was born, not only as a place of connection and passage, but also as a place of cultural frequentation, and I have been saying it for two years, of recovery within the countries of our communities.
