No one wanted this 'old' shelter cat. I took her home.

  • 5 months ago
No one wanted this 'old' shelter cat. I took her home.
00:00 She was with the same owner for those 14 years,
00:03 but the owner passed away
00:04 and the family members couldn't take her.
00:06 So she ended up in a shelter.
00:07 Then she just was getting passed by because she was old.
00:11 My name is Nazami and this is Beanie's story for GEOBEANS.
00:16 How you feeling?
00:17 We were specifically looking for a senior cat
00:23 because it's hard for them to get a home.
00:25 I used to volunteer at the Seattle Humane Society
00:27 and we would go there every now and then
00:29 to see if they had any senior kitties.
00:31 We went into her enclosure and she was just hiding,
00:34 just all tucked away.
00:35 She was definitely very stressed.
00:36 She wasn't eating, unfortunately,
00:38 so she lost a lot of weight, but she was just so sweet.
00:40 She was kind of meowing a little bit
00:44 and we started petting her and then she showed us her belly.
00:47 When we first brought her home,
00:48 we just gave her the time and space she needed
00:51 and she really liked our closet.
00:52 Did you tuck yourself in?
00:54 She just nestled into my soft drawer
00:56 and we just let her take her time.
00:58 Can I have this one?
00:59 Sorry.
01:01 Over the weeks, she slowly started
01:02 to become more affectionate.
01:04 She became chattier.
01:10 [cat meows]
01:13 When we first come home, she has a lot to say
01:17 and then sometimes I'll just like meow back at her
01:19 and then just meowing at each other.
01:21 I look like a crazy person, just like meowing at my cat.
01:24 Beans.
01:25 But she talks back to me,
01:27 so I think it's like less weird if she's chatting back.
01:29 Hi.
01:30 [cat meows]
01:31 Outside?
01:31 It's sunny today.
01:32 She's very mindful of letting you know her boundaries,
01:36 strong boundaries, but enforce them in a way
01:38 that's like very kind and I think that's very nice.
01:41 Hi, Beans.
01:42 Hi, Beans.
01:44 She's definitely a little bit skittish.
01:45 If someone new comes into the house,
01:46 she'll kind of say hi to them,
01:47 but then she'll kind of be like,
01:49 "Okay, I'm done now, I would like to go."
01:51 She would just let us pick her up and trim her nails
01:53 and do the fluids, whatever.
01:54 Found this on the ground.
01:56 But she will surprise us with her mischief
01:58 'cause she's so old and she barely does anything.
02:01 [cat meows]
02:02 Bean, did you get stuck?
02:03 [cat meows]
02:04 She doesn't even really play,
02:05 but then she'll be up on the counter stealing butter.
02:07 How'd you get up there?
02:09 [cat meows]
02:11 Not too old for this.
02:13 She'll struggle to even get up on the couch sometimes,
02:15 but she'll magically get up on the kitchen counter.
02:18 She's the oldest baby.
02:19 Yes, hi.
02:20 I always just assumed that I would name my own cat,
02:24 but then the thought of changing her name after 14 years
02:27 just didn't sit right with me.
02:28 Do you want water?
02:29 She's been really great for me.
02:32 I've received therapy at home for CPTSD,
02:35 which is a type of PTSD.
02:36 One session was particularly hard
02:38 and she stayed in my lap for a half hour,
02:40 which with her joints,
02:41 I don't think it feels good to stay in one position
02:43 for that long,
02:44 or she has to kind of readjust a bunch, which is hard.
02:46 But she just stayed in my lap for a whole half hour
02:49 while I was having some of the hardest work I had to do.
02:51 And yeah, my therapist was like,
02:52 "Wow, that was some of the best work you've done."
02:54 And she was like, "It's definitely your cat."
02:55 I love you.
02:56 We've had her for a year and a half.
02:59 We think she's 16, but she has two birthdays.
03:01 We're not sure which one's correct.
03:02 So she had her one birthday in April
03:04 and she'll have her second birthday in September.
03:07 (speaking in foreign language)
03:11 (gentle music)
03:14 (upbeat music)
03:17 (upbeat music)
