Watch Crowdsource Murder on Solarmovie - Free & HD Quality

  • 4 months ago


00:00:00 [MUSIC PLAYING]
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00:00:07 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:00:11 I told you to leave me alone!
00:00:35 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:00:39 I'm calling the police!
00:00:46 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:00:49 911, what's your emergency?
00:00:52 Hello?
00:00:53 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:00:56 So as you lay out your case, remember
00:01:01 to use inspiring stories and meaningful imagery.
00:01:04 But most importantly, always end with a call to action.
00:01:09 [APPLAUSE]
00:01:11 Give it up for Monica, everyone.
00:01:13 She just surpassed the funding goal
00:01:15 for the charity of rare diseases by nearly a million dollars.
00:01:18 [APPLAUSE]
00:01:21 By the way, if you haven't met our newest employee,
00:01:24 this is Rebecca Barrett.
00:01:25 She comes highly recommended by the Loving Hope Foundation.
00:01:29 Thank you, everyone.
00:01:30 It's really great to be here.
00:01:32 All right.
00:01:33 Let's take what we've learned, get out there,
00:01:35 and raise some more funds.
00:01:38 We're doing some important work here at Sunshine Corporation
00:01:40 Group.
00:01:41 Don't forget that.
00:01:42 [CHATTER]
00:01:45 Peter, have you had a chance to think about the raise
00:01:53 I asked you about?
00:01:56 Right.
00:01:58 The raise.
00:01:59 Monica, you're obviously doing an amazing job here.
00:02:03 And I couldn't run this place without you.
00:02:06 But we are a nonprofit.
00:02:10 And the raise is just not in the budget right now.
00:02:15 I see.
00:02:17 How's the mesothelioma project coming along?
00:02:19 It's coming along.
00:02:20 I'm feeling a little distracted.
00:02:23 Shannon's basketball season is starting soon,
00:02:26 which means I have to fork over the money for the registration
00:02:29 fees and the new uniforms.
00:02:31 Brian isn't exactly helping out financially,
00:02:34 like you said he would since the divorce.
00:02:36 Yeah, I know it's tough right now.
00:02:38 But your day will come.
00:02:40 We just really can't afford a raise right now, Monica.
00:02:43 I'm sorry.
00:02:44 Here, I know a trick.
00:02:55 [CLINKING]
00:02:58 Thanks.
00:03:05 You OK?
00:03:12 Huh?
00:03:13 Yeah.
00:03:15 Work drama.
00:03:16 I don't want to drag the new employee into it.
00:03:19 Things are really good here, for the most part.
00:03:22 Well, I guess every job has its downsides.
00:03:25 So what's your Friday night looking like?
00:03:29 My daughter's staying with my ex this weekend,
00:03:31 so catch up on my shows.
00:03:35 How about you?
00:03:36 Not sure.
00:03:37 I'm still settling into the neighborhood.
00:03:39 I don't really know anyone around here yet.
00:03:42 Well, I have a bottle of wine and a charcuterie board
00:03:46 I was going to get into if you want to keep me company.
00:03:49 Really?
00:03:50 That sounds fun.
00:03:51 Great.
00:03:52 I'll send you my address and come by any time after 6.
00:03:55 It's been a minute since you've seen Brian.
00:04:02 You excited for the weekend?
00:04:03 Yeah.
00:04:05 He's been so busy with his new novel.
00:04:06 I mean, we talked on the phone, but--
00:04:08 Well, that's good.
00:04:09 Hey, sorry I'm late.
00:04:15 I got you something, though.
00:04:19 What is it?
00:04:21 A laptop.
00:04:23 No way.
00:04:25 It's used, but I figured it would
00:04:27 help with your schoolwork.
00:04:29 Thanks, Brian.
00:04:30 All right.
00:04:33 Love you, Mom.
00:04:34 Have fun tonight.
00:04:35 You too, honey.
00:04:36 I'll miss you.
00:04:37 Oh, did you finish your ASL project?
00:04:41 She's getting pretty good at that.
00:04:48 Yeah, well, you know how she is.
00:04:50 When she puts her mind to something.
00:04:53 Sounds like someone else I know.
00:04:55 I guess the novel is coming along.
00:05:00 They give you an advance this time?
00:05:03 Well, no.
00:05:04 My publisher bought me a new laptop,
00:05:06 hoping to strike some inspiration.
00:05:07 So I thought I'd give her the old one.
00:05:09 But I'm making good progress.
00:05:10 I'm about halfway through.
00:05:13 Didn't you say that two months ago?
00:05:14 It takes time, Monica.
00:05:17 You know that.
00:05:19 My other novel bought us this house, didn't it?
00:05:21 That was five years ago.
00:05:23 Don't be mad, because I can give our daughter
00:05:24 stuff and you can't.
00:05:26 My daughter, Brian.
00:05:29 I know you've done a lot for her over the last five years.
00:05:31 That does not make her your daughter.
00:05:33 I didn't mean it like that.
00:05:35 I'm sorry.
00:05:36 I just haven't seen her in a while.
00:05:38 And you know how much she means to me.
00:05:40 I didn't want to come empty handed.
00:05:42 OK?
00:05:44 You're the only father figure she's ever really known.
00:05:47 At least be a good role model for her.
00:05:50 I am a good role model.
00:05:52 I'm changing.
00:05:54 You'll see.
00:05:55 He thinks he can just show up here with a laptop
00:06:01 and buy her love.
00:06:03 He knows money's been tight for me.
00:06:07 He didn't even give her the new one.
00:06:09 Hey, it's the weekend.
00:06:10 Take a breath and unwind.
00:06:12 Live a little.
00:06:13 You deserve it.
00:06:15 I promise I'm not always this stressed.
00:06:18 Sure you're not.
00:06:20 Thanks for having me over.
00:06:21 I'm glad we could do this.
00:06:23 Me too.
00:06:25 I usually spend the whole weekend alone
00:06:26 when Shannon's with Brian.
00:06:28 Alone?
00:06:29 That's a shame.
00:06:31 Well, she's not over there often.
00:06:33 Thankfully, I didn't have to deal with a custody battle
00:06:35 during the divorce because Brian's not
00:06:37 Shannon's biological father.
00:06:39 So I have her most of the time.
00:06:42 Well, have you been going on dates?
00:06:44 Getting back out there?
00:06:45 I mean, you said the divorce was over a year ago.
00:06:48 I've done a little bit of dating in the past,
00:06:51 but it's just so hard to find a guy who is normal these days.
00:06:56 Well, are you on the apps?
00:06:59 Dating apps?
00:07:00 Well, yes.
00:07:04 OK.
00:07:05 Let me see your profile.
00:07:05 Maybe I can send you a cover.
00:07:06 No.
00:07:06 No, no, no, no.
00:07:07 Oh, come on.
00:07:08 Don't be shy.
00:07:10 I won't judge, I promise.
00:07:11 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:07:15 OK.
00:07:23 OK, not bad.
00:07:25 Oh, I like this one.
00:07:27 It says smart but sexy.
00:07:29 Let's make that your profile pic.
00:07:32 And you're about me.
00:07:34 Needs a little bit of work.
00:07:36 OK, hold on.
00:07:37 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:07:41 [DING]
00:07:43 What was that?
00:07:45 You just got a match.
00:07:47 Who did you match me with?
00:07:49 Oh, he's cute.
00:07:51 He's a detective.
00:07:52 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:07:54 [CRASH]
00:07:55 [LAUGHTER]
00:07:57 Nice.
00:07:58 So what's going on with that guy, Cory?
00:08:03 You ask him out yet?
00:08:04 Yeah, that's not going to happen.
00:08:05 He doesn't even know I exist.
00:08:06 Maybe you're shy.
00:08:08 I remember when I met your mom.
00:08:10 I thought she was so out of my league.
00:08:12 Well, if your pickup lines are anything
00:08:14 like your basketball skills, maybe she was.
00:08:16 Hey, hey, not cool.
00:08:18 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:08:21 Shannon!
00:08:22 Oh, my god.
00:08:23 Oh, my god, are you OK?
00:08:24 Get in.
00:08:25 No, no.
00:08:26 I'm going to guess-- it's going to be OK.
00:08:28 I'm going to guess you're right.
00:08:29 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:08:35 I'm sorry.
00:08:35 I'm just going to take this real quick.
00:08:37 Hello?
00:08:43 Oh, my god.
00:08:44 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:08:46 Where is she?
00:08:49 I want to see her.
00:08:50 They won't let us back there.
00:08:51 We have to wait.
00:08:53 What the hell happened, Brian?
00:08:55 Were you drinking again?
00:08:56 No, I wasn't drinking.
00:08:58 Of course not.
00:08:59 We were playing ball.
00:09:01 She went for a shot, but must have landed the wrong way.
00:09:03 Oh, my god.
00:09:07 Listen, there's something I need to talk to you about.
00:09:10 What?
00:09:11 You know how I was supposed to put her in my health insurance
00:09:14 policy this year?
00:09:15 Are you kidding me?
00:09:16 Shh.
00:09:17 I'm sorry.
00:09:18 Why didn't you tell me?
00:09:20 I could have put her on my insurance,
00:09:21 but you insisted that your union's was better.
00:09:24 It is.
00:09:25 But it was more expensive than I thought it was going to be,
00:09:27 and I talked it up so much I was embarrassed to tell you.
00:09:29 So I just enrolled her in a state plan.
00:09:32 So she does have insurance?
00:09:34 Yes.
00:09:36 They're not going to cover this.
00:09:38 I can't believe this.
00:09:40 I'm sorry, Monica.
00:09:43 I didn't think anything was going to happen.
00:09:45 That's literally the point of insurance.
00:09:49 Excuse me.
00:09:50 Are you the parents of Shannon King?
00:09:52 Yes.
00:09:53 How is she?
00:09:54 She fractured her fibula, but she's going to be fine in time.
00:09:58 She's going to need to wear a brace for four to eight weeks
00:10:01 and attend physical therapy before things get better.
00:10:04 Will she be able to play basketball again?
00:10:06 Not this year, unfortunately.
00:10:08 But if she focuses on recovery and avoids strenuous activity,
00:10:12 I don't see why she won't be back to normal in a few months.
00:10:15 Well, that's good, right?
00:10:18 I mean, it could be worse.
00:10:21 Can we see her?
00:10:22 Right this way.
00:10:23 Mom, Bryant.
00:10:29 Honey, are you OK?
00:10:31 I am so sorry.
00:10:34 Oh, no, you have nothing to be sorry about.
00:10:36 Does it hurt?
00:10:41 Yeah, a little.
00:10:42 Well, that's normal.
00:10:44 You're going to be OK, all right?
00:10:47 Can I still play basketball this season?
00:10:49 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:10:56 You feeling OK?
00:11:10 My leg still hurts, but at least I'm not in school.
00:11:14 [LAUGHS]
00:11:19 [SIGHS]
00:11:24 Oh, my gosh.
00:11:26 Everything OK?
00:11:32 Yeah, just something from work.
00:11:36 $25,000?
00:11:39 What am I supposed to do?
00:11:40 I'm already fighting Peter for PTO while Shannon recovers.
00:11:44 Well, have you talked to your ex?
00:11:47 Can he help?
00:11:49 Well, I mean, he'll help where he can,
00:11:51 but money's been tight for him, too.
00:11:54 Have you thought of FinaFunds?
00:11:56 The donation service?
00:11:58 I don't really feel comfortable asking for personal handouts.
00:12:01 Are you kidding me?
00:12:02 We work in non-profit.
00:12:04 And you, of all people, should believe in the power handouts.
00:12:06 I know, but this is exactly what crowdsourcers are for.
00:12:11 Think of it as your own non-profit.
00:12:13 Every little bit adds up.
00:12:16 You don't have to be so selfless.
00:12:19 It's OK to ask for help every once in a while.
00:12:21 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:12:24 [SIGHS]
00:12:35 [MESSAGE ALERT]
00:12:38 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:12:43 [SIGHS]
00:12:45 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:12:48 [SIGHS]
00:13:03 [MESSAGE ALERT]
00:13:06 [SIGHS]
00:13:11 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:13:15 Mm-hmm.
00:13:22 Right.
00:13:23 I completely agree.
00:13:24 [MESSAGE ALERT]
00:13:25 Oh, my god.
00:13:26 Uh, I'm so sorry.
00:13:27 I'm going to have to call you back.
00:13:28 OK, thanks.
00:13:31 What?
00:13:33 Hey, Rebecca?
00:13:35 Hey, are you OK?
00:13:37 Wha--
00:13:38 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:13:42 You're joking.
00:13:44 I'm not.
00:13:45 Wow.
00:13:46 Who is Noah Ellings?
00:13:48 Uh--
00:13:51 uh, billionaire.
00:13:54 Used to work in tech.
00:13:56 Does a lot of charity work.
00:13:58 Some non-profit called Earthbound.
00:14:00 I think I've heard of them.
00:14:02 He is not hard on the eyes.
00:14:04 I can't accept this amount of money from a total stranger.
00:14:08 Monica, a gorgeous billionaire just
00:14:10 handed you a golden ticket, and you're going to give it away?
00:14:13 Is this kind of thing normal?
00:14:15 I don't know.
00:14:17 But if he has the money to blow, why not?
00:14:20 I would reach out and thank him.
00:14:22 Maybe set up a meeting in person.
00:14:26 [SIGHS]
00:14:27 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:14:39 I thought he was a billionaire.
00:14:41 What?
00:14:42 Well, I don't know.
00:14:43 I just thought he would drive another car.
00:14:46 [SCOFFS]
00:14:47 Brian, why does it matter what kind of car he drives?
00:14:52 What?
00:14:53 It just feels weird to me.
00:14:55 What feels weird?
00:14:57 This whole thing, Monica.
00:14:59 Some random rich guy sees your post
00:15:01 and decides out of the goodness of his heart
00:15:03 to give $25,000 to a family he doesn't even know.
00:15:06 I think at some point he's going to expect something in return.
00:15:09 Is it really so hard to believe that there
00:15:11 are nice people out there who want to help others?
00:15:13 Yeah.
00:15:14 I find that very hard to believe.
00:15:16 There's always a motive.
00:15:18 You always have to find something wrong with people.
00:15:21 No, I just don't trust everyone.
00:15:23 Funny.
00:15:24 I would think I should be the one with trust issues.
00:15:27 [SIGHS]
00:15:28 I just want to make sure he's not hiding anything, that's all.
00:15:32 This man saved us from financial ruin.
00:15:35 I'm here to say thank you, not question
00:15:38 the person trying to help us.
00:15:39 Smile.
00:15:45 Hi. Are you Noah?
00:15:50 Yes.
00:15:51 You must be Monica.
00:15:53 And this is your husband?
00:15:56 Ex-husband.
00:15:57 Brian, I'm so honored to meet you both in person.
00:15:59 Please, come in.
00:16:00 Thank you.
00:16:04 Please, sit down.
00:16:05 Make yourselves comfortable.
00:16:06 I know I've already said it a million times by email,
00:16:12 but I just want to thank you again.
00:16:15 I can't express how much your financial donation helped.
00:16:18 That hospital bill could have ruined us.
00:16:22 If there's ever anything we can do to repay you--
00:16:25 Listen, you don't owe me a thing.
00:16:28 I love helping others.
00:16:30 Some people get so weird about money.
00:16:32 But as you can see, I don't live too ostentatiously,
00:16:35 so I can help others.
00:16:36 I mean, if I fell down, you'd help me up, right?
00:16:39 So what do you do for work?
00:16:45 The first thing people want to know.
00:16:48 Well, I grew up poor just outside Silicon Valley.
00:16:52 I was a waiter and earned enough money to enroll myself in college.
00:16:56 To make a long story short, I was in with the right people,
00:16:59 and we created an app, and it made a huge splash in the software industry.
00:17:03 They bought me out, I invested some money,
00:17:06 and realized I didn't need to work anymore.
00:17:09 I was finally able to focus on my hobbies
00:17:13 and learn a little something about myself.
00:17:15 And what I learned is I love helping others.
00:17:19 That's wonderful.
00:17:21 What organizations have you worked with?
00:17:23 Well, mostly it's the nonprofit that I co-founded, EarthBound.
00:17:28 We do soup kitchens, clothing drives, etc.
00:17:31 But listen, enough about me. Brian, what do you do?
00:17:34 I'm a novelist.
00:17:35 I was on the New York Times bestsellers for a bit.
00:17:38 Wow, that is amazing.
00:17:41 Anything that I've read recently?
00:17:44 No, but I'm actually working on a new novel.
00:17:48 He's been working on it for quite some time now.
00:17:56 Do you mind if I use your bathroom?
00:17:58 Down the hall, first door to the right.
00:18:01 Thanks.
00:18:02 So, do you do mostly financial for the Sunshine Corp,
00:18:08 or do you do volunteer work?
00:18:10 Mostly financial, but I love to volunteer more.
00:18:14 It sounds incredibly rewarding.
00:18:17 Well, I don't know.
00:18:20 [music]
00:18:24 [music]
00:18:52 What are you doing, Brian?
00:18:54 Sorry, I was just looking for the bathroom.
00:18:56 I said to do it on the right.
00:18:58 Sorry, I thought you said left.
00:19:01 I'm going to be doing some volunteer work tomorrow to soup kitchens.
00:19:14 Care to join me?
00:19:16 I'd love to.
00:19:18 It would be a great way to give back after receiving your very generous donation.
00:19:22 Wonderful.
00:19:24 Yeah, just give me your address and I'll pick you up at 9 and just bring an apron.
00:19:32 Look, I'm sorry I need to cut this short.
00:19:38 I need to be on the west side for an auction.
00:19:41 All the proceeds are going to the Figlea Foundation to help children with leukemia.
00:19:46 I don't want to keep you. Thank you for having us.
00:19:49 Nice meeting you.
00:19:51 And always remember, if you ever need anything, I'll always be there.
00:19:56 Brian?
00:20:01 Have a good day.
00:20:05 The guy's a creep.
00:20:09 What happened back there? Were you snooping through his house?
00:20:12 I just wanted to get a read on him.
00:20:14 I saw something weird on his desktop. He had a bunch of...
00:20:17 What is wrong with you? You don't go looking through people's things.
00:20:20 Especially when they're helping us out.
00:20:23 Hey.
00:20:34 I am so sorry I didn't mean to scare you.
00:20:37 It's okay, it's okay.
00:20:38 Nice to finally meet you.
00:20:39 Yes, you too.
00:20:41 Is this for me?
00:20:42 Yes, it is.
00:20:43 I'm so sorry I'm late. I got held up at work and I would have texted, but my phone died and...
00:20:47 No, you're fine. I'm sorry I had to rain check the other night.
00:20:51 No, it's completely understandable after what happened.
00:20:53 How's your daughter, by the way?
00:20:55 She's handling it better than I am.
00:20:58 She's recovering.
00:21:00 She'll go back to school in a week, and I'll go back to work.
00:21:04 Well, let's enjoy the evening. What are you drinking?
00:21:07 I'm sorry.
00:21:09 Sit down. Make yourselves comfortable.
00:21:36 [typing]
00:21:39 [typing]
00:21:42 [typing]
00:21:44 [typing]
00:21:50 [typing]
00:21:53 [typing]
00:21:57 [typing]
00:22:00 [typing]
00:22:04 [typing]
00:22:09 [typing]
00:22:11 [knocking]
00:22:18 Noah? Can I help you?
00:22:34 Brian, look, sorry it's so late, but...
00:22:39 I felt like there was a bit of an awkward moment between us.
00:22:43 And I don't know about you, but whenever I feel that there's tension in a situation,
00:22:48 I like to take care of that tension immediately.
00:22:54 How do you know where I live?
00:22:56 Monica gave me the address. She just gave it to you.
00:22:59 Why wouldn't she? We're friends. We're volunteering together tomorrow at the soup kitchen.
00:23:05 Mind if I come in?
00:23:07 Sure.
00:23:09 So...
00:23:17 How you doing, Brian?
00:23:20 How am I doing? I'm good.
00:23:23 Come on. We know that's not true.
00:23:28 What do you mean?
00:23:29 A man swoops in, pays for your kid's medical bills that you can't afford,
00:23:36 gets real close with the ex-wife.
00:23:39 I can understand how you're feeling.
00:23:41 Well, yeah, I...
00:23:43 I just want you to know that I've come in peace. I don't want to get in between anything.
00:23:48 I'm just here to, um...
00:23:51 I'm just here to help.
00:23:53 I didn't think you were being malicious.
00:23:55 Sure you did. That's understandable.
00:23:59 So...
00:24:08 Now our feelings...
00:24:11 Right?
00:24:13 I think your food's ready.
00:24:20 Yeah. Yeah, I'll be right back.
00:24:25 Well, I don't want to interfere with your dinner.
00:24:43 I just didn't want us to get off on the wrong foot.
00:24:48 You have a good night, Brian.
00:24:51 Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Are you trying to tell me you were not a jock in high school?
00:25:13 Nope. I was a nerd all the way.
00:25:16 I didn't have my girls' card until college, believe it or not.
00:25:18 I did play basketball for a year, though.
00:25:20 Aw, she didn't play basketball.
00:25:23 That's how she hurt herself, actually.
00:25:26 She's really good.
00:25:28 It's a shame she probably won't be healed in time for the season to start.
00:25:31 Oh, when she is, let me know. I'd love to play her.
00:25:34 No, I still am terrible.
00:25:36 Humiliate me.
00:25:39 Humiliate me.
00:25:42 [Music]
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00:27:41 [Music]
00:28:06 Jack, what are you doing here?
00:28:09 How'd you get my address?
00:28:11 I'm afraid I'm here on business.
00:28:13 They were going to send someone else, and I saw your name.
00:28:16 And I offered to come myself.
00:28:19 What is it?
00:28:22 Can I come in?
00:28:24 Yeah.
00:28:34 I had no idea Brian was using drugs.
00:28:37 When he said he gave up alcohol, I thought he might have actually changed.
00:28:43 I guess we don't really know what happens behind closed doors.
00:28:47 [Knock on door]
00:28:49 What?
00:28:50 You expecting someone?
00:28:52 Hey. You okay?
00:29:03 I got uptexted. Come in.
00:29:06 Something wrong? Look, I can go.
00:29:13 No, it's okay.
00:29:15 Um, Noah, this is Jack. Jack, Noah.
00:29:19 Thank you for telling me, Jack.
00:29:22 Nice meeting you, Noah.
00:29:26 Yeah. You too.
00:29:29 [Door opens]
00:29:31 Who's that?
00:29:37 He's a detective.
00:29:39 Detective?
00:29:41 What happened? Are you...
00:29:43 You okay?
00:29:47 They found Brian... dead.
00:29:50 He overdosed on something, but they're not sure what.
00:29:55 Oh, wow.
00:29:57 Monica, I'm so sorry.
00:30:00 I have no idea what I'm gonna tell Shin.
00:30:06 I can't imagine what you're doing to speak of all this right now.
00:30:10 If there's anything you need, you can just let me know.
00:30:13 That's very kind.
00:30:15 I appreciate it.
00:30:19 [Music]
00:30:22 [Phone vibrates]
00:30:25 Hello?
00:30:31 Hey, Monica. It's Noah.
00:30:33 I'm gonna do some volunteer work in the soup kitchen. Can I pick you up?
00:30:37 So, have you ever done anything like this before?
00:30:42 No, but I've always wanted to.
00:30:45 How did you get involved here?
00:30:47 My non-profit, Earthbound, does this every week, and we are so happy to have new volunteers.
00:30:54 That's really nice. I'd love to do this again sometime.
00:30:58 So, how's Shannon doing?
00:31:01 Her ankle has been swelling up a lot recently, and I'm actually starting to get a little worried about it.
00:31:08 That sounds like it's normal.
00:31:11 How's she doing after what happened to Brian?
00:31:14 Oh, she's starting to be strong, but I know deep down she's having a pretty hard time.
00:31:21 He was the only father figure she ever really knew.
00:31:25 Her real father ran off when she was little.
00:31:29 Well, I know a little something about that.
00:31:32 When I was about five years old, my father left me and my mom without an bond to our names.
00:31:38 He was pretty angry about it, but ungrateful.
00:31:41 That experience gave me the conviction I needed to be successful.
00:31:46 Wow. That is a beautiful way to look at it.
00:31:51 Have you ever been married?
00:31:58 No. Actually, I almost got married to a woman I met in the tech world, but she had an accident and passed away.
00:32:10 Oh my gosh.
00:32:12 And I've never been able to find love since.
00:32:16 Noah, I am so sorry. That's awful.
00:32:20 I moved on.
00:32:22 Well, looks like we've got a dud. Where can I get us a new one?
00:32:29 Yeah, that's a good question.
00:32:31 I'll show you.
00:32:33 Sue, what are you doing here? I thought you'd be in the office.
00:32:37 Well, ever since the restructuring, I like to keep my eye on things.
00:32:43 I thought you were taking some time off.
00:32:45 Well, you know how much I love to be here.
00:32:48 Monica, Sue. Sue, Monica. She works at Sunshine Corp.
00:32:51 Nice to meet you.
00:32:52 Yes, you too. Come with me.
00:32:55 I'll show her.
00:32:56 Oh, no. You stay right here. Our guests are starting to arrive.
00:33:02 (indistinct chatter)
00:33:04 Here you go.
00:33:09 Thanks.
00:33:10 How are you?
00:33:11 Good.
00:33:12 Okay. Have a great night.
00:33:14 Thanks.
00:33:15 So, how long have you known Noah?
00:33:19 Not long. How about you?
00:33:21 Everything going okay with him?
00:33:23 Yeah. Why do you ask?
00:33:26 Good.
00:33:28 (indistinct chatter)
00:33:30 How are you?
00:33:42 I'm good.
00:33:43 Have a good meal.
00:33:44 Thank you so much.
00:33:45 Okay. Wow.
00:33:49 There you go.
00:33:53 Have a great meal.
00:33:56 Excuse me.
00:33:57 I'm talking to you. How about a little thank you?
00:34:01 Wait, wait, wait. We donate our time and resources for people like you.
00:34:05 Huh? What about a little thank you? Would that kill you? Huh? Thank you.
00:34:09 That's all you got to say.
00:34:10 Noah, he's deaf.
00:34:12 I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
00:34:18 My daughter has a friend who's deaf.
00:34:22 She started taking ASL in high school.
00:34:25 (sighs)
00:34:26 I'm sorry.
00:34:28 He totally lost his cool on some guy who didn't say thank you.
00:34:37 It seems like he's just really passionate about his work.
00:34:41 Maybe it gets to him when people aren't appreciative.
00:34:44 It does suck when people don't show gratitude.
00:34:47 It's understandable, I guess. But to lash out at the poor guy?
00:34:50 I think you're reading into it.
00:34:53 (sighs)
00:34:54 Hey, Sue.
00:35:03 Hey, Monica.
00:35:04 Thanks for agreeing to meet with me.
00:35:07 You sounded pretty concerned on the phone. Is everything all right?
00:35:10 It's about Noah.
00:35:12 What about him?
00:35:13 Yesterday you asked me if everything was okay with him.
00:35:17 What did you mean?
00:35:19 I really don't feel comfortable disclosing personal information about Noah.
00:35:22 Please.
00:35:24 I'm asking you for help.
00:35:26 Woman to woman.
00:35:28 Noah is a wonderful, generous man, as I'm sure you've seen.
00:35:33 But he can be a bit obsessive at times.
00:35:36 But I don't know. Maybe he's changed since he worked here.
00:35:38 What do you mean?
00:35:40 Don't you still work together?
00:35:42 Noah was asked to step down a long time ago.
00:35:46 Yesterday was the first day I'd seen him in a while.
00:35:49 He said he still works here.
00:35:51 We let him come in and volunteer.
00:35:53 He stops by and donates some time, but from what I'm hearing, he still acts like he runs the place.
00:35:59 Why was he asked to step down?
00:36:02 Noah loves to help others, but...
00:36:04 But he always expects something in return?
00:36:06 He would get so mad when he felt like people didn't appreciate him, and...
00:36:11 his temper has started to change.
00:36:14 And... his temper has started to get out of control.
00:36:17 He said he had been seeing somebody and that it had been helping.
00:36:21 I kind of felt bad for him.
00:36:23 Look, at the end of the day, do I think Noah's a bad guy? No.
00:36:27 I just think he was making up for what he couldn't do for his mother.
00:36:33 What happened to his mother?
00:36:35 [phone rings]
00:36:37 I'm so sorry, Sue. I have to take this.
00:36:41 Hello?
00:36:44 Oh my gosh. Honey, I'll be right there.
00:36:47 I'm so sorry, Sue. I have to go. It's my daughter. I'll text you.
00:36:52 I'm gonna be okay, sweetie.
00:37:01 I know.
00:37:03 I'll be right back.
00:37:09 I'll be right back.
00:37:10 Hello?
00:37:15 Hey. What's she doing?
00:37:17 Oh.
00:37:18 Now's not really a great time.
00:37:20 There's something wrong?
00:37:22 Shannon's in the hospital again.
00:37:25 Oh, my God. What happened? Is she all right?
00:37:29 You know how her ankle's been swelling lately?
00:37:31 Well, today it was huge, and they're saying her bone isn't healing properly.
00:37:37 And apparently since Shannon's so young, they're gonna have to put a nail through it, or else she could have permanent damage.
00:37:43 And apparently there's a wait list for surgeons right now.
00:37:46 Wow. Anonica, I'm, uh, I'm sorry. Um...
00:37:50 It's gonna be expensive, isn't it?
00:37:54 I don't want to talk about that right now.
00:37:57 How much?
00:37:59 Noah, I really don't want to talk.
00:38:01 No, listen. Forget about the money, okay? Let's worry about your daughter.
00:38:04 She doesn't deserve to have permanent damage, okay? How much?
00:38:07 Thirty thousand.
00:38:11 I can do that.
00:38:13 No, I'm... I can't accept...
00:38:17 You can, and you will.
00:38:19 Okay, what kind of a man would I be if I just sat back and watched a friend of mine struggle?
00:38:24 Okay, remember the first day I met you?
00:38:27 I said if you ever needed me, I would be there. Remember?
00:38:31 [phone ringing]
00:38:33 Well, there's still a wait list.
00:38:41 Okay, listen. Don't worry about it. Let me make some phone calls.
00:38:45 [phone ringing]
00:38:47 [phone ringing]
00:38:49 Thank you for coming.
00:39:04 Any updates?
00:39:06 The doctor said everything went well.
00:39:08 She wants to keep her for another night or two just to make sure, but...
00:39:12 She should be fine.
00:39:16 I'm just so grateful Noah was able to pull some strings to get her seen so quickly.
00:39:20 Wow, you really lucked out there.
00:39:22 He offered to pay for it, too.
00:39:25 Oh my gosh! That's amazing!
00:39:28 I didn't want to accept it, but...
00:39:31 Why not? He just likes you and wants to take care of you.
00:39:35 I wish I could find a guy like that.
00:39:38 How is she?
00:39:44 She's doing great, according to Dr. Lee.
00:39:46 Well, that's a relief.
00:39:48 I just wanted to thank you for getting her seen so quickly.
00:39:51 I don't know how you did it, but...
00:39:53 Thank you.
00:39:54 Being on the Earthbound board, you know a lot of people.
00:39:57 I thought you weren't on the Earthbound board anymore.
00:40:00 Oh. Well, no. I stepped down a while ago to concentrate on other projects, but...
00:40:07 I don't remember mentioning that to you.
00:40:09 Oh, uh... I must have confused it with one of my clients.
00:40:14 You know how these things can be.
00:40:16 Yeah. Right.
00:40:19 Look, I gotta go. I'm glad Shannon's doing better.
00:40:23 Oh, okay. No problem.
00:40:26 [phone ringing]
00:40:28 Hello?
00:40:40 Hello?
00:40:50 Is someone there?
00:40:55 [phone ringing]
00:40:57 This isn't funny.
00:41:04 Is someone there?
00:41:07 Hello?
00:41:14 Hello, Sue.
00:41:23 Noah.
00:41:24 What are you doing here?
00:41:28 Just came by to pay you a little visit.
00:41:36 I missed you.
00:41:42 She talked to you, didn't she?
00:41:47 Who?
00:41:49 You know exactly who I'm talking about.
00:41:52 Noah, please. You promised me you'd work on your temper.
00:41:57 I know you're just trying to help, but sometimes you take things too far.
00:42:02 You're right.
00:42:10 I should have come here.
00:42:13 I'm sorry.
00:42:16 [music]
00:42:18 Tell her it's good to see you.
00:42:25 [music]
00:42:28 [music]
00:42:30 [door opening]
00:42:39 [door closing]
00:42:42 [music]
00:42:45 [door opening]
00:42:47 [music]
00:42:52 [music]
00:42:54 [music]
00:43:07 [music]
00:43:09 [phone ringing]
00:43:29 Hello?
00:43:34 Noah, is everything alright?
00:43:35 Yeah, why wouldn't it be?
00:43:37 You called me four times.
00:43:39 Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to call that many times. I didn't think it was going through.
00:43:45 I just wanted to see if you wanted to have dinner tonight.
00:43:49 Noah, you are a very, very generous man, and I so appreciate everything you've done for me and Shannon.
00:43:55 I just don't think I should be dating right now.
00:44:00 Look, Monica, truthfully, I feel a little more than embarrassed at what happened at the soup kitchen the other day.
00:44:07 I just wanted a chance to explain myself. I don't want things to get weird between us.
00:44:12 And besides, it wouldn't even be like a date.
00:44:17 I have some colleagues that would meet us later.
00:44:19 They are heavily involved in various charities, and I thought it would be a good chance for you to do some networking for the Sunshine Corps.
00:44:27 [music]
00:44:29 Oh, sorry.
00:44:43 I'm glad you could make it.
00:44:46 Unfortunately, my colleagues couldn't make it tonight, so it's just the two of us.
00:44:51 Great.
00:44:53 Yeah.
00:44:55 [music]
00:44:57 Noah, this is really nice.
00:44:59 Yeah, it's one of my favorites.
00:45:01 The table's right there.
00:45:04 Let me get that for you.
00:45:08 Thank you.
00:45:11 You're gonna love it.
00:45:21 That dress really brings out the color in your eyes.
00:45:25 Thank you.
00:45:27 Hello.
00:45:29 Hey.
00:45:30 Welcome to Villa Serena.
00:45:32 So tonight's special is a Kobe beef fillet with a seasonal root vegetable.
00:45:37 Would you care for the wine selection?
00:45:39 Bring me your finest red.
00:45:42 Right, Noah. Wonderful. I'll be right back.
00:45:47 Noah, this looks really expensive. I can't afford this.
00:45:51 Oh, whatever you want. Don't worry. It's on me.
00:45:54 I really wouldn't feel comfortable with you spending this much money on me.
00:45:59 It's a gift.
00:46:01 To the most amazing woman.
00:46:03 Please.
00:46:05 Ah, yes.
00:46:14 And this is our 98 private vintner reserve.
00:46:18 Cherry notes, vanilla, zaft egg overall. Very good, sir.
00:46:22 Ah, magnificent. Perfect.
00:46:24 Well, I'm ready to order. I'll have the Kobe beef medium rare, please. And you?
00:46:30 Uh, I'll take the soup with the day.
00:46:33 And what else, ma'am?
00:46:35 That's all, thanks.
00:46:37 Well, that's actually more of an appetizer.
00:46:39 I'm really not very hungry, but thank you.
00:46:42 No, go ahead. Order an entree. You can box in for leftovers later.
00:46:46 I'm fine. I'm fine.
00:46:48 Thank you.
00:46:51 Okay.
00:46:52 Let's have a toast.
00:46:56 To you.
00:47:01 Cheers.
00:47:02 Oh, no, I'm okay. Thank you.
00:47:17 Remember that woman I told you about?
00:47:24 Yeah.
00:47:25 The one who passed away?
00:47:27 Yes.
00:47:29 You remind me of her sometimes.
00:47:32 You both have a strong sense of pride.
00:47:37 Thank you.
00:47:41 You know, there was, um...
00:47:44 There was a time...
00:47:46 Where...
00:47:48 I didn't think I was ever going to find love again.
00:47:54 When I tried to date other women, none of them really...
00:47:59 Appreciated what I could give them.
00:48:03 But you...
00:48:06 You're different.
00:48:09 I think...
00:48:12 We could have a happy life together.
00:48:15 Milan...
00:48:19 I think you may have misunderstood.
00:48:23 Misunderstood what?
00:48:25 I really appreciate everything you've done for me.
00:48:28 But I just don't think I see a future with you in that way.
00:48:33 I'm sorry.
00:48:36 You're sorry?
00:48:38 This is how you repay me?
00:48:42 Excuse me?
00:48:45 After everything I did for you?
00:48:47 I mean nothing to you?
00:48:49 That is not what I'm saying.
00:48:50 You are just like Charlotte. I should have known.
00:48:52 You're silent.
00:48:53 I thought you were different.
00:48:55 But you takers are all the same. You're ungrateful.
00:48:58 I shouldn't be surprised.
00:49:00 You prey on the generosity of others.
00:49:03 So go find someone else to take advantage of.
00:49:08 I'm sorry.
00:49:10 I'm sorry.
00:49:12 I'm sorry.
00:49:15 [phone buzzing]
00:49:18 [phone buzzing]
00:49:20 [phone buzzing]
00:49:29 [phone buzzing]
00:49:31 [phone buzzing]
00:49:37 [phone chimes]
00:49:44 [phone chimes]
00:50:12 I mean, don't you think that's weird?
00:50:15 I don't know. He probably contributes to all kinds of campaigns.
00:50:19 He mentioned this woman to me before, but he told me she was dead.
00:50:22 Why would he say that if she's alive and well?
00:50:25 You're positive it's the same woman?
00:50:27 I'm not 100%.
00:50:29 But you should have seen him last night when I rejected him.
00:50:32 It was like a switch was flipped.
00:50:34 Maybe he was just hurt.
00:50:35 I can't--
00:50:36 Oh. Glad I caught you both.
00:50:38 You know how we were trying to find funding for the mesothelioma project?
00:50:42 Well, thanks to Monica, we have it.
00:50:45 Thanks to me? What do you mean?
00:50:47 Noah! Come in here, please.
00:50:50 Noah said you had such a great pitch that he couldn't resist.
00:50:58 He's planning on making some very generous donations.
00:51:01 Well, Monica has made a huge impression on me.
00:51:05 I'm just happy to help.
00:51:07 Are there any other projects that you're trying to get funding for?
00:51:10 Well, actually, I've been headlining an affordable college project for months.
00:51:14 These students are being crushed by loans.
00:51:17 I'm pushing the state for free community college, at the very least.
00:51:21 Well, as someone who has paid for his own college education, waiting tables, I think it's a great idea.
00:51:28 I mean, just because I did it doesn't mean future generations have to, right?
00:51:32 Let's, uh, let's talk later.
00:51:34 Really?
00:51:35 Yeah.
00:51:36 Anyway, I'm going to show him around.
00:51:39 Do you follow me this way there, Noah?
00:51:41 You're going to find our green room up here as well, stocked with drinks and chips and delicious things.
00:51:46 Don't you see what's happening?
00:51:50 He's trying to intimidate me.
00:51:52 I never even mentioned the mesothelioma project to him.
00:51:55 Intimidate you?
00:51:56 Monica, he doesn't seem like that type of guy.
00:51:58 Look at all the good he's doing with his money.
00:52:00 Just seems like he likes to help people.
00:52:04 [sighs]
00:52:06 Yeah, there's really not much here.
00:52:11 He came to my place of work, and he clearly has some history with his Charlotte woman.
00:52:16 I think he might have done something to her.
00:52:19 And what if he does something to me and Shannon?
00:52:22 Well, what is it you think he did? I mean, she's alive, isn't she?
00:52:27 I tried tracking her down, but I couldn't get any info.
00:52:31 If I could just talk to her...
00:52:34 Monica, I can't just give out someone's personal information like that.
00:52:37 [sighs]
00:52:39 Charlotte Ross, you said?
00:52:52 Okay, look, I have to go get something real quick.
00:52:59 But my computer screen has some confidential material in it, and you're not allowed to look at it. Okay?
00:53:07 [music]
00:53:10 [music]
00:53:13 [music]
00:53:41 Oh.
00:53:42 Thank you, Jack.
00:53:46 No idea what you're talking about. I didn't do anything.
00:53:50 Oh, um...
00:53:53 One more thing. Noah used to work with a woman named Sue Forrester.
00:53:58 And I think she's hiding something about Noah.
00:54:02 Do you think you could talk to her?
00:54:05 I'll see what I can do.
00:54:08 Thank you.
00:54:11 [music]
00:54:13 Hi. Are you Charlotte Ross?
00:54:26 I'm not interested.
00:54:27 Wait, wait, wait, wait. My name is Monica King. I'm here because of Noah Elmings.
00:54:32 I don't know him.
00:54:34 Please! I need your help.
00:54:38 [music]
00:54:40 I knew Noah as a quiet kid in tech school.
00:54:46 I used to catch him staring at me, but we never really spoke.
00:54:51 That all changed when I got in a car accident and broke my arm.
00:54:55 He told me you died.
00:54:57 Yeah, that's a very Noah thing to say.
00:54:59 He's very manipulative.
00:55:01 I wasn't able to afford my medical bills, so I set up a Find the Funds campaign.
00:55:06 And there he was, my guardian angel.
00:55:09 He was charming at first.
00:55:12 I even thought I loved him.
00:55:15 But the more I got to know him, the more I realized it was all a trick.
00:55:19 Yes, he paid for my medical bills, and yes, he helped me recover.
00:55:23 I started getting super controlling and obsessive.
00:55:27 I knew I had to get away.
00:55:29 Why does he do this?
00:55:33 I wish I had a satisfying answer to that question.
00:55:36 It has something to do with his childhood.
00:55:39 When his father left, him and his mother struggled financially.
00:55:43 Then she got diagnosed with cancer and they couldn't afford the treatment.
00:55:47 A year after she passed, Noah made billions of dollars on his app.
00:55:52 But for him, it was too late.
00:55:54 He wasn't able to save his mother, so now he wants to save women like her.
00:56:02 Let me guess.
00:56:04 You were struggling with medical bills and he was able to help?
00:56:07 That's his M.O.
00:56:11 How did you get away?
00:56:15 You think I got away?
00:56:17 I just had to move because he found out where I was staying.
00:56:20 I'm never going to be able to get away. He ruined me.
00:56:23 He tricked my boss into thinking I was embezzling money.
00:56:26 I'm lucky I didn't go to jail.
00:56:29 No one would hire me, so now I'm stuck in a waitress salary for the rest of my life.
00:56:33 We have to stop him.
00:56:35 We?
00:56:37 No, no, no, no. I am not getting dragged into this.
00:56:40 He's dangerous.
00:56:42 And as far as I'm concerned, he forgot all about me.
00:56:45 I want to keep it that way.
00:56:47 Think about all the other women he could hurt.
00:56:50 He could come after my daughter.
00:56:53 Please.
00:56:57 I can't.
00:56:59 I'm sorry.
00:57:01 He mentioned you the other day.
00:57:03 He hasn't forgotten about you.
00:57:06 And by the way you talk about him, I don't think he ever will.
00:57:10 Aren't you tired of running?
00:57:15 Aren't you tired of running?
00:57:19 [Music]
00:57:23 [Music]
00:57:26 [Music]
00:57:29 Is everything okay?
00:57:54 Nothing important.
00:57:56 I can't thank you enough for agreeing to donate to my charity.
00:58:00 I've never met someone so generous.
00:58:03 Well, I'm glad that you appreciate it.
00:58:07 So tell me, what made you get involved with the Affordable College Project?
00:58:14 Well, um, growing up, my mom struggled to...
00:58:19 What is it?
00:58:22 [Music]
00:58:25 Monica, what are you doing here?
00:58:30 I've been calling you.
00:58:32 We're in the middle of eating. I didn't want to be rude.
00:58:34 Well, um, there is a big issue with one of our projects that might fall through.
00:58:40 And I really need to talk to you about it before tomorrow.
00:58:44 Can it wait?
00:58:46 It really can't. Please.
00:58:49 I'm sorry, Noah. I'll be right back.
00:58:52 Okay, what is going on?
00:59:01 Rebecca, Noah is dangerous. He's not the man that you think he is.
00:59:05 Monica, stop.
00:59:07 Look, I know things have been really rough for you.
00:59:11 With Shannon and, um, Ryan.
00:59:14 You're stressed, I get it. But Noah...
00:59:18 He's not the problem here. He's just trying to do some good in the world.
00:59:22 And I don't know why you have such a problem with it.
00:59:25 He's actually a sweetheart.
00:59:28 So what, you want to date him now?
00:59:32 You said you weren't interested.
00:59:35 He seems like a great guy. I just want to get to know him.
00:59:39 He is not the man you think he is.
00:59:42 And I don't want to see you get hurt.
00:59:45 I'm starting to think you're a little jealous. You moved on so quickly.
00:59:49 Rebecca, that is not it.
00:59:52 I'm just trying to look out for you.
00:59:55 Well, I'm a big girl, Monica. I can handle myself.
01:00:14 God. Hey.
01:00:17 I looked into Sue Forrester. She's dead.
01:00:21 Oh my God, what happened?
01:00:23 We found her car at the bottom of Birch Lake with her still inside.
01:00:26 First responders think she fell asleep at the wheel, but something isn't right.
01:00:30 No kidding. It was him.
01:00:33 Look, I'm putting together an investigation. It's going to take a couple days.
01:00:37 Well, what if we don't have a couple days?
01:00:39 My hands are tied unless we can find something concrete on him.
01:00:42 When we went to Noah's house, Brian said he saw something weird on Noah's desktop in his office.
01:00:48 He didn't say what, but he was really concerned about it.
01:00:52 Yeah, that's not enough for a warrant.
01:00:54 Well, who said anything about a warrant?
01:00:56 You have to understand, if we don't follow the law here, Noah could walk.
01:01:00 And you don't understand that my life is in danger.
01:01:03 He's already going after my friend. What if he goes after Shannon?
01:01:06 No, I do understand, but meet me halfway here. I'm doing my best.
01:01:10 I need you to promise me that you won't do anything stupid.
01:01:14 I promise.
01:01:16 [Gunshot]
01:01:19 [Glass shattering]
01:01:22 [Glass shattering]
01:01:24 [Glass shattering]
01:01:26 [Glass shattering]
01:01:30 [Breathing heavily]
01:01:32 [Footsteps]
01:01:39 [Breathing heavily]
01:01:49 [Footsteps]
01:01:51 Password. Um, birth model.
01:02:02 Um, uh, who has birthday? I don't know.
01:02:09 [Breathing heavily]
01:02:11 [Breathing heavily]
01:02:13 So, did you have to drive far to get here?
01:02:29 Not at all.
01:02:31 Uh, hold on one second.
01:02:38 Um, I'm so sorry. I need to take care of this, but I'm so glad we got to meet up.
01:02:45 And let's talk financials soon.
01:02:48 Great. I'm looking forward to it.
01:02:50 Yeah.
01:02:52 Bye.
01:02:58 Bye.
01:03:07 Yes, I'd like to report a break-in, please.
01:03:10 [Dramatic music]
01:03:12 Charlie.
01:03:18 [Dialing]
01:03:21 Private?
01:03:29 Oh, my gosh.
01:03:36 [Gasping]
01:03:38 Charlie! Open up!
01:04:03 [Gunshots]
01:04:06 Police!
01:04:08 We got a 10-23. I need backup.
01:04:22 10-4. Sending additional.
01:04:24 Police! Ma'am, we know you're in here. Come on out.
01:04:27 [Police radio chatter]
01:04:29 Police!
01:04:56 I told you not to do anything stupid.
01:04:58 He has files on me and Shannon in his computer.
01:05:02 Personal details, social security numbers, everything. I took pictures.
01:05:06 Well, now it's inadmissible because you broke the law.
01:05:08 You can't do this kind of thing.
01:05:10 But he's not pressing charges.
01:05:12 He's not?
01:05:14 He says he gave you permission to enter the house.
01:05:17 No, he didn't. He called the cops.
01:05:20 Says he thought you were someone else.
01:05:23 He told me to tell you that he just wants a second chance and asked you to think about it.
01:05:27 But...
01:05:28 I know he's lying, but maybe you should just take the win here.
01:05:31 So what do we do now?
01:05:35 They found a small dent on Sue's rear bumper.
01:05:42 I know they originally thought that she fell asleep with the wheel, but...
01:05:45 What if someone ran her off the road?
01:05:48 Do you think Noah could...
01:05:50 I don't know, but I think it's time I paid Noah a visit.
01:05:54 Hey.
01:06:09 Monica?
01:06:10 It's Charlotte.
01:06:12 I thought about what you said and I realize you're right.
01:06:16 He can't keep doing this.
01:06:18 But Noah will not be easy.
01:06:20 He won't go down without a fight.
01:06:22 Make sure your loved ones are safe.
01:06:26 Okay.
01:06:27 I will call you later.
01:06:29 Who was that?
01:06:33 That was your grandmother.
01:06:35 She wants to know if you'd like to spend the weekend with her.
01:06:38 Sure.
01:06:39 Okay. I'll let her know.
01:06:41 I know.
01:06:42 Monica.
01:06:57 You unblocked my number.
01:06:59 Did you have a change of heart?
01:07:01 Can you meet me in an hour at the Rapid Heart Cafe?
01:07:04 I would love that.
01:07:10 You wanted me to think about giving you another chance.
01:07:14 Well, I've made my decision.
01:07:16 And?
01:07:18 And...
01:07:19 I owe you an apology.
01:07:23 I was wrong.
01:07:27 I didn't see it before.
01:07:30 But you really have done so much for me.
01:07:34 No one has ever treated me the way that you have.
01:07:40 That kind of romance is what I've always wanted.
01:07:44 But I was just afraid of getting my heart broken again.
01:07:50 I have been a single mom for years now.
01:07:56 I usually have to do everything by myself.
01:07:59 I'm not used to having a provider.
01:08:06 You're just saying that because I didn't press charges against you.
01:08:10 No.
01:08:12 I really think we could have something truly special.
01:08:18 I don't believe you.
01:08:22 Believe me now?
01:08:35 No.
01:08:36 You have made the right choice.
01:08:41 You gonna get that?
01:08:47 I don't need to get that.
01:08:48 Go ahead.
01:08:49 Uh-huh.
01:08:50 Hello?
01:08:56 Hello, Noah.
01:08:57 I know you recognize my voice.
01:09:01 You don't have to speak, just listen.
01:09:04 I've been thinking a lot about how things ended with us.
01:09:08 I want to make things right.
01:09:11 Let's talk.
01:09:12 Can we meet tonight?
01:09:14 You sure about that?
01:09:17 Whenever you need me, I'll be there.
01:09:20 Isn't that what you always said?
01:09:22 When and where?
01:09:27 I'll come to your house.
01:09:29 Five o'clock.
01:09:31 Great. I'll see you then.
01:09:34 Who was that?
01:09:38 It was just a colleague. I gotta go.
01:09:41 Wanna get dinner later?
01:09:43 I can't.
01:09:45 Gotta work. But tomorrow I'm all yours.
01:09:49 See you tomorrow.
01:09:51 I can't wait.
01:09:54 I'm sorry.
01:09:56 See you tomorrow.
01:10:04 I can't wait.
01:10:06 [♪♪♪]
01:10:08 Oh, come on. What is this?
01:10:27 Hey!
01:10:30 What do you think you're doing?
01:10:33 Noah.
01:10:34 How are you?
01:10:35 You're on private property going through my garbage.
01:10:38 You can't do that.
01:10:40 I can, actually.
01:10:42 What's this about?
01:10:44 Your ex-colleague.
01:10:48 Two foresters found dead six days ago.
01:10:52 Think she was murdered.
01:10:54 Oh, no.
01:10:56 It's a real tragedy.
01:10:59 Anything I could do to help?
01:11:03 What were you that day?
01:11:05 Six days ago.
01:11:08 I was here.
01:11:10 Yeah. I was here.
01:11:12 Alone.
01:11:14 So there's nobody to collaborate that then?
01:11:17 My suspect?
01:11:19 Still under investigation.
01:11:22 I wouldn't leave town.
01:11:26 You hit something?
01:11:30 Excuse me?
01:11:32 The scratch.
01:11:34 Oh.
01:11:36 Hit a deer.
01:11:37 A deer?
01:11:39 How long ago was that?
01:11:41 That was a while ago.
01:11:46 A while ago.
01:11:48 You didn't want to get it fixed?
01:11:51 I'm a very busy man.
01:11:53 Is that a crime?
01:11:56 Have a good day, Noah.
01:12:00 Yeah. You too.
01:12:02 You too.
01:12:04 [♪♪♪]
01:12:06 [♪♪♪]
01:12:08 [♪♪♪]
01:12:10 [♪♪♪]
01:12:13 [♪♪♪]
01:12:16 [♪♪♪]
01:12:18 Not now, Rebecca.
01:12:44 One thing at a time.
01:12:46 [♪♪♪]
01:12:49 [♪♪♪]
01:12:51 [♪♪♪]
01:12:53 [♪♪♪]
01:12:55 [♪♪♪]
01:13:24 Okay.
01:13:25 So as soon as you head over,
01:13:27 I'll start the phone call and I'll record the whole conversation.
01:13:30 Are you nervous?
01:13:34 Aren't you?
01:13:36 Just...
01:13:39 do your best to try to get him to admit what he did.
01:13:42 What if he catches on?
01:13:44 If you feel like he knows, just ask him for a glass of water,
01:13:46 and when he goes to get it for you,
01:13:48 get the heck out of there.
01:13:50 Okay.
01:13:52 You got this.
01:13:54 [♪♪♪]
01:13:56 [SIGHS]
01:14:03 [♪♪♪]
01:14:05 [♪♪♪]
01:14:18 [♪♪♪]
01:14:20 [SIGHS]
01:14:26 Testing, testing. One, two, three.
01:14:29 I hear you. We're good to go.
01:14:31 Oh. Hold on. I'm getting a call from Noah.
01:14:37 I'm gonna put you on hold for one sec, okay?
01:14:40 Hey.
01:14:42 Hey, you. What are you doing?
01:14:45 Um, just sitting at home watching TV.
01:14:49 That sounds nice.
01:14:51 What are you watching?
01:14:53 Um, some rom-com.
01:14:55 How's your work thing going?
01:14:57 That's fine. I should be wrapping up here real soon.
01:15:00 What do you say I stop by?
01:15:02 I'm pretty tired.
01:15:06 Um, tomorrow might be better.
01:15:08 Okay. I'll talk to you soon.
01:15:11 Okay. Sounds good.
01:15:14 [♪♪♪]
01:15:16 All right. Let's do this.
01:15:24 Hello, Charlotte.
01:15:31 Come here.
01:15:33 About to go cold feet.
01:15:39 [PANTING]
01:15:42 [PANTING]
01:15:44 Your favorite.
01:15:54 Thank you.
01:15:56 So, how have you been?
01:16:01 Hm.
01:16:09 Oh.
01:16:11 [CHUCKLES]
01:16:12 How have I been?
01:16:14 Why are you here?
01:16:17 I-I just wanted to talk.
01:16:19 Then save the pleasantries and talk.
01:16:21 Why come here now, after all this time,
01:16:24 after all those nasty things you said to me?
01:16:26 I, um...
01:16:28 I-I heard about Sue, and...
01:16:31 it got me thinking about how good things used to be.
01:16:34 Oh. Sue.
01:16:37 Terrible.
01:16:39 What a tragedy, right?
01:16:42 Exactly.
01:16:44 And it made me think...
01:16:47 what if something happens to you,
01:16:49 and I never got a chance to make things right?
01:16:52 Last time I saw you,
01:16:54 you accused me of framing you for embezzlement.
01:16:58 Try and get him to admit it.
01:17:00 Let's not pretend you didn't.
01:17:04 Well, if you really believed that,
01:17:06 then why would you want me back?
01:17:08 Everyone deserves a second chance.
01:17:11 I disagree.
01:17:13 You broke my heart, Charlotte.
01:17:19 I know. Sorry.
01:17:23 It's okay.
01:17:26 I've moved on.
01:17:28 I found someone else.
01:17:30 Noah.
01:17:33 After everything we've been through,
01:17:36 don't you think we at least owe it to ourselves to try and fight for this?
01:17:41 Is that what you want?
01:17:43 Yeah.
01:17:45 Or is that what Monica wants?
01:17:47 Who's Monica?
01:17:53 Charlotte, get out of there!
01:17:56 I think you know exactly who I'm talking about.
01:18:00 Can I, um...
01:18:02 get a glass of water?
01:18:05 Charlotte?
01:18:14 Noah?
01:18:17 [Noah's heart is beating faster]
01:18:19 Wakey, wakey.
01:18:33 Yeah. Nice effort.
01:18:35 You two almost had me.
01:18:37 My first love.
01:18:44 My first heartbreak.
01:18:46 I thought I could make you suffer
01:18:50 the same way you made me suffer.
01:18:53 I should have never let you live.
01:18:58 Monica.
01:19:01 I think I actually believed you today.
01:19:05 I wanted you so bad that I was blinded by the truth.
01:19:08 Now I see.
01:19:11 You're just like all the rest of them.
01:19:14 All you women are the same.
01:19:17 You take, take, and take!
01:19:20 I gave you everything your heart desired.
01:19:23 I did my job as a man.
01:19:25 As a protector.
01:19:27 As a provider.
01:19:29 It just wasn't good enough, was it?
01:19:32 Instead you wanted to be with some small-time losers.
01:19:36 What do they have that I don't?
01:19:40 Brian.
01:19:42 So stupid. He didn't even see it coming.
01:19:45 Hello?
01:19:56 Yeah, did you get the pain sample?
01:19:59 Did it match the one on Sue's car?
01:20:02 You scream, and I will kill you.
01:20:07 You understand?
01:20:09 Tell me why.
01:20:22 Why what?
01:20:24 Why aren't I good enough?
01:20:26 After everything I did for you.
01:20:28 That's the thing.
01:20:30 You weren't supposed to help people to get something in return.
01:20:34 You help people because it's the right thing to do.
01:20:37 Yeah, I did that.
01:20:39 I did that.
01:20:41 Do you think I want to use my wealth to find love?
01:20:43 You don't think I feel shame?
01:20:45 It's not just that.
01:20:47 You're a liar.
01:20:49 You manipulate people.
01:20:50 I wouldn't have to do that.
01:20:52 If you just saw me for who I am.
01:20:55 I'm a good person.
01:20:57 I give, and I give, and I give!
01:21:01 You two should consider yourselves lucky.
01:21:04 My mother went her whole life without a good provider.
01:21:10 I'm sorry about the situation you and your mom were in.
01:21:14 But that has nothing to do with it.
01:21:16 It has everything to do with it!
01:21:19 No, no, no.
01:21:24 Not a word.
01:21:28 You hear me?
01:21:31 [phone ringing]
01:21:33 Hey.
01:21:43 What are you doing here?
01:21:44 You haven't been returning my calls.
01:21:46 Did I do something wrong?
01:21:47 No, of course not.
01:21:48 It's just, uh, I've been working a lot.
01:21:53 Really? Because you seem like something's wrong.
01:21:55 No, no, of course not.
01:21:57 You can talk to me.
01:21:59 I said everything's fine.
01:22:01 Noah, please, I--
01:22:02 Will you just go!
01:22:04 I'm sorry.
01:22:09 I've just been really stressed.
01:22:11 I guess Monica was really right about you.
01:22:13 Rebecca, listen.
01:22:15 [whimpering]
01:22:17 What was that?
01:22:23 Nothing.
01:22:24 I heard a noise.
01:22:25 No, no, no. It's not the guy. I don't hear anything.
01:22:27 Monica, get in here!
01:22:29 What are you doing? Let go of me!
01:22:31 You should have left when you had the chance!
01:22:33 No, no, no, no!
01:22:35 [screaming]
01:22:37 Get back here!
01:22:40 Oh, keep your mouth shut!
01:22:43 You had a chance to leave.
01:22:45 You should have done it!
01:22:47 [screaming]
01:22:49 Get off of her!
01:22:54 Get off of her!
01:22:56 [screaming]
01:22:58 Wakey, wakey.
01:23:08 You can't do this.
01:23:18 Do you know who you're messing with?
01:23:20 Yeah, we do.
01:23:22 You know I'll get out of this.
01:23:24 There's no evidence against me.
01:23:26 No one's gonna believe you two or your stupid friend.
01:23:29 Excuse you?
01:23:31 You don't think so?
01:23:33 Don't you see?
01:23:35 I can find my way out of anything.
01:23:37 Hmm.
01:23:39 [gunshots]
01:23:41 Police! Great!
01:23:43 Listen, untie me.
01:23:45 These women have kidnapped me and tortured me.
01:23:48 Arrest them!
01:23:50 Hurry up!
01:23:53 Great.
01:23:55 Now, there they are. Arrest them.
01:23:57 Whoa, whoa, whoa. What are you doing?
01:23:59 No, Ellings.
01:24:01 You're under arrest for the murder of Sue Forrester.
01:24:03 We found evidence of her car's paint on your vehicle.
01:24:05 I'm sure once we revisit the death of Brian Keane,
01:24:08 we'll find some evidence of your involvement there as well.
01:24:11 You have the right to remain silent.
01:24:15 Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law.
01:24:18 You have the right to an attorney.
01:24:20 If you can't afford an attorney, one will be provided for you.
01:24:23 We did it.
01:24:45 None of this could have happened if it wasn't for you.
01:24:47 I couldn't have done it alone.
01:24:50 Thank you.
01:24:52 Monica, I'm so sorry.
01:24:55 I should have listened to you.
01:24:57 I can't believe that I fell for his lies.
01:24:59 I fell for them too.
01:25:01 The most important thing is that we're safe.
01:25:03 You know, Noah's check to SCG already cleared.
01:25:13 You may finally get your raise.
01:25:15 Yeah.
01:25:17 Cool.
01:25:19 You okay?
01:25:29 Honestly, I've never felt better.
01:25:33 You know, you could probably do this law enforcement thing for a living.
01:25:36 I think I'll stick with my non-profit.
01:25:43 I'm sorry.
01:25:45 I'm sorry.
01:25:48 [♪♪♪]
01:25:50 [♪♪♪]
01:25:55 [♪♪♪]
01:25:57 [♪♪♪]
01:26:08 [♪♪♪]
01:26:11 [♪♪♪]
01:26:13 [♪♪♪]
01:26:22 [♪♪♪]
01:26:24 [♪♪♪]
01:26:27 [♪♪♪]
01:26:29 [♪♪♪]
01:26:44 [♪♪♪]
01:26:47 [♪♪♪]
01:26:49 [BLANK_AUDIO]
