BATA Bayar Pesangon Karyawan PHK Rp16,7 Miliar

  • 4 months ago
Pabrik Sepatu Bata yang berlokasi di Purwakarta, Jawa Barat sudah ditutup sejak April 2024. PT Sepatu Bata Tbk (BATA) menyebut, sudah membayarkan pesangon kepada karyawan terdampak Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja (PHK) sebesar Rp16,7 miliar.

Dalam laporan keuangan perseroan per 31 Maret 2024 yang diakses Kamis (30/5), disebutkan bahwa perseroan telah menyelesaikan proses pemutusan kontrak kerja.


00:00PT Sepatubata TBK stated that it has already paid compensation to employees
00:04as a result of the decision to terminate the employment contract worth 16.7 billion rupiah.
00:09Sepatubata's management admitted that the company has repeatedly experienced losses
00:13for the last four years,
00:14and the demand for the type of product produced at Purwakarta factory
00:18continues to decline and the production capacity far exceeds the needs.
00:23The factory in Purwakarta, West Java has been closed since April 2024.
00:28PT Sepatubata TBK stated that it has already paid compensation to employees
00:32as a result of the decision to terminate the employment contract worth 16.7 billion rupiah.
00:36In the financial report of the company on March 31, 2024,
00:40it was stated that the company has completed the process of terminating the employment contract.
00:44In addition to terminating the employment contract,
00:46the management is currently evaluating the total impact of the event
00:49to determine the impact of the financial report of the group.
00:52PT Sepatubata TBK stated that the company has repeatedly experienced losses
00:56for the last four years,
00:58and the demand for the type of product produced at Purwakarta factory
01:01continues to decline and the production capacity far exceeds the needs.
01:05Where the needs of the production can be obtained in a more sustainable way
01:09from the input in Indonesia.
01:11Previously, Head of Disnaker Trans Jabar TP Wawan Darmawan
01:14stated that from the data obtained,
01:16there are 275 employees affected by the PHK from the closure of the factory in Purwakarta.
