特朗普封口案罪成 | 美国史上首位被定罪的前总统 特朗普若当选可狱中宣誓就职?

  • 4 months ago
▌热点短视频 ▌“狂人”特朗普封口费案被判有罪,会影响他的总统竞选吗?他会成为美国史上首位“戴罪”坐上大位的美国总统吗?

主持 | @Jazkee 界錤

#美国 #总统大选 #特朗普 #拜登
#封口案 #伪造文件 #共和党 #美国总统
#发射热点 #84hotspot #热点短视频

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00:00President Trump once again set a new record.
00:02Trump became the first president to be convicted of treason in the U.S.
00:05The New York jury ruled that
00:07all 34 charges against Trump were false.
00:12Will this ruling affect Trump's election?
00:15What if he is indeed elected?
00:18After Trump was found guilty,
00:20not only did he shout,
00:22but he also pointed the finger at the Biden administration
00:25and pretended to be a victim in a political hunt.
00:28We don't know who will be executed in the end.
00:31We didn't do a thing wrong.
00:34I'm a very innocent man.
00:36And it's okay.
00:38This was done by the Biden administration
00:41in order to wound or hurt an opponent,
00:44a political opponent.
00:46And I think it's just a disgrace.
00:48And we'll keep fighting.
00:49We'll fight till the end and we'll win.
00:52This historic moment in the U.S.
00:53also made the U.S. presidential election in November
00:55full of uncertainty.
00:57After he was found guilty,
00:58the court in New York was filled with joy.
01:00Some people were happy and hugged each other.
01:03This case is about Trump
01:05falsifying documents in order to cover up
01:07the fact that he paid an adult to cheat a woman
01:10in order to cover up his 2016 election.
01:11So far, Trump has only confirmed
01:14that all 34 charges against him
01:17were false.
01:18Judge Cheng Cheng was sentenced on July 11,
01:21which is the first three days
01:23before the Republican National Congress.
01:26It was expected that Trump would be nominated
01:28as a presidential candidate at the Congress.
01:31By the way,
01:32this case is the only one
01:35that was opened and sentenced
01:39before the November 5th presidential election.
01:41However, according to the U.S. media,
01:43in this case,
01:45Trump will be sentenced to four years in prison.
01:47But in the past, people who committed this crime
01:50were usually sentenced to a shorter sentence,
01:53fine or probation.
01:55The New York Times said
01:56Trump may be released from prison
01:58and will not be put in jail.
02:00And he will definitely file a lawsuit.
02:02This means that the case
02:04may take several years to solve.
02:07Even if he was sentenced to prison in July,
02:09he could not stop Trump from making trouble
02:11or resigning after the election.
02:13The reason is that the U.S. Constitution
02:15does not clearly stipulate that
02:16prisoners cannot run for president.
02:19As long as they are 35 years old,
02:20born in the United States,
02:22and live in the United States for at least 14 years,
02:24they can run for president.
02:26In the history of the United States,
02:26there have been people who ran for president
02:28during their imprisonment.
02:30So Trump can still run for president
02:31from a legal point of view.
02:33If Trump is sentenced to prison
02:34and wins the election,
02:36it is not impossible for him
02:39to swear an oath of office in prison.
02:41Since Trump was involved in many lawsuits,
02:43he has been voting for himself
02:45as a victim.
02:46All the cases against him
02:47are based on political motives and political persecution.
02:50President Biden once openly emphasized
02:52the independence of the Department of Justice.
02:53The Department of Justice has never
02:55had the right to control it.
02:56The investigation into Trump's corruption
02:58began in 2018,
03:00when Trump was in office.
03:02At that time, Biden was just
03:04an old fool in Trump's mouth.
03:06Nothing more.
03:07Now, after Biden's campaign team
03:09was convicted of treason against Trump,
03:10he also made a statement to emphasize
03:12that Trump has always mistakenly believed
03:14that he would never face consequences
03:17because of his own selfishness.
03:19But obviously,
03:20no one can be above the law.
03:22He called on the American people
03:24to find a way to prevent Trump
03:26from leaving the White House,
03:27which is to use a ballot box.
03:29Do you think the Americans
03:30will send Trump to the White House
03:31or hit him in the face
03:33and torture him?
03:34What do you think about Trump's treason?
03:36If you like our video,
03:37don't forget to like, share,
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03:39to learn more international news.
