• last year
For Joseph, the fact Ranulph was contending with Parkinson’s disease during filming added to the emotional weight of the adventure.


00:00Because this is a family affair and I imagine you probably get this asked this all the time but I mean you are from I mean your brothers and siblings and everyone it feels like the finds there must be something in the blood that draws you to both adventure and also success somehow it would like what do you think is the secret behind what's in the family blood?
00:22I don't know it's a peculiar gene pool I guess I don't know quite what it is.
00:29I think I just feel speaking for myself incredibly lucky to do the thing I'm passionate about and to be involved in and that's sort of communicating either through literature or theatre or film and so to have parents that might be able to champion you know the thing that you're passionate about has been a great kind of leverage in my life so maybe it's that I don't quite know.
00:57You and Rafe don't compare trophy cabinets that kind of thing go like all the Oscar nomination all the Emmy nomination.
01:03No he far out does me on that I wouldn't even pretend to go there but no we don't tend to talk shop so much as rather like this relationship and the finds return to the wild it's about sort of family and kind of more poignant and pertinent discussions beyond the business.
01:22I think one of the things that's really touching about it is obviously Ran has been diagnosed with Parkinson's and it's explored within the series I mean that really feels like something that adds a new emotional heft to things it must have been quite touching to do that with that as the backdrop on this adventure as well.
01:42Yeah it's interesting to me because Ran is of the generation that doesn't get emotional and you can't get emotional when you're sort of spending 90 days in very inhospitable circumstances or in the army.
01:55You have to think very sort of laterally but it is amazing to me given that both the episodes in Egypt I think about El Alamein when I sat down under a tree in front of a graveyard of thousands of young men some as young as 18 and Ran became very reflective and emotional on that.
02:14He lost his father in the Second World War and so suddenly we pivoted to sort of sand dunes and sort of donutting in cars to a very poignant subject and that's what I love about the series and the same with Return to the Wild and I think Ran's next big adventure which he is battling is Parkinson's.
02:33And that's something that came out of this trip and it was very moving and insightful and incredibly brave of him to admit and talk and open up and hopefully champion others to face this in a brave way like he is.
