针对性柴油补贴落实 第二财长:通胀率料推高至3.5%

  • 4 months ago
八点最热报 | 随着政府推动的针对性柴油补贴机制,第二财长阿米尔韩查透露,市面上的柴油售价,将在今年12月前根据国际油价的起伏,自由浮动,一旦落实,预计通胀率会上涨到3.5%。阿米尔也强调,通胀幅度还在可控范围。(主播:萧慧敏)


00:00Before watching the video, I would like to remind you that there is more content on the Hotpot website.
00:06With the government-promoted targeted fuel subsidy mechanism on the way,
00:10Secretary-General Amir Khanzha revealed that fuel prices on the market will fluctuate freely according to international oil prices before December this year.
00:19Amir said that the current fuel retail price after subsidies is RMB 2.15 per liter,
00:26and there is a huge gap between the actual market price of RMB 3.53 per liter and the RMB 1.35 per liter.
00:33Therefore, it creates an opportunity for the smuggling group to seek violence.
00:37Therefore, the government's reform of subsidies is a necessary measure.
00:41Let's take a look at a group of domestic fast news.
00:44Once the targeted fuel subsidy is implemented, the expected inflation rate will rise to 3.5%.
00:49Secretary-General Amir Khanzha pointed out that China's current inflation rate is 1.9%.
00:54If this new subsidy mechanism can be implemented well,
00:57even if it will cause an impact on inflation, the range is still within the scope of control.
01:09Faced with the reporters' questions,
01:10Secretary-General Yang Qiaoshuang refused to respond to the controversy raised by his husband's company over the Xuezhou government project.
01:18He gave the reason that this issue has nothing to do with the event held by the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Welfare today.
01:25Rufu Regent Dongguo Yismai issued a statement today asking the police to investigate
01:29an incident in which a Longya electric car driver was injured by a royal bodyguard due to a car dispute,
01:34in order to give the victim justice.
01:36He urged the police to cooperate with the investigation.
01:39At the same time, he did not tolerate any means of intimidation.
01:48A giant advertisement sign was suddenly set on fire this afternoon on the road near Badaling.
01:54The smoke kept coming out.
01:56At that time, nine guards were trapped upstairs.
01:58As the fire grew bigger and bigger, fragments were falling from the sky.
02:02The scene was very scary.
02:03Fortunately, the trapped guards were finally rescued.
02:09For more UN videos visit www.un.org
