মৌসুমী বায়ুর দাপটে পশ্চিমবঙ্গে হবে ভারী বৃষ্টি! সতর্কতা জারি কোন কোন জেলায়?

  • 4 months ago
মৌসুমী বায়ুর দাপটে পশ্চিমবঙ্গে হবে ভারী বৃষ্টি! সতর্কতা জারি কোন কোন জেলায়?


00:00 So, uh uh. this is how this is.
00:07 as usual. not this day. Yeah.
00:15 uh uh. not this day. of the.
00:24 of the. uh uh. most part. of the.
00:37 as a result of which. I'm not.
00:44 as a result of which. I'm not.
00:44 as a result of which. I'm not. being. white. on the.
00:53 uh uh. weather forecasting.
00:58 not uh.
01:03 light to moderate. with thunder
01:07 light to moderate. with thunder
01:08 light to moderate. with thunder with thunder. uh special
01:11 with thunder. uh special
01:11 with thunder. uh special distribution.
01:17 uh. June 2nd. white. No. I'm.
01:29 to scatter. scattered. to scatter. to scatter. to scatter.
01:50 to scatter. to scatter. to scatter.
02:05 to scatter. to scatter. to scatter. to scatter. to scatter.
02:18 to scatter. to scatter. to scatter. to scatter. to scatter.
02:38 to scatter. to scatter. to scatter.
02:53 to scatter. to scatter. to scatter. to scatter. to scatter.
03:13 to scatter. to scatter. to scatter.
03:23 uh.
03:33 uh. uh. uh. uh. uh. uh. uh. uh.
03:53 uh. uh. uh. uh. uh. uh. uh. uh.
04:13 uh. uh. uh. uh. uh. uh. uh. uh.
04:33 uh. uh. uh. uh. uh. uh. uh. uh.
04:48 uh. uh. uh. uh. uh. uh. uh. uh.
05:08 uh. uh. uh. uh. uh. uh. uh. uh.
05:28 uh. uh. uh. uh. uh. uh. uh.
05:48 uh.
05:58 uh. uh. uh. uh. uh. uh. uh. uh.
