The World Today on CGTN at 2024/6/1

  • 4 months ago
News and analysis of the biggest business stories from China and across the world. Brought to you from CGTN's European headquarters in London. Watch live each day at 16:00GMT
00:00 [theme music]
00:31 Live from London, this is "The World Today."
00:36 Hello, I'm Andrew Wilson.
00:37 Our top story is this hour.
00:39 A new truce offer.
00:40 The US president unveils a three-phase Israeli proposal
00:44 to end the fighting in Gaza.
00:46 Hamas says it's ready to engage positively and constructively
00:50 with the latest ceasefire plan.
00:53 The party that led South Africa out of its apartheid
00:55 loses its three-decade majority in the country's
00:58 general election.
01:01 And millions of voters in India cast their ballots
01:03 in the final phase of the world's biggest election
01:06 despite the scorching heat.
01:07 US President Joe Biden has unveiled a new Israeli proposal
01:24 to end the conflict in Gaza.
01:26 The deal consists of three stages, which the president
01:29 admits still has details to negotiate.
01:32 The first phase of the plan involves a complete ceasefire.
01:35 Israeli forces would withdraw from populated areas in Gaza,
01:38 and there would be an exchange of some hostages
01:41 and hostage remains for Palestinian prisoners.
01:44 This phase would also include a surge in aid,
01:46 with 600 trucks entering Gaza each day.
01:50 The second phase focuses on a permanent end to hostilities
01:53 and the return of all remaining hostages.
01:56 Israeli forces would withdraw entirely from Gaza.
02:00 And the final phase, which sets this deal apart
02:02 from previous proposals, is a major reconstruction plan
02:06 for Gaza.
02:07 Well, let's talk to our correspondent Jonathan Regev,
02:09 standing by for us in Tel Aviv.
02:11 Jonathan, good to talk to you.
02:13 Have we had any reaction yet from Israel about this proposal?
02:17 Ironically enough, not a lot of reactions from Israel.
02:24 This due to the fact that Biden's speech was given
02:28 on a Friday evening, already inside the Jewish Sabbath.
02:32 And usually, there are no official statements
02:36 in Israel inside the Jewish Sabbath,
02:39 unless it's something very big.
02:41 That is why we've heard from Prime Minister Benjamin
02:43 Netanyahu.
02:44 We have not yet heard from the ministers of the far right,
02:50 Bitzalel Smotrych, Itamar Ben-Gvir,
02:52 who have always expressed opposition to any deal
02:56 which does not eradicate Hamas altogether.
02:59 And this deal does not do it.
03:01 The Jewish Sabbath is set to end in about an hour and a half
03:04 time.
03:05 I'm quite sure we will hear from them once that happens.
03:08 Regarding the comments from Prime Minister Netanyahu,
03:11 we heard from him shortly after the speech last night,
03:14 saying that Israel is fully committed to bringing back
03:17 all the hostages.
03:18 And another statement coming this afternoon,
03:20 saying that Israel is still committed to its three
03:23 basic principles.
03:24 First, basically putting out all of the Hamas military power
03:30 and governmental power.
03:32 That is one issue.
03:33 The second issue, bringing back all the hostages.
03:36 And the third one, making sure that Gaza is no longer
03:39 a threat to Israel.
03:42 The deal, we have to say, does come quite close to that.
03:46 But I'm quite sure that we will hear quite a lot of opposition
03:50 from the far right ministers.
03:51 Expect some statements from them in the coming two hours.
03:54 Of course, that's another group that's heavily invested
03:57 in this whole crisis, is the families of the hostages.
04:00 We know they've been, or some of them,
04:02 have been protesting regularly every weekend
04:05 since this began back in October,
04:07 calling for their release.
04:09 What do we think they'll have to say about this proposal?
04:12 Or indeed, have we heard anything from the families yet?
04:18 Yes, we have. About an hour ago, the hostage family forum
04:23 putting out a statement saying that they are now setting up
04:27 a special emergency force that will make,
04:30 will do everything possible to make sure that in the government
04:34 and in the Israeli parliament, the Knesset,
04:36 there is a majority for what they described as the Netanyahu deal.
04:40 That is what they described as the Netanyahu deal.
04:42 And that is how they see it.
04:45 Something put forward by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu,
04:48 even though we've heard it only from President Biden,
04:51 not from Netanyahu himself.
04:52 The families are saying they will do everything possible
04:55 to make sure that there is a majority in the government,
04:58 in the parliament.
04:59 They're saying this is an opportunity that cannot be missed.
05:03 If anyone of the hostages is still alive in Gaza,
05:06 this is the opportunity to bring them back alive.
05:10 They're stressing that their future is our future.
05:13 That is how they're looking at it.
05:15 The hostages' future is the state of Israel's future.
05:18 And unless this deal is taken, then this will be quite problematic.
05:23 This is something that Israel needs to accept
05:26 in order to make sure the hostages are back.
05:29 Jonathan, thanks very much indeed.
05:30 Jonathan Regev there in Tel Aviv for us.
05:33 Now, Hamas says it views positively the ceasefire deal set out by Biden.
05:38 CGTN's Akram al-Satari is in central Gaza with more.
05:44 Hamas welcomed the proposal and Hamas said they are going to accept
05:48 any proposal that takes into consideration the five main demands
05:52 that were made by Hamas,
05:54 one of which is the full stoppage of the war.
05:56 The second is the full withdrawal of the Israeli army
06:00 from all the Gaza Strip.
06:01 The third of which unhindered access and unimpeded access
06:05 of the humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip
06:09 and allowing full rebuilding of the Gaza Strip.
06:12 The fourth of which is the full release of the Palestinian prisoners,
06:16 which is a controversial issue that has been causing or preventing
06:20 any deal from being finalized between Hamas and Israel.
06:23 Hamas said that several times and they said now that every
06:27 and any proposal that takes into consideration those demands
06:31 would be welcomed and that they would be ready to interact positively
06:34 in any of those proposals without taking into consideration
06:38 those main principles.
06:39 They have been communicating that to the Qataris.
06:41 They have been communicating that to the Egyptians
06:43 and also Egyptians and Qataris have been communicating that
06:46 to the American administration.
06:47 Palestinian factions have been informed by this position.
06:51 They have been informed in the past and now they are informed again.
06:54 It looks like Hamas has been running close consultation
06:57 with all the Palestinian factions and that they're coming unified
07:00 when it comes to accepting that proposal
07:03 and when it comes to asking for the demands to be met
07:06 and asking for the war to stop.
07:08 So now Hamas thinks that the ball is in the Israeli yard or court
07:12 and they're waiting for them to make a decision.
07:15 And Akram reports that two people have been killed in a bombing
07:18 at a school in Gaza City.
07:20 What more do we know about that?
07:21 This is part of an intensified bombardment that has been taking place
07:29 in different parts of the Gaza Strip.
07:31 One of those places is al-Zaytoun neighborhood.
07:34 The south of al-Zaytoun neighborhood has been witnessing
07:37 increased military activity and also Gaza central area
07:40 has been witnessing some military activity.
07:43 One gunshot reached Shuhada al-Aqsa Hospital right behind me
07:46 in this emergency department.
07:47 Other injuries were reported in Rafah.
07:50 So overall the bombardment is still continuous.
07:53 The quadcopters are extremely active.
07:55 They're targeting people.
07:57 They're dropping bombs on people.
07:58 They're identifying the citizens who are trying to flee
08:01 or who are trying to check even on their houses,
08:03 trying to make sure or be assuring themselves
08:06 by trying to find out whether their homes were destroyed
08:08 or were still standing.
08:11 And they end up being targeted and killing.
08:14 The schools were some very special target for in the latest incidents.
08:18 People were killed inside, outside and in the immediate vicinity of the schools.
08:23 And the number of people who are killed in such incidents
08:26 is increasing every day.
08:28 Akram al-Satari there.
08:30 Now Yossi Mekelberg is an associate fellow
08:32 with the Middle East and North Africa program at Chatham House.
08:35 He gave us his assessment of the ceasefire proposal.
08:38 I think it's quite solid and it came on Friday night.
08:44 And so as a result the response to that from certain quarters
08:49 of the Israeli political system is a bit slow
08:51 but we can expect a flurry of responses later.
08:56 But this is something that was negotiated between Israel,
09:01 United States, Qatar, Egypt.
09:03 And it says it's logic, it makes sense.
09:07 Now the question whether the political system can carry it out.
09:13 And that's the big question.
09:15 But as we are looking and you know some was mentioned
09:19 the far right and the religious,
09:22 basically the representative of the settlers in the government.
09:25 On the other hand this will push the national unity,
09:29 the party that leads by Benjamin Gantz and Gadi Eisenkot
09:34 to stay in government.
09:36 This was actually might create a safety net for Netanyahu
09:39 because otherwise Netanyahu might say to them,
09:42 listen if you leave the government now,
09:45 A, it's meets to a certain extent the ultimatum
09:50 that only two weeks ago Benny Gantz said for the government.
09:54 On the other hand if you leave the government
09:57 and the government actually fall because of the right wing,
10:00 you are the one that will stop a ceasefire
10:03 and return of the hostages.
10:04 So it puts Netanyahu in relatively a safe position.
10:10 The question if he trusts enough them to give him a safety net.
10:14 Well it's being sold as an Israeli proposal.
10:17 Does that mean the negotiating team and the Mossad agents
10:20 that are on that negotiating team
10:22 or do you think it's actually coming from
10:24 closer to the Netanyahu cabinet?
10:27 I think that's to get the approval of the Prime Minister
10:32 but also it's a very clever move by President Biden
10:35 to say, you know, this is your proposal.
10:38 This is something we agreed with you.
10:40 Whatever we agreed with you, it must have come
10:42 from at the end of the day being consulted
10:45 with the Prime Minister, the high echelons
10:48 of the Israeli political system.
10:50 Now if you want to be taken seriously,
10:53 you can't go back on your word.
10:56 So this is really put Israel in a position that
10:59 if Hamas accepts it, and it seems that this is for now
11:02 the case, we'll see, and as they said,
11:05 the details are still not there,
11:07 then Israel has to accept it too
11:10 because it comes across as something that is an Israel proposal.
11:14 The main broker of course appears to be the White House,
11:17 no surprises there, but Saudi Arabia is mentioned,
11:20 Jordan, Qatar and Turkey.
11:22 I mean it's a real shift from the days of Camp David
11:24 and Yasser Arafat, isn't it?
11:26 These new players are crucial to any 21st century
11:29 peace process, aren't they?
11:31 Completely, and that's where the Middle East shifted
11:34 and Israel's position in the region shifted.
11:37 You know, the Saudi peace initiative,
11:40 the Arab peace initiative is more than 22 years old now.
11:44 So this is, this country, you know, Jordan, Egypt
11:48 signed peace agreements, peace agreements with Israel,
11:52 the Abraham Accords, and they talk about normalization
11:55 between Israel and Saudi Arabia.
11:57 This is not exactly a secret.
12:00 So it's important for many years,
12:03 issues that have been actually the core of the countries
12:05 that support the peace agreement.
12:07 This has to be a strong regional flavor
12:11 to any progress on the Israeli-Palestinian issue,
12:15 and if there is any silver lining in this horrendous war,
12:19 maybe this is the one.
12:21 You're watching CGTN's "Still to Come."
12:24 Italy's ruling right-wing party
12:26 holds a final rally ahead of next week's
12:28 European parliamentary election.
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13:31 Welcome back.
13:53 A reminder of our headlines.
13:54 A new truce offer.
13:56 The US president unveils a three-phase Israeli proposal
13:59 to end the fighting in Gaza.
14:01 And Hamas says it's ready to engage positively
14:04 and constructively with the latest ceasefire plan.
14:07 The ANC has been in power in South Africa
14:11 since the end of apartheid under Nelson Mandela.
14:14 But three decades of dominance look to come to an end now.
14:18 With 99% of votes counted from Wednesday's general election,
14:22 the ruling party has around 40%,
14:24 and will need coalition partners to govern.
14:27 Many voters are angry at high levels of joblessness,
14:30 economic inequality, and power shortages.
14:33 A new party led by former president Jacob Zuma
14:36 has taken almost 15% of the vote.
14:39 Look at what is happening.
14:40 MK is bringing light to ANC's darkness.
14:43 You know, this is what's happening.
14:45 So call us what you may, but MK Light, yes, yes,
14:48 we are the lights to this darkness.
14:50 Look at what is happening.
14:52 Everyone's lights are switching on because of us, politically.
14:55 And, you know, we're going to continue to ensure, by the way,
14:58 that we keep people in the light, unlike the ANC's darkness of load shedding.
15:02 Our correspondent Reni Delcambre reports now from Cape Town.
15:05 The ANC, of course, the party which ushered in the new South Africa,
15:08 and gave the country its first black president
15:11 in an historic vote in 1994,
15:15 now faces the prospect of claiming victory in an election
15:19 without a clear majority for the very first time in 30 years.
15:24 The official position party, the Democratic Alliance,
15:27 is on 3 million votes at this stage.
15:30 And here's a scenario which few political pundits have predicted.
15:34 Two breakaway parties from the ruling ANC,
15:38 former President Jacob Zuma's MK party,
15:42 the New Kid on the Block, which was launched just under six months ago,
15:46 now standing at 1.8 million votes in this election,
15:51 followed by Julius Malema's party, the EFF, on 1.2 million votes.
15:57 And as we edge closer to the final results,
16:00 the ANC says it will count every last ballot.
16:04 The party says its fighting spirit has kicked in
16:07 and it ain't over until it's over.
16:09 The leadership has said that they had not planned
16:13 for the prospect of going into a coalition government,
16:16 but it's clear that they now face this consequence
16:20 after the seventh election in South Africa.
16:24 Political parties say they are waiting for the official declaration
16:28 of the final results of this election on Sunday.
16:32 They say some tough conversations will have to be had
16:35 as they navigate their way in this new political landscape in South Africa.
16:41 René Dalcamme, CGTN, Cape Town.
16:44 Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni
16:56 and her Brothers of Italy party are holding a final rally
17:00 just days ahead of the European elections.
17:02 With far-right parties forecast to win significantly more seats
17:06 in the European Parliament than they currently hold,
17:09 Meloni has been dubbed a potential kingmaker in Brussels.
17:12 Our correspondent Giles Gibson reports now from Rome.
17:15 Supporters of the Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni
17:19 have come to this square in the heart of Rome
17:21 for the closing rally of her party's European elections campaign.
17:26 Now, unusually for a national leader,
17:28 Giorgia Meloni is actually running as a candidate
17:31 in the European elections, but she said that it's more symbolic
17:34 that she's not actually going to take up her seat.
17:37 Her party, the Fratelli d'Italia, or the Brothers of Italy,
17:41 has been riding high in the polls at around 27% of support
17:45 amongst Italian voters.
17:47 That compares to the opposition Democratic Party
17:50 that's been trailing by around seven points.
17:53 Meanwhile, her coalition partners, the League and the Forza,
17:56 and the Fratelli d'Italia, both fellow right-wing parties,
17:59 have failed to get out of the single digit so far in the polls.
18:04 Now, speaking to supporters of Meloni here at this rally,
18:07 they've been telling us that the two most important issues
18:10 in this election for them are migration
18:13 and changing the European Union.
18:16 Migration is an important issue
18:19 because we support controlled migration.
18:22 We absolutely don't want to help people smugglers.
18:25 We don't want people to come here if they have the right to work in Italy.
18:29 Immigration is not controlled anymore.
18:32 It hasn't been under control for years.
18:35 For a long time, there's been a lot of immigrants.
18:38 Now, the opposition Democratic Party has been highly critical
18:41 of the Meloni government's policy when it comes to migration,
18:44 saying that the Italian government should actually be running
18:47 search and rescue operations in the Mediterranean Sea.
18:51 Meanwhile, the slogan of the Brothers of Italy party
18:54 in these elections has been that Italy is changing Europe,
18:58 and Giorgia Meloni could certainly end up in a highly influential position
19:02 once these elections wrap up.
19:04 And that's because the European Conservatives and Reformists group,
19:08 which Brothers of Italy is part of,
19:10 is forecast to be the second largest group in the next European Parliament.
19:15 Now, there have been recently these reports of tensions
19:18 between Giorgia Meloni and Ursula von der Leyen,
19:21 who are planning to stay on as the president of the European Commission.
19:25 But if Meloni's wider group does indeed become the second largest group
19:30 in the next European Parliament, then Ursula von der Leyen
19:33 could be relying on Meloni's support to keep her job.
19:37 Giles Gibson for CGTN, Rome.
19:40 And as we just heard from Giles,
19:42 reducing migration is a central focus for Meloni's supporters.
19:46 But six months ago, she acknowledged that she'd not been able
19:49 to fulfil her pledge to curb the inflow.
19:52 She called it the most complex phenomenon she'd ever had to deal with.
19:56 But behind the rhetoric are personal stories.
19:59 CGTN's Jamie Owen went to meet one migrant who, for decades,
20:02 has called Italy home.
20:04 Many Italians from a migrant background are less concerned
20:11 with whether Meloni is delivering on her promises,
20:14 but more worried about the impact of her party's anti-immigration rhetoric.
20:19 Steve Emojuro was a refugee from the Biafran War in Nigeria over 40 years ago,
20:26 and despite some horrific experiences,
20:29 tries to build bridges between cultures.
20:32 What kind of racism have you had to deal with?
20:40 Some time ago, I was beaten up by four people,
20:44 that I should go back to my country, that this is not my country.
20:49 I had to be rushed to the hospital.
20:52 I lived this on my own body.
20:56 It's one of the reasons why I insisted in interculture,
20:59 because when the people know about your life,
21:04 your tradition, your culture,
21:06 maybe it will bring down the rate of discrimination and racism.
21:13 So I know Italy is a very good country.
21:17 I love Italy.
21:20 I'm an Italian.
21:22 Despite that optimism and willingness to connect,
21:26 he has a cynical view of the motives of radical right politicians.
21:35 As a continent, Africa is being used for campaign,
21:41 putting fears into the Italian citizens,
21:45 that Africans who have come here to substitute the Italian community.
21:51 So they have been earning, getting their votes,
21:55 talking against Africa, talking against blacks,
21:59 discriminating against blacks.
22:01 So they are using the discrimination, racism, to earn votes.
22:06 For European election, it will be the worst.
22:10 You can see more of our coverage of the far right in Europe later this month
22:14 in a new two-part documentary.
22:16 We'll be looking at how unauthorized immigration has been used
22:19 by right-wing politicians as a way to win votes.
22:22 You can find it soon on CGTN Europe's YouTube channel.
22:27 Millions of voters in India are casting their ballots
22:30 in the final phase of the world's biggest election.
22:33 The seventh stage of the poll is taking place amid record high temperatures.
22:37 Our correspondent, Ravindra Bhawa, reports now from Delhi.
22:41 The marathon exercise which lasted for almost six weeks
22:46 is now coming to an end.
22:48 Now all eyes are on the exit polls and the poll results
22:52 which will be announced on the 4th of June.
22:55 The voters are now waiting to see the kind of mandate they have given,
22:59 which party is going to come to power.
23:01 At the same time, the political parties are also awaiting these results.
23:04 We did not see that much of enthusiasm this year in the elections
23:08 which we usually see because the voter percentage has been lower.
23:12 It is much lower than what it was in 2019.
23:16 So that has been because there was heatwave
23:19 which was overshadowing the elections this year
23:22 and the voters were also not so...
23:24 You know, there were a little disillusioned,
23:26 issues like unemployment, issues like inflation
23:30 have been raised by the opposition
23:32 while the party in power has been raising issues
23:36 of the kind of work they have done and what they want to...
23:39 and their vision about India.
23:41 Of course, campaigning saw many phases, many turns and ups and downs
23:45 and we did see this year the campaigning has really, you know,
23:49 fallen below the standard because mostly leaders were attacking each other
23:53 rather than talking about a vision of their party
23:56 and what they will do for the next five years.
23:58 But surely now the ballot has been cast,
24:01 the counting is going to begin,
24:03 the counting will begin with the postal ballot
24:05 followed by the votes recorded in the EVM.
24:09 The president will invite the majority party
24:11 who gets 272 seats to come and form the government
24:15 and in case there is a hung parliament,
24:17 president will invite that party which has the largest number of seats
24:21 and they will have to prove on the floor of the house
24:24 their majority along with their allies.
24:26 So now all eyes on 4th of June when the results will be out.
24:30 Till then there will be, you know,
24:32 people are now breathing a sigh of relief,
24:34 especially the poll personnel, the election commission
24:37 who have been involved in this marathon exercise
24:40 which lasted for six weeks.
24:42 Another mayoral candidate has been killed in Mexico
24:45 ahead of the country's elections being held on Sunday.
24:48 Jorge Huerta Cabrera was shot dead on Friday
24:51 at a political rally in central Mexico.
24:54 His wife and colleague were injured in the attack.
24:56 The killing takes the number of assassinated candidates
24:59 in this election cycle to 37.
25:02 At least 20 people including women and children
25:05 have drowned after a boat sank while crossing a river in eastern Afghanistan.
25:09 Officials in Nangarhar province said around 25 people
25:13 were on board the wooden vessel when it capsized.
25:17 Live Nation, the owner of Ticketmaster,
25:20 has confirmed unauthorized activity on its database
25:24 and says it's investigating the breach.
25:26 It comes after a cybercrime group said they'd stolen the personal details
25:30 including names, addresses and partial credit card details
25:34 of 560 million Ticketmaster users worldwide.
25:38 The hackers are reportedly demanding $500,000 ransom payment
25:42 to prevent the data from being sold to other parties.
25:46 Now, heading into orbit,
25:50 these are live pictures as Boeing's Starliner astronaut capsule
25:55 is preparing to lift off from NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
26:00 See the smoke there coming from the rockets.
26:03 The launch, the first time the spacecraft has flown with people on board,
26:07 will take two astronauts to the International Space Station.
26:11 Boeing hopes to compete with Elon Musk's SpaceX for commercial spaceflight
26:16 but its mission has been beset by delays.
26:19 The astronauts have also been forced to leave their luggage behind
26:22 after NASA had to make room for a new pump for the International Space Station.
26:27 That's there, about to happen any minute now.
26:31 Our top stories one more time.
26:34 A new truce offer. The US president unveils a three-phase Israeli proposal
26:38 to end the fighting in Gaza.
26:40 Hamas says it's ready to engage positively and constructively
26:44 with the latest ceasefire plan.
26:47 And the party that led South Africa out of apartheid
26:50 loses its three-decade majority in the country's general election.
26:55 And that is the World Today. Thanks for watching.
26:57 There's more news on CGTN Europe's channel on the Telegram app
27:01 or scan the QR code on the screen to get stories and updates sent direct to your phone.
27:07 More news at the top of the hour coming up next.
27:09 It's The Agenda with Juliet Mann.
27:11 For now, from all of the team in London, goodbye.
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