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Melissa | show | 2005| S1 | Official Trailer | dHNzX0stU2FqWVNONHU4


00:00 [MUSIC]
00:04 It's called Monument Day because we are all monuments to the past.
00:08 [MUSIC]
00:14 My dad is off laying the groundwork to change the world.
00:18 [MUSIC]
00:19 To someday far in the future, get us back to where we were.
00:24 It may take generations to regain the level of sophistication our science will need.
00:29 But my father has started the journey for us all.
00:32 [MUSIC]
00:36 There are 9,671 people here.
00:39 This is your life.
00:42 You have to have seen enough to know what that means.
00:47 The city is like ten times bigger and cooler than this place.
00:52 It's all gonna be gone by the time I'm old enough to decide to go see it by myself.
00:57 We're gonna be gone.
00:59 We are the masters of our fate.
01:02 How do we form our fate?
01:05 You really think the world's gonna end?
01:07 You didn't want dad to go, but he went and now he may be in trouble.
01:11 If we get there, I mean, what's gonna happen?
01:13 If we get there, we'll be different.
01:16 We'll be ready.
01:18 [MUSIC]
01:33 I came out here to see what the world is, start to finish.
01:38 I don't intend to finish before I start.
01:41 You should be scared every time.
01:46 Every single time that you are outside those walls.
01:50 [MUSIC]
01:59 I need to make my life count.
02:02 It's all I can do.
02:05 Really, it's all any of us can do.
02:08 We are the Endlings.
02:12 [MUSIC]
02:33 So, uh, that's what you get.
02:37 [MUSIC]
