00:00Le capital des profondes, pour son engagement à la loi de la mer.
00:04Au-delà de l'albatross, la penitentiaire, les criminels les plus dangereux sont gardés dans des boulots de poisson.
00:11Et les mecs de la maison, les pognons, les vagabondes, les tueurs et les merdouels sont fermés en un tank de poisson.
00:21Escape from Albatross
00:33I had recaptured Rolf after his escape from the aquarium. That day, I was bringing him back to the prison.
01:18Hi there, may we come in? Come on, move it! And bend down!
01:26I'm bringing back your prisoner. It sure wasn't easy.
01:32Rolf! Daddy! Oh, Daddy! I was hoping you'd be here!
01:39Well, where else would I be? Oh, Rolf, I'm so proud of you!
01:43Will you put me down, you big old...
01:45George! You're as rotten as ever!
01:49Hey, you two! Cut out the smokes!
01:53I'm sorry!
01:55One shot to go!
02:03George, here you are at last! Sorry if the guards were nasty, we can brook no more delay!
02:08As of today, we must tell the guards of your ingenious plan straight away!
02:13Sergeant, come here! Lend an ear!
02:16I'm here on a secret mission with the permission of the warden.
02:19The idea is for me to get the three thugs I'll be locked up with to tell me where they've hidden their fabulous booty.
02:25To do that, I'll get them to escape, and you will help.
02:30Now, here's our plan. First, I'll have to try and gain their confidence.
02:34As soon as I feel that they trust me enough, I'll convince them...
02:37I was paddling around without an oar. George was in prison. I had to get him out of there.
02:42For the first time in my life, I was to become an outlaw.
02:46Let me go! Let me go, you big oaf!
02:49Well, well, well!
02:51George, isn't that a small world? Are you taking a little vacation?
02:56Yeah, but I tell you, I'm not gonna stay and rot in here!
03:00So, you've turned into a crook!
03:03You're wanted for bank robbery, huh?
03:06And you expect us to believe that?
03:09Don't anybody move, you maggots! And listen up real good!
03:12Hey! Oh, just take it easy now!
03:15Hey, George is getting tough, huh? Huh, boss?
03:39Oh, no!
04:10Oh, shit!
04:23This time, I got you, middle!
04:26Not so fast!
04:30Now, listen up! Here's what we're gonna do!
04:33Yes, boss!
04:40What the?
04:42Let's have a look at you!
04:48Good! Follow me!
04:52Hey, look!
04:54I'm a real crook!
04:56Hey, look at me!
04:58I'm a real crook!
05:00I'm a real crook!
05:02Hey, look at me!
05:04I'm a real crook!
05:07Good! Follow me!
05:09Now, does everyone understand?
05:11The plan is to allow the prisoners to escape and lead us to their hideout.
05:15Yes, sir!
05:21Hey, here's one now! Do we let him through?
05:23Of course not! That's not one of...
05:32Don't worry, I'll take care of it!
06:37George became a prisoner doing his civil duty.
06:39We devised a plan to find the thug's booty.
06:41Because of you, the plan's destroyed.
06:43Will someone please eject this noise?
06:48What's this?
06:50George's handwriting!
06:55You wanted to find out where our hideout was?
06:57Well, here it is!
07:02It sure is pretty, huh, boss?
07:04Nova, get him!
07:06The Mountain of the Three Sirens!
07:08Let's go! Not a moment to lose!
07:12Come on, hurry up!
07:14The train is waiting! There, you see, George?
07:17I didn't forget you!
07:20This'll keep you company!
07:30Happy landing, you double-crosser!
07:33To the South Seas!
07:57Squid, head for the station!
08:04So long, Chicago! Now we're home free!
08:10The train is leaving!
08:14Here, you take over!
08:34George, you okay?
08:36No problem! Thanks, old whale!