Spectacvla Anticva – borbe gladijatora u Areni (gladiator fights in the Arena) #pula #croatia

  • 4 months ago
Amfiteatar u Puli, Hrvatska, 29. srpnja 2015. / Amphitheater in Pula, Croatia, July 29th, 2015.

Tisuće gledatelja posljednjih godina u pulsku Arenu privlači jedinstveni spektakl borbi gladijatora. Radi se o Spectacvli Antiqvi, manifestaciji koja se od lipnja do rujna održava u amfiteatru i kojom se simuliraju gladijatorske borbe, jednako atraktivne i zanimljive kao i u doba starog Rima iako srećom ne završavaju smrću kao ondašnje.

Spectacvla Antiqva svoje gledatelje upoznaje s tradicijom koja seže sve do četvrtog stoljeća prije Krista. Gladijatorske borbe u Areni oživljavaju duh i mentalitet ondašnji ljudi, oživljavaju vrijeme gladijatorskih borbi u kojima nije bilo milosti, a bile su pomno organizirane i izuzetno popularne.

Spectacvla antikqva ne nudi gledateljima samo uzbuđenje gladijatorskih borbi već ih narator svojom pričom na zanimljiv, duhovit i edukativan način uvodi u davno doba Rimskog carstva.

Današnji gladijatori bore se pravim oružjem i u pravoj odori, replikama starorimskih koje sami izrađuju. Po završetku programa gledatelji se mogu fotografirati sa gladijatorima i razgledati njihovu opremu.
Over the past years, the unique gladiator fights spectacle has attracted thousands of visitors to the Arena of Pula. From June to September, the event known as Spectacvla Antiqva, which takes place in the Roman arena, recreates gladiator fights. These gladiator fights are just as attractive and interesting as in Roman times, but luckily, they do not end in death as the ancient ones.

Spectacvla Antiqva introduces its spectators to the tradition from the 4th century BC. Gladiator fights in the Arena evoke the spirit and mentality of ancient times; reviving the days of gladiator fights, which were carefully organized and extremely popular, yet brutal with no mercy.

Spectacvla Antiqva offers spectators not only the excitement of gladiator fights but also introduces them to life in the Roman Empire, presented by a narrator in an interesting, humorous, and educational way.

Today’s gladiators fight with real weapons, dressed in authentic clothing, wearing protective body armor, all hand-made replicas of ancient Roman ones. At the end of the program, visitors can take photos with gladiators and admire their unique equipment.


#pula #pola #istra #istria #hrvatska #croatia #jadran #adriatic

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